Miraculous Recovery!

Finding Healing Where it Hurts ©

A Quality of Life Division of 2ServeU! Ministries

“Miraculous Recovery: Finding Healing Where it Hurts” is a 2ServeU! Quality of Life Ministry created by Avril L’Mour Weathers, PhD © 2007. The name was inspired through Bishop Lilia Campbell of New Heart Ministries. Celebrate Recovery! ® is a Purpose Driven Ministry created by Pastors Cheryl and John Baker adapted for use with full training and certification. The materials herein are not to be reproduced without prior written consent.

“Attend to my words: incline thine ear into my sayings.

Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.

They are life to those who find them; and health to all their flesh.” Proverbs 4:20-22

Miraculous Recovery Program Foundational Scripture

"We have proved thousands of times, and are continuing to prove, that by the simple presentation of enough of the written Word of God to the minds and hearts of the (seemingly) incurably afflicted, they can be brought to the same state of certainty and assurance concerning the healing of their body as to the healing of their soul." F. F. Bosworth, 1924

Recovery is the return of Mind, Body and Spirit to its state of intended existence, returning natural balance and alignment to all systems and restoring optimal states of function to the joy of living!

Before people can have steadfast faith in the recovery of Spirit in mind to body, they must be rid of all uncertainty concerning the will of God in the matter of healing. Faith cannot be expected go beyond one’s knowledge of the revealed will of God. Before attempting to exercise faith for healing, one needs to know what the Scriptures plainly teach, that it is just as much God’s will to heal mind & body as it is to heal the soul, through a resurrected Spirit.

The purpose of the Miraculous Recovery! Series is to fellowship in celebration of God's healing power in our lives. This experience allows us to "be changed”. As we learn the sacred principles embodied by Scripture and apply the tools that flow from them, we begin to grow spiritually. Health, a derivative of the Greek meaning for wholeness or Holiness, flows from top down, and inside out. Spiritual healing moves through the sacred Mind and manifests in the Body Temple; through the liberty of redemption we become free from the addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors from dis-eased states of mind that lead to diseased bodies.

This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others as it clears the pathways to Divine Health. As we progress through our healing process, we discover a personal compassionate and forgiving Higher Power in God through Jesus Christ and the power of total recovery It holds from all things.

I. Mission: Removing Barriers to God

We recognize there can be many barriers to the Peace of God. 2ServeU Ministries seeks to partner with church leaders to help people remove internal and external barriers toward the enhancement of one’s personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, that the Peace of God (Jehovah Shalom!) may be received through which true healing is achieved. 2ServeU’s Miraculous Recovery! Program offers a series of three nine-week sessions in the recovery of Mind, Body and Spirit. This series is placed in Divine Order flowing from Spirit, into Mind, through the Body; and, includes:

Celebrate Recovery! Helping People Find Hope and Healing

Foundational Scripture:

Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5)…understanding the nature of Spiritual character

Component Purpose:

To become acquainted with God’s road to recovery, wholeness, growth, and spiritual maturity expressed through the Principles of Beatitude from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-11) also as working Scripture.


12 Steps to Release Revisited-- We’re all overly-attached to Something or Someone

12 Obstacles to Peace[i]-- Clearing Pathways to the Most High

Heart Wellness! The Quest for Sacred-Self in Christ

Foundational Scripture:

The Peace of God will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ. (Philippians 4:7) …leaving double mindedness for the unity of an abiding mind in Christ.

Component Purpose:

To become acquainted with protocol of releasing true biblical prosperity, the abundance of Love He has already ordained for us in Peace and Joy through the working Scriptures of Philippians 4:6-9.


Mind-Heart Cohesion[ii]--Getting to the Secret Place (Psalm 91:16)

12 Obstacles to Peace-- Clearing Pathways to the Most High

Healer’s Awakening! Seeking the Body Temple

Foundational Scripture:

You are also built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God (Ephesians 2:22).

…learning to view the body as a sacred vessel through which He works His purposes


Component Purpose:

To become acquainted with the Body as a Temple unto God and perceiving ourselves as Divine Hosts as expressed through a diversity of working Scriptures.


Seven Levels of Healing[iii]-- Laboring with God on the Road to Divine Health

12 Obstacles to Peace-- Clearing Pathways to the Most High

II. Objectives: Developing Insights into the Divine Nature of Healing

1. Being grounded in Sacred Principles: Insight into God’s Word

Faith for the release of God’s promised healing is the result of knowing and acting on the Word. This ministry utilizes the spiritual principles of Scripture that serve as instruments, and introduce tools, for the enhancement of one’s personal alignment with God in Jesus Christ the living Word as Source of all healing (Jehovah Rapha), and direct means to recovery from all things.

