The objective of Chemistry I, a laboratory-based physical science, is to examine and investigate the properties and reactions of matter. Areas investigated include the metric system, scientific notation, symbols, formulas, nomenclature, equations, stoichiometry, gas laws, bonding and acid-base reactions. Laboratory work will be incorporated to directly observe and predict the behavior of matter. There will be a need for knowledge of Algebra I.


Covered textbook

Notebook*Materials will not be provided by the teacher.

Loose leaf paper All work handed in must be on loose leaf paper.

Pens/Pencils Periodic materials checks will be taken for

Scientific Calculator homework grades.

Tests Folder


Major Tests = 50%

Homework/Daily Quizzes =20% (1 quiz = 2 homeworks)

Labs =30%

Comprehensive semester tests will be given and incorporated as 20% of the semester average. Major tests include material from one chapter or section. Daily quizzes may or may not be announced.


Major tests will be given after each chapter or section. There will be a review day before each major test. Missing review day does not entitle a student to not take the test. Tests are posted on the information board as soon as the new chapter or section begins. Daily quizzes will only include material being studied that day or the day before.


Homework is due on the demonstration table before the tardy bell rings. The teacher will not accept homework that is late. If the student is sick the day the homework is due but is present when the assignment is given, the student must turn in that assignment upon returning to school. Zeros will be given for homework not turned in on time. “It’s in my locker” is not an excuse for late homework. Homework is assigned nearly everyday and is expected to be completed. All homework is graded for correctness.


The student is responsible for getting makeup work from the teacher. The student should ask the teacher upon return to school for any missed work assignments. Major test and quiz makeups will be taken on a date agreed on by the student and the teacher. The student will have 1 week to make up a major test. If a test is not made up in that week, a grade of zero is given. Makeup homework is due the day after the assignment is given. The student must ask for missed assignments upon return to school. Any work not turned in becomes a zero/i.

  1. Enter room and place homework on demonstration table before tardy bell rings.
  2. Report to your assigned desk and sit.
  3. Open notebooks and books to the appropriate pages.
  4. Have pens/pencils ready.
  5. If a math chapter, have calculator ready.

Let us not waste class time getting ready for class. Be ready to go when the tardy bell rings.


Good behavior is expected at all times. Excessive talking will not be tolerated. The teacher will handle all minor offenses by punishment of extra work or time after school. Major offenses will be sent immediately to the principal. Parents will be notified if a student becomes a “repeat offender”. “Repeat offenders” will be referred to the office. Discipline stated in the handbook will be followed at all times.