Neighbourhood Development Plan

Working Group meeting for Hoby with Rotherby Parish

Meeting 21st November 2017 4.30pm at Hoby Methodist Centre

  1. Present: Cllr Angus Walker(Chair),Cllr Mary Dunford, Garry Barker, Cllr Nicola Wheeler, Stuart Robinson, Stuart Gregory, John Coleman, Vida Gregory, James Falconer Smith, Mark Brend, Candice Barker, Natalie Cockrell (Consultant), Luke Brown (Consultant) and Vic Allsop (Clerk)
  2. Apologies: Cllr Mike Tilling and Cllr David Williams.
  3. The meeting opened at 4.30pm. Cllr Angus Walker welcomed all members present and was also pleased to welcome to their second meeting Natalie Cockrell and Luke Brown of Aubourn Planning our new Consultants.
  4. The Parish Walk with Natalie and Luke took place on Sunday and had included all the villages. Vida was thanked for providing lunch.
  5. The minutes of the meeting held on the 31st October 2017 were agreed and signed by the Chair.
  6. One declaration of interest was noted. Cllr Angus Walker is the Company Secretary to the charity, Architecture East Midlands, who among other things facilitate independent design reviews. They have recently acted as facilitators for a review of the proposed Six Hills development.
  7. Matters arising
  8. Spinney Development, Brooksby. The Appeal had recently been heard at MBC offices. On November 17th the Inspector upheld Brooksby Melton’s appeal and planning permission has now been granted. Members of the meeting expressed their disappointment. MBC has not as of yet formally informed the Parish Council of this outcome. The meeting discussed the impact of this decision on the NDP.
  9. A planning application has now been submitted by Gladman with respect to the Six Hills Triangle, for in excess of 2,000 new houses.
  10. The Parish Council will be discussing both Brookby and Six Hills at its next meeting on November 27th at 7.30pm
  11. Workshop
  • Natalie and Luke then took the meeting through a process which examined the evidence base and was looking at the possible Policy themes.
  • We discussed the Character Assessment, we are to embark upon. Submitted costs from Garry Hall and Darren Carroll were discussed. It was agreed that to have a clearer idea of suitability a design brief would be prepared by Natalie for us to send out to them, allowing them to identify better their costs and for us to identify suitability better. Evidence of other similar work will also be asked for.
  1. There followed a break for tea. Candice and Mary were thanked for providing refreshments.
  2. The Workshop continued with a mapping exercise
  • This identified Community Assets
  • Open spaces
  • Views
  1. Natalie identified the potential projects list which we will all get a chance to look at and add to if needed.
  2. We would also be looking at an exercise to identify house types across the parish.
  3. An exercise to work on a Vision statement was carried out, with a new draft to be submitted from Natalie shortly
  4. The next meeting will be set for January 2018. A date will be secured to which James Beverley of MBC will be able to attend. Vic will advise everyone when a date is secured. Most likely to be a Wednesday or a Thursday.
  5. Effectively we had identified the work for stage 1 and next in stage 2 the putting together of the draft plan could start to happen.

The Chair closed the meeting at 8.45pm with thanks to Natalie and Luke. Angus thanked everyone for attending and looked forward to seeing the Working Group in the new year.