P.O. BOX 1462 PAONIA, CO 81428

On April 19, 2017 at 7:02pm, the regular meeting of the Board of the Bone Mesa Domestic Water District was held. This meeting was called to order at the Paonia Library Community Room by Tom Gillespie, President. Chris Smith, Secretary was present, establishing a quorum. Viva Kellogg was also present. Andrea Wang and John Clawson were unable to attend.

Tom Gillespie made a motion to approve the March 15, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes.

Chris Smith seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

Public Comments: There were no public comments.

Old Business:

-  Water Flow Reports: Tom will have for March next month.

-  ORC Report: Tom reported the K-25 Rd. monitor meter was installed, the 4050 Rd. leak was repaired, and John will look for a leak at Marvis Cope’s meter.

-  Report of Treasurer: Viva Kellogg gave the report in Andrea’s absence. Bank account balances as of March 31, 2017 were: Checking: $22,087.63, Money Market: $109,085.63, and Installations Reserve: $15,022.11. Income was $7,762.83 plus $14.54 interest income, expenses were $5,739.25 and net income was $2,023.58.

-  Water Tank Painting Bid: Chris reported that Amairitek accepted the payment plan and work will start on June 5. Viva Kellogg brought the check to be signed for the $35,000 downpayment due May 1. The Board approved John’s preliminary work to get ready for the tank painting.

-  O&M Manual Progress: Chris Smith attended the USDA Workshop in a Box re grants.

New Business:

-  Viva Kellogg reported that Mitch Gerschten with Pitkin Mesa Water District called regarding a letter they plan to submit to BLM.

-  Bill Payments: Tom Gillespie made a motion to approve the check register for the current checks to be signed. Chris Smith seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:38pm. Checks were signed.

Tom Gillespie, President Viva Kellogg, Meeting Secretary