Invoice/Credit Request Instructions

Prepared By

Cheryl Seargent

Finance Department

Updated August 2008


These are internal documentsfor use when an invoice is required for an ‘external’ customer to recover monies for the supply of goods and/or services provided by the University.

A copy of this form can be accessed on the Intranet under: Staff Information Point/Finance/Sales Income.

YSJUniversity requests need to be printed on ‘orange’ paper.

1.1It is important that the correct company title is quoted on the request (many customers are unable to pay invoices that have been addressed incorrectly).

1.2The address and contact details need to be completed as fully as possible including names of any contacts within the organisation (this information may be required when pursuing unpaid debts).

1.3If the customer has provided the University with a Purchase Order the number needs to be quoted on the request and a copy attached for our records (many customers are unable to pay invoices without a valid Purchase Order Number).

1.4Enter the date the invoice request has been prepared and sent to Finance.

1.5Give a detailed description of the goods or services the University has supplied including any narrative that the customer may have requested.

1.6‘The account number to be credited’– this MUST be supplied in full and is a 10 digit code made up as in the following example:

Company - is ‘1’ for YSJUniversity activities..

Cost Centre – this is the budget code that relates to your department/faculty

Detail – this is the income detail code that relates to the nature of the supply – (it is important that this is an INCOME code and not an expenditure code, please contact a member of the Management Accounts Team for details of all the codes that are available for your cost centre and for any new codes that may need setting up).

Vat – this is always ‘8’ for sales income.

1.7Specify the amount in sterling net of VAT for each line of the invoice.

1.8Calculate the ‘Subtotal’ for the entire invoice net of VAT.

1.9Calculate the VAT (17.5%) for the entire invoice where appropriate (if it is uncertain whether the supply is VATable, please contact a member of the Finance Team/Sales).

1.10Enter the total for the invoice including VAT.

1.11All invoice requests must be signed by the Budget Holder for the cost centre that the income is related to. It is also useful to enter a contact name and extension number, for the person who has prepared the request, should any queries arise.

Once completed, all Invoice Request forms must be returned to the Finance Office with any supporting documentation for processing. Any correspondence that needs to accompany the invoice, for the customers attention, should to be sent in duplicate so that one copy can be kept on file for our records.


These are internal documents for use when an invoice, that has already been processed, to an external customer needs cancelling or amending.

A copy of this form can be accessed on the Intranet under: Staff Information Point/Finance/Sales Income.

YSJUniversity requests need to be printed on ‘orange’ paper.

2.1 Complete as for ‘Invoice Requests’ (detailed above), giving a full description of the reasons for the cancellation/amendments.

2.2Enter the original YSJ invoice number that the credit relates to (available from Finance if unknown).

Once completedforward to the Finance Office for processing.