Enterprise Systems Subcommittee
April 17, 2015 1:00 p.m. – 2:00p.m., SSB 330C
Attending: Kevin Taylor, George Middlemist, Nicole Tefft, John Carter, Jason Janke, Rae Shevalier, Cindy Hejl, Mike Hart, James Lyall, Diane Watkins, Nicholas Pistentis, Evan Bowles
Absent: Michael Erksine, Nancy Sayre, Laura Cline, Laresh Jayasanker, Sally Baalbaki
Procedural Items:
1. Review Minutes of Last Meeting
a. George moved to accept the minutes. John seconded. Unanimously accepted.
1. QuickLaunch. We have been working on several initiatives for students going forward (i.e. accessing records, able to register) that allows for single sign-on. MarCom is creating a Student Hub and a Faculty/Staff Hub. Instead of being connected to sites, it is connected to services. In the soft go-live now and building out a proof of concept. We will get in front of students to determine if there is a way to make things easier. Go-live first of June. Hope people will play with it and let ITS know if there are any questions or concerns. We also want to replace ConnectU and redirect to this new page that MarCom is developing.
2. Lyris lists to replace Luminis Targeted Announcement. Targeted announcements have been going through Luminis. When Luminis goes away, we are going to use Lyris that allows us to build targeted lists. Big lists are being managed by hand in HR. We are in the process of getting those updated nightly.
3. Faculty Load and Compensation (FLAC). This project is scheduled and underway and will be moving forward very soon. A committee has been formed. We are still struggling to get Webtime entry scheduled.
4. Recruiter. Project moving forward. We have begun working on campaigns. Some additional information needed for accounts payable. Doing work with Ellucian and hopefully we will be done by May.
5. Office 365 Project. Continues to grow. Emails have been migrated over and stable. MarCom to establish standards. There have been 100s of groups set up already. Training internal to IT. We are trying to learn all of the different features (i.e. Delve) and will put together training. Everyone has 5 copies of Microsoft Office they can use.
6. Redundant Internet Connectivity. Redundant connection is scheduled for next Friday. Currently everything is leaving Central Classroom. We will be connecting the Admin Bldg. to downtown. We will have more bandwidth and survivability.
7. Banner Infrastructure Migration. We just hired a consultant at Arisant and are going from Oracle to VM Ware virtualization. Some outages associated with that. We will start to schedule. Production will probably take place on a Saturday.
Items for Discussion/Recommendation:
1. Banner basic training. We have developed a document for offices so their new hires can hit the ground running. Distributed a handout on how we currently access Banner and the proposal on accessing Banner. We are planning on doing this for other systems, preparing a cheat sheet that is very basic. We are also looking to do more step-by-step training.
2. Banner access request process. There is an Access Request Form for those things that are higher security. There should be training around FERPA. We are re-doing ITS’s role in New Employee Orientation. We want to give people what they need. How do new employees access Banner? When the is PAF approved, HR puts in a Help Desk request for their email account, Banner access, Wi-Drive access, etc. Can request a higher level of security. Can terminate accounts. We want to get to role-based access.
Next Meeting – Call for Agenda Items:
1. This is our last scheduled meeting for the year. We will schedule this meeting for the same day/time every other month, beginning in June through the end of the calendar year.
2. Agenda Items:
a. People in CS are worried about Rowdy. The Linux team has built new sites. Rowdy means different things to different people. What are the services people are getting from Rowdy? Web server, file server, working on communications targeting that. Rowdy as a server itself is going to die. ITS met with Chris Kimmett and shared with him what they’re thinking. They will craft some communication, share with him, and then send out. Currently there are 104 people logging in and half of them are hosting websites.