NWCCU Steering Committee
Present: Michael B., matt, Rachel, David, Brent, Jane, Sharon, Mike C., Curt, Shelia, and George
After discussion the committee recommended that the following generic statement be sent to each of the DRTC’s for possible inclusion in the Departmental Bylaws. The recommended statement will need a preamble that explains the purpose and the reason for inclusion.
“The DRTC will consider evidence of outcomes assessment activities and efforts toward Continuous Quality Improvement in all its evaluations.”
We discussed and agreed:
· First SWAT analysis will be due from the sub-committees to the Steering Committee in early April.
· We need to form a Editorial Committee ASAP to establish a writing template for the subcommittees: Possible inclusion would include Rachel, Jane, Tasneem and MS
· If a College is not represented on the subcommittee – include the Department Chairs and the Dean in all email correspondence
· Jane reminded all – as we begin to find – GAPS – it is essential that we talk with the subcommittees that are also responsible for similar components of the report. It is much easier to address things early than after much of the “hay has been put in the barn.”
Standard 1 – First Tuesday of each month MS will meet with the Cabinet for an hour. The Cabinet will constitute this committee. First order of business will be to review and recommend a clear concise mission and vision statement.
1A. Institutional Mission & Goals
1B. Planning and Effectiveness
Mary Susan Fishbaugh, Chr.
Representatives from the Cabinet
Bob Carr
Standard 2 – No Report
2A. General Requirements
Tasneem Khaleel, Chr.
Barb Pedula
Faculty Senator
Student Senator
Advising center
Faculty from each college
2B. Educational Program Planning and Assessment – No Report
Tasneem Khaleel and Barb Pedula, Co-Chrs.
Mike Barber
George White
Kirk Lacy
Joe Floyd
Keith Edgerton
President ASMSUB
Craig MacKenzie
Ken Miller
Tom Hinthorn
Ernie Randolphi
Sharon Hobbs
2C Undergraduate Program – The sub-committee is just about finalized and will have the first meeting later in the week.
Rachel Schaffer, Chr.
Lisa Kimmerer
Kathy O’Brian
Sandy Reitz
Susan Gilbertz
Doxy Hatch
Jeff Sanders
Patricia Vettel-Becker
Dixey Metheny
Sue Barfield
Dan Gretch
UCC member
Faculty member COT
Faculty member COB
Faculty member Allied Health
2D. Graduate Program – The Graduate Council is serving as the working group for the Graduate Standards. They have decided to divide the duties by College and write to the standards from the individual College prospective and then to blend the college reports into a singular threaded report. College reports are due to the Grad Council on April 7th. Care needs to be taken to appropriately liaison (David and Shelia) with Standard 4 – Faculty on the graduate expectations.
2E. Graduate Faculty and Related Resources
2F. Graduate Records and Academic Credit
George White and Sheila McGinnis, Co-Chrs.
Graduate Committee
2G. Continuing Education and Special Learning Activities, Off Campus and other Special Programs, Providing Academic Credit
2H. Non-Credit Programs and Courses
Kirk Lacy, Chr. – No Report
Bob Carr
Sharon Weatherwax-Ripley
Kim Schweikert
Adam Sundstrom
Bruce Whittenberg
Kim Gillan
Becky Ketterling
Kellie Zeitner
Mary Susan Fishbaugh
Tony Hecimovic
Cheri Johannes
Ron Lambert
Steve Forsch
Mike Campbell
Policy 2.1 General Education/Related Instruction Requirements – No Report
Policy 2.2 Educational Assessment –No report
Policy 2.3. Credit for Experiential Learning – No Report
Amy Beatty, Chr.
Cheri Johannes
The person with current knowledge of this is Amy Beatty at the COT.
Cheri Johannes works with the CLEP and ACE-evaluated military credit.
Policy 2.4 Study Abroad Programs – The Study Abroad Committee will serve as this sub-committee. We need to open the dialogue and give them their charge
Analicia Pianca, Chr.
Analicia Pianca works closely with our agreements with partner study abroad institutions
St. John Robinson has been active with the International Studies Steering Committee
Mary McNally and Mike Campbell have worked with study abroad experiences in China and Japan
Policy 2.5 Transfer and Award of Academic Credit – No Report
Cheri Johannes, Chr.
This is a major responsibility for the Registrar
Academic Senate representation is crucial
Amy Beaty could add to this from the Credit for Prior Experiential Learning
Advising Center
Department Chair
Policy 2.6 Distance Delivery of Courses, Certificate and Degree Programs –No Report
Kirk Lacy, Chr.
Bob Carr
Marlow Ockfen
Rob Massee
Jennifer Moser
Ron Lambert
Janna Myers
Dan Gross
Matt Redinger
Sharon Hobbs
Cindy Dell
Pat Holman
Brian Gurney
Barb Pedula
Craig McKenzie
Sheila McGinnis
John Cech
Brent Roberts
Standard 3. Students – Have made assignments to the responsible parties and all are working toward the timeline. Curt reported we have nearly a 1000 responses to the Noel Levitz student satisfaction survey. Pat and Trudy are attending a Student Assessment Conference this summer.
Policy 3.1 Institutional Advertising, Student Recruitment, and Representation of Accredited Status
Curt Kochner, Chr.
Gary Gray
Cheri Johannes
Jeannie McIsaac-Tracy
Tammi Miller
Shelly Andersen
Pat Reuss
Tracie Overberg
Faculty Members
Portfolios/ Student Learning Assessment
Standard 4. Faculty – Matt reported the committee is together and ready to begin. Was reminded to include David and Shelia as liaisons for graduate components
Matt Redinger, Chr.
Joy Honea
Tom Rust
Susan Baack
Farzad Farsio
Joe Howell
Tim Urbaniak
Doug Brown
Pat Amundsen
Sandra Haley
Allied Health
Standard 5. Library – Jane reported the sub-committee is underway. Planning on surveying stakeholders with a new instrument – Brent will receiving training on administering the instrument in near future
Jane Howell, Chr.
Brent Roberts
Sharon Hobbs
Tom Rust
Cheryl Hoover
Scott Martin (student)
Mari Jaynes
Standard 6. Governance & Administration – See Standard 1 report
Mary Susan Fishbaugh, Chr.
Representatives from the Cabinet
Bob Carr
Standard 7. Financial Resources – Committee is up and going. Shared with Mike that the Fiscal Affairs division is undergoing a massive review that will make this task easier. He needs to work closely with Trudy C and Terri I. in the initial efforts.
Mike Campbell, Chr.
Terri Iverson
Trudy Collings
Farzad Farsio
Melina Hawkins (7.B.6)
Marilyn Miller (7.D)
Someone from the Senate
Standard 8. Physical Resources – Michael reported that they are still looking for faculty
Mike Barber and Barb Pedula, Co-Chrs.
Standard 9. Institutional Integrity – See Standard 1 and 6
Mary Susan Fishbaugh, Chr.
Representatives from the Cabinet
Bob Carr