Wandsworth County Court Volunteer Application

Please fill in the form below and e-mail/post to the address on the final page. Once we have received your application, we may ask you to attend an informal interview as part of the recruitment process.

Please note: we ask all volunteers to commit to a minimum of 2 days per month for a year.

Contact information

Home Phone
Mobile Phone
E-mail Address

Why are you interested in volunteering for the PSU?

Please explain why you want to volunteer for the Personal Support Unit in 200 words or less.

Previous experience

Please provide a summary of any recent relevant experience (e.g. job,/course/project/volunteering) you believe is relevant to your application.

Other skills and languages

If you can speak any languages other than English, please list them below. If you possess any other skills or experiences you think may be useful to the PSU (fundraising / IT/ web design/ etc.) please also list them here.


Please give the names and addresses of two people (not related to you) who can provide a written reference for you. Ideally at least one referee should know you in a professional capacity.
First referee / Second Referee
Name / Name
Address / Address
Postcode / Postcode
Home Phone / Home Phone
Mobile Phone / Mobile Phone
E-mail / E-mail

Person to notify in case of emergency

Home Phone
Mobile Phone

Personal information

Do you have any significant health problems or disabilities? YES/NO (delete as appropriate)
Please include details below so reasonable adjustments can be made and we can support you during your time with us.
How did you hear about the PSU?
Please delete as appropriate
PSU poster/leaflet
Search Engine
Through University
Other (please state):

Agreement and signature

I declare that all of the information included in this application is accurate.
Name (printed)

Equal opportunities

The PSU an equal opportunities organisation. We never forget the inequality our clients suffer as a result of appearing in court without a lawyer, which can be compounded by their special needs and / or economic or social status. We check regularly that equality is
(1) an essential element of our recruitment, training and induction programme. Volunteers are only chosen if they are able to support clients with complex and challenging needs.
(2) A core part of our house style and values. All clients are welcomed on arrival and we aim to see all clients straight away.
(3) A consistent driver of all our development activity.
(4) Being modelled by staff and volunteers who challenge inappropriate behaviour or attitudes.

Once completed, please email this form to or send (marked private and confidential) to:

Katrina Hollis

Room M104

Royal Courts of Justice





September 2016