We would like to thank the following teachers and schools for making our 400 for the 400th International Student Art Exhibition a resounding success!

Dame Marjorie Bean Hope Academy The Grant Family

Francis Patton Primary Ann Beattie P3

Tammy Swan P3

Florence Sharpe-Trott P1-P6

Robin Warren P3

Gilbert Institute Janet Niklaus P3-P5

Harrington Sound Primary Raziya Swan P1-P6

Learning Express Academy Jill Merrick 10-14 yrs

Masterworks Museum of Bermuda Art Carrie Zenti 5-14 yr olds

Mount Saint Agnes Academy Christina Capelo Gr 7

Northlands Primary Janet Niklaus P3-P5

Paget Primary Erma Nesbett P1-P6

Purvis Primary Gail Santucci-Palacio P2

Saltus Laurel Burgess P5

Sue Chlebek P6

Aisha Cross P2

Nicola Cunha P4

Marlette Darrell P6

Jane Davis P6

Rosemary Doughty P3

Elizabeth Dowdell P2

Patricia Dutranait P3

Tanisha Edwards P4

Maria Hay P3

Katrina Kawaley-Lathan P1

Joy Oatley P3

Nicole Panchaud P1

Lyn Pantry P1 Jennifer Pettit P4

Susana Pimental P2

Erica Powell P1

Tracy Renaud Lower Primary

Alisa Sadeh P5

Jan Shaw P5

Michelle Squire P4

Kim Thompson P2

Somerset Primary Lisa Siese P6

Somersfield Academy Kendra Earls P3

Pamela Montgomery M1

St. David’s Primary Gail Santucci-Palacio P4

St. George’s Preparatory Kimberly Simmons P4-P6

The Bermuda High School for Girls Samantha Chandler P3

Leslie Dodds Yr 5

Julie George Yr 5

Pamela Hill Yr 5

Mary Kennedy Yr 5

ShanaLee Ker Yr 5

Warwick Academy Elizabeth Botelho P4

Amanda Duffield P4

JoAnne Hodgkins P4

Anita Tucker P4

West Pembroke Primary Deborah Wade P6

Dawn Fubler P5-P6

The Flannery Family

The Williams Family

Please be sure and visit the exhibition at the Ace Gallery, World Heritage Centre or Muscarelle Museum of Art, Williamsburg, VA.

Exhibition Schedule:

April 1-June 15 Ace Gallery (M-F 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)

July 1-August 30 World Heritage Centre (M-F 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)

August 3-August 23 Muscarelle Museum of Art, Williamsburg, VA