Press Release

October 7, 2011

For Release by November 10

Re: Déjà vu Art and Fine Craft Show

Contact: Marilyn J. Brackney

Columbus, Indiana


Phone: 812-372-6886

Popular Art Show Returns to The Commons

Leave it to an artist to see the beauty in a worn, oriental carpet, or old, copper flashing just removed from a house being rehabbed in downtown Indianapolis. These are just some of the materials artists have repurposed to create work for a show that will take place at The Commons in Columbus, Indiana from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. on November 19th.

Déjà vu Art and Fine Craft Show was last held at The Commons in 2006, so artists are excited to return to the new facility for the seventh, annual show. Sponsored by the Bartholomew County Solid Waste Management District, Columbus Area Arts Council, Columbus Indiana Visitors Center, and Pentzer Printing, this free event is held in celebration of America Recycles Day.


Forty-seven artists from Indiana and Kentucky will show and sell a variety of work, including assemblage, jewelry, sculpture, weaving, wearable art, books arts, leatherwork, and mosaics, all created from scrap materials or items that have been repurposed. Art lovers who attended last year’s exhibit were astonished to see the quality of art and fine crafts made from materials most people throw away.

Nearly half of the exhibiting artists are participating in their first Déjà vu Art and Fine Craft Show. One of the more unusual entries is that of Kathryn Van Sciver of Indianapolis. An expert in identifying and restoring Oriental rugs, she uses carpet remnants to create handbags, hats, and ottomans.

Also of Indianapolis, Nancy Lee reuses copper roof flashing and other metals to make beautiful bracelets and earrings. Ken Roberts of Cadiz, Kentucky, works with wood and a variety of metals to fashion whimsical fish, and Columbus craftsman Randy Kimery turns scrap wood and computer parts into fine, writing instruments.

Another first time participant, Anna Brown of Nashville, creates gorgeous jackets from vintage kimonos, and newcomer Cynthia England from Indianapolis, makes unusual tote bags of vinyl rescued from highway billboards.

Many artists exhibiting at this year’s event have participated in most of the last seven shows held at the old Commons and other venues in downtown Columbus. They include Marilyn Brackney, Glenn Carter, Martina Celerin, Chris Gustin, Lori Henderson, Nick McGill, Cappi Phillips, and Chad Shock.


In addition to the art show, the Bartholomew Consolidated School Foundation is sponsoring a Shred-a-Thon from 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Speedy Shred of Columbus will collect and safely dispose of papers. This is a fundraiser for the BCSF, so a donation of $5 per container is requested. Participants may bring up to two, legal-sized boxes of documents for disposal.

The Bartholomew County Solid Waste Management District is also sponsoring a free showing of the documentary Waste Land on Tuesday, November 15th at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, November 19th at 11:00 a.m. at YES Cinema. The film was nominated for an Academy Award in 2008, and it won the Audience Award at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival.

For more information about Déjà vu Art and Fine Craft Show and the other events, call the Columbus Area Arts Council at 812-376-2539. Visit for a complete list of participating artists. Digital photos of artists’ work are available upon request.
