Animal Farm WebQuest

A WebQuest for 9th Grade English

Designed by:

Heather Poston

Are you ready to get your hands dirty with all the farm work? If so, click the links below to navigate through this WebQuest!

Introduction|Task|Process|Evaluation|Conclusion|Credits|Teacher Page

Last updated on November 9, 2008. Based on a template fromThe WebQuest Page

Questions or comments? Please e-mail the creator at


Introduction|Task|Process|Evaluation|Conclusion|Credits|Teacher Page

Upon completing George Orwell's novel, Animal Farm, you probably noticed many ways in which the powerful and intelligent animals took advantage of the weak and ignorant animals on the farm. Is just doesn't seem right, does it? Orwell wasn't only writing a critique on the Russian Revolution and communism, but he was writing about the injustices that take place whenever someone or something strong and powerful rules over the helpless. It can be seen throughout history and even in our country today. But what can anyone do about it?

When people rise up together against something they don't like, or when they stand up for what they believe in, it is often called protesting.

In this WebQuest, you will be researching about the techniques that the pigs used in the novel to gain and maintain power. Then, you are going to research how propaganda has been used in the past. Lastly, you will be creating your own form of propaganda about an issue you are passionate about that many people may not know a lot about because the "powerful and strong" are preventing them from understanding the injustices that are actually taking place.


Introduction|Task|Process|Evaluation|Conclusion|Credits|Teacher Page

Students will be expected to

  • read about propaganda
  • understand the different forms of propaganda and how each form is effective
  • recognize and analyze the types of propaganda used in Animal Farm and how they worked
  • write an essay describing the effectiveness of propaganda in Animal Farm, using your newly-acquired information
  • think of a social, economic, or political issue that you are passionate about and research it
  • create your own form of propaganda to present to the class about your issue

Each student will be creating their own form of propaganda to demonstrate what he or she is protesting. Examples can include videos, PowerPoint presentations, fliers, newsletters, artwork, music, etc. Be creative! If you are unsure as to whether or not your form of propaganda is acceptable, please ask.


Introduction|Task|Process|Evaluation|Conclusion|Credits|Teacher Page

Follow the directions below in numerical order in order to best accomplish the task set forth in this Webquest.

1. First, you want to do your background research! What exactly is propaganda? What types of propaganda are out there? How is each type of propaganda effective? When has propaganda been used in history? Do we see propaganda in our day-to-day lives? Check out these websites. Be sure to read thoroughly and take notes!

The History Channel EncyclopediaThis website will provide you with a clear definition of propaganda, as well as historical examples of propaganda uses. Examples of propaganda are also provided.

Propaganda CriticThis website will provide a definition of propaganda as well as various techniques of propaganda that are commonly used. The site also explores the logic used in propaganda. There are clear examples of wartime propaganda listed for you to explore.

Changing MindsThis website lists the common propaganda techniques and includes more propaganda links. Modern uses of propaganda are also provided.

2. Next, you need to think back on the novel. What propaganda techniques were used? How did the pigs manipulate the rules to fit their needs? Use your research on propaganda to find examples of it used in Animal Farm. Write down the page numbers of key passages in which propaganda use was evident.

3. Type an essay on the propaganda uses in Animal Farm. Describe which methods of propaganda were predominately used in the novel and how they were effective in achieving a desired result. Cite specific passages from the book as well as citing research about propaganda. This essay should follow the guidelines we adhere to in class and should include a Works Cited page.

4. Now that you know about the ways in which propaganda were used in novel, it's your turn to create your own piece of propaganda! Think of an issue that concerns you - homelessness, healthcare, hunting gun regulations, driving rights, Euthanasia, animal testing, school uniforms, smoking in public places, etc. You are going to take a stance on the issue, then research it in enough depth to create some manipulative propaganda! You will be presenting your propaganda to the class.

Your propaganda can include:

  • video
  • PowerPoint presentation
  • graphs and charts
  • brochure
  • newsletter
  • artwork
  • original song/music

Start your quest by researching your topic onThe Opposing Viewpoints Website.Use the log-in information provided to you in class. You can research many controversial topics on this site and it will offer research and information from multiple perspectives on each topic.

Note- Please use common sense and decency when presenting and choosing a topic. School-appropriate topics should be chosen and let's avoid some of the extremely touchy issues- abortion and gay marriage. Please do not be offensive in the way in which you present your propaganda.


Introduction|Task|Process|Evaluation|Conclusion|Credits|Teacher Page

You will be graded on your typed essay about propaganda in relation to Animal Farm.This grading rubricwill be used when scoring your essay. Be sure your typed paper meets the following requirements:

  • Typed, two-pages long, double spaced and written in MLA format
  • Includes in-text citations and works cited page
  • Describes what propaganda is, how it is used, what techniques there are, examples of techniques, etc. Use your Internet research for this and be sure to cite your work
  • Analyze the use of propaganda in the novel- How was it used? Who utilized it? What types of propaganda were used? Cite specific examples from the book.
  • Describe why you think the pigs were successful in implementing propaganda on the farm


Introduction|Task|Process|Evaluation|Conclusion|Credits|Teacher Page

Congratulations on completing this activity! Not only have you figured out the manipulative ways in which the pigs took power in the novel, you also have found out about how the same techniques were used in history--and even still today!Do you think that there will ever come a time in which propaganda techniques will no longer be used? Do you think the public will one day realize that they are being manipulated, even when it comes to choosing which fast food restaurant to dine at? Think about it!

Credits and References

Introduction|Task|Process|Evaluation|Conclusion|Credits|Teacher Page

Many images were used from Microsoft Clipart. Other artwork came from the following sources:

  • Image on Task page-
  • Image on Evaluation page -
  • Image on Process page-

Teacher Page

Introduction|Task|Process|Evaluation|Conclusion|Credits|Teacher Page

I hope you have enjoyed my WebQuest! If you have any questions about the WebQuest, please feel free to e-mail me ator. I would love your input!

Last updated on November 9, 2008. Based on a template fromThe WebQuest Page

Questions or comments? Please e-mail the creator at