Minutes of a meeting 7th June 2017 Beighton Surgery Queens Road @ 5pm

Chair: Dr Tim Williams (GP)

Minutes: CD

Members Present:Spencer Oates (Assistant Practice Manager), JM, ST, KT, JW, JW, MK, MF, BF, JA, TS, MT, BT, DR, SR, SN, CL

TW opened the meeting by informing the meeting Beighton Surgery would be closing on 30th June 2017

  1. Opening hours

The proposed details for SothallMedical Centre from July is as follows

Doors open 8.15am for patients to wait inside or use the self-check in. Reception desk will be open from 8.30am– 6.00pm M to F, including over lunch time.

At present the Baby Clinic is on Thursday afternoon with the surgery closed for all other appointments. Going forward the surgery will be offering 2 shorter sessions for the baby clinic on a Wednesday from 1.00pm – 3.00pm. Due to the fact that very young babies will be attending the clinic it is necessary to keep the Baby Clinics separate from the regular clinical appointments.

  1. Telephone lines

A comment was made about the length of timeit takes for the phone to be answered, on occasions sometimes over 2 minutes. The group were informed there were 5 incoming lines at the moment and a suggestion was made to look at the queuing system then patients would know how many people were on the line and whether to wait on the line or call back later. There would be a financial cost associated with this but the practice would look at this as an option.

  1. Woodhouse out of hours

The group were informed this was still in operation and patients were able to book through their GP.

  1. Dr First

A report had been received by the practice but this still needed to be discussed as an option and this would take some time. Further information would follow when this had been assessed.

  1. Weldrick’s Pharmacy at Sothall

TW said the surgery would ask the pharmacy about their opening times when Sothall MC remain open over lunch. At present the pharmacy close for lunch but if the surgery were to remain open through this period then patients would not be able to have their prescriptions dispensed during this hour.

  1. Dr Bowers

Dr Bowers will be leaving at the end of June. There are two new GPs, Dr Rachel Monk and Dr Jen Byford.

  1. Results

Dr Rachel Monk is looking at a standard letter for results.

  1. How safe are our records

Spencer informed the group that all records were very safe and not affected by the recent cyberattack on some NHS hospitals and surgeries. Spencer was on a training course that day but came into the surgery to make sure everything was safe. TW thanked him on behalf of the surgery and the patients. Thankyou Spencer.

Other comments

  • Possibilityof having early appointments for autistic children as waiting around is not one of their strong points could there be a flagging system on patient record.
  • Private letter for consultant listing ‘Major Problems’
  • From Oct 2017it is expected that the CCG will look at GPs being open 8am -6.30pm.
  • Care Navigation: After extra training Receptionists to be ableto signpost patients.

There being no further discussions the meeting closed at 6.10pm

Next meeting 9th August 2017 18.30 at Sothall