2. Finding Healing where it Hurts: Insight into God’s Deliverance

We have a new understanding of how to deal with past hurts, one that acknowledges the damage to the human spirit while charting a path toward the abundant life God promises[iv]. This ministry focuses on the issues that underlie the anger, pain, and disappointments that lead to addictive emotional, psychological and physical, fallen-world states of being, offered in spiritual environments of sacred confidence, serving as a means to healing individual hurts.

3. Emphasizing Personal Responsibility: Insight into God’s Discipline

We are saved, healed, delivered, protected, preserved and made whole in the Oneness of God. This ministry emphasizes the empowerment of personal engagement in, and responsibility for, one’s own healing process, viewing professionals as facilitators of a process owned by the individual as a means to personal development through the discipline of ordered steps to wholeness in God.

4. Emphasizing Spiritual Commitment to Christ: Insight into New Life in Christ

We confess Him, crucified, dead, buried, risen day three unto glory, inasmuch; we are healed by His stripes. This ministry emphasizes the healing power of Christ and the ways to tap into It as a spiritual commitment to awaken the healer within; understanding the relationship between renewed health and renewed life in Christ.

5. Understanding we need each other in order to grow Spiritually and Emotionally: Insight about Giving and Receiving Comfort

As Children of God (COGs in the Great Divine), we are called upon to share each other’s burdens. This ministry embodies the power of group dynamics and peer support to embrace each other’s challenges; sharing experience and finding approaches to recovery from all things that support each individual as they determine fit through social interaction.

6. Addressing all types of Habits, Hurts, Hang-ups and other forms of worldly

Dis-ease/Disease: Insight concerning Obstacles to Wholeness/Holiness

We all live in a fallen world, are damaged, and need to be healed as we grow in our relationships with God and others[v]. This ministry encompasses and confronts every obstacle to Peace as a means to break these cycles with the assumption that there is but one obstacle with many forms: Identification with the World vs. Identification with the Christ.

7. Developing Support Networks in Fellowship: Insight into the Power of

Christian Community

It was Paul’s concern that hearts may be braced (comforted cheered and encouraged) as they are knit together in Love. This ministry strives for the creation of a safe space for people who want to heal without judgment and condemnation, recovering without guilt, and growing in the Love of God as it is manifested in the oneness of a participation seeking to develop a network of peer support that nurtures members and future leaders in the Body of Christ.

III. Implementation, Evaluation & Assessment:

Each 90 minute session meets weekly. Each meeting proceeds as follows, opening with corporate prayer (see Addendum A) and worship; the evening will proceed with an overview of the week’s lesson and a guide to group dynamics, reading of the lesson, discussion of the lesson, and on-site assignment, closing with prayer and fellowship. Participants will be given binders containing a monthly calendar of events to which lessons, associated aids, assignments and tools will be added weekly.

Each participant will be interviewed by the ministry leader during which an information sheet will be completed in the beginning of their process to make some determination as to where they are in the healing process upon arrival. An ongoing assessment of understanding and progression will be determined by on-site assignment content. A survey will be administered at the conclusion of each nine-week session for the purposes of each of the three sectional evaluations. An annual needs assessment (ANA) will be administered at the conclusion of each ministry year to ascertain information pertaining to overall participation, progress and program development.

All leadership reports summarizing the data collected will be maintained in ministry files and submitted to Church Leaders for each nine-week session (NWS). While on-site assignments will remain confidential in and of themselves, weekly reports will be generated to indicate participation and competency (PCI) levels of participants gleaned from assignment reviews and compiled in NWS reports for each session. An annual report will be generated from the NWS’s, PCI’s the ANA information in an aggregate format suitable for reporting and presentation purposes, which is to be submitted to congregational leadership as well.

Program assessments will be made following each session to determine any adjustments in implementation that may be required to enhance ministerial productivity as well as program efficiency and effectiveness.

MR4 © ALW 2007

[i] John Gray. How to get what you want and want what you have. PBS Video Recording, 2000.

[ii] David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD. The Instinct to Heal. Paris, France: Editions Robert Laffont, 2004.

[iii] Jeremy Geffen, MD. The Seven Levels of Healing. Simon & Shuster Audio Press, 2001.

[iv] Dan B. Allender, PhD. The Healing Path. Waterbook Press: Colorado Springs, 1999.

[v] Ibid.