Primer Curso Language Arts 2011

Colegio Americano de Guayaquil

Mr. Dixon - Room 18

First Assignment – MY JOURNAL

Description: In this assignment you will decorate your journal and cover it with images and words that describe you. Who are you? How would you describe your character? What images and quotes describe you?


Your journal must:

·  Be no-espiral style

·  Be covered with contact paper

·  Include a name you want me to call you and a recognizable photo of you

·  Include at least 5 character traits

·  Include at least 5 other facts about you

·  Include interesting images that describe you and your interests

·  Have this quote on the front cover:

“Close the door. Write with no one looking over your shoulder. Don’t try to figure out what others want to hear from you. Figure out what you have to say.”

--Barbara Kingsolver

Have this quote on the back cover:

“I think I did pretty well, considering I started out with a bunch of blank paper.”

--Steve Martin


TOTAL: /20

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Picture and Name / no photo, no name / photo but no name or name but no photo / recognizable, full name used / almost recognizable, name to call / recognizable photo, name to call you
(Character traits)Adjectives / less than 2 traits / 2-3 traits / 3-4 traits / 5 traits (boring words – nice, cool, fun are used) not easy to read / at least 5 original traits, easy to read
Facts / 1-2 facts about you and your hobbies or interests are written / 3-4 facts about you and your hobbies or interests are written / at least 5 facts about you and your hobbies or interests are written / at least 5 facts about you and your hobbies or interests are clearly written / at least 5 interesting facts about you and your hobbies or interests are clearly written
Presentation / quotes not included, journal is not covered with contact paper, images are inappropriate / quotes not included, journal is not covered with contact paper, images are appropriate / one quote is included, journal is covered with contact paper, images are appropriate / both quotes are included, journal is covered with contact paper, images are appropriate / neat, full of color and images, both quotes are included, journal is covered with contact paper, images are appropriate