Level 3 Extended Project Qualification

Examples below from two Exam Boards. Both also offer tips and guidance on their website

Edexcel Level 3 Extended Project
Edexcel Level 3 Extended Projects support students with thetransition to higher education or into the world of work. They provide opportunities for the development ofcritical, reflective, problem-solving and independent learning skillsthrough the planning, research and evaluation of a self-selected project.

Throughout their in-depth study, students will develop and apply skills creatively, resulting in one of the four following project outcomes:

  • A dissertation
  • An investigation
  • A performance
  • An artefact.

The Edexcel Extended Project is graded A* to E and requires120 Guided Learning Hours. You can use a variety of different delivery approaches to teach the Extended Project Qualification.

UCAS points/ GCE (A level)equivalence

In terms of their UCAS points status, Edexcel Level 3 Projects are worth half a GCE (A level).

Grade / UCAS points / Equivalence
A* / 70
A / 60 / 0.5 GCE A levelat grade A
B / 50 / 0.5 GCE A levelat gradeB
C / 40 / 0.5 GCE A levelat gradeC
D / 30 / 0.5 GCE A levelat gradeD
E / 20 / 0.5 GCE A levelat gradeE

AQA Extended Project

Our EPQ allows each student to embark on a largely self-directed and self-motivated project. Students mustchoose a topic, plan, research and develop their ideaand decide on their finished product.

We encourage creativity and curiosity. A project topic may be directly related to a student's main study programme, but should look beyond the specification. Afinished productmay take the form of a:

  • research based written report
  • production* (eg charity event, fashion show or sports event etc)
  • an artefact* (eg piece of art, a computer game or realised design).

*A written report must accompany these options.

Students must also record their project process in their Production Log. The process of recording and completing a project is as important as the finished product. Both the Production Log and Product will be assessed.

What you need to do (if you're a teacher/supervisor)

  • Register to offer in the EPQ if you intend to enter with AQA.
  • Enteryour students to do the EPQ as you would for any A-level.
  • Teachabout 30 of the 120 Guided Learning Hours, focusing on research, project management and other relevant skills.
  • Superviseeach student's EPQ.
  • Assesseach student's completed production log, project product and presentation at the end of the process.

What your students need to do

  • Choosean area of interest and draft their project title and aims.
  • Plan, researchand carry out their project.
  • Keep a production logof all stages of the project production, reviewing and evaluating their progress.
  • Completethe project product.
  • Prepare anddeliver a presentation.
  • Review the outcome of their project and presentation.

During the EPQ, they will learn to:

  • manage– identify, design, plan, and complete a project (or task within a group project), applying organisational skills and strategies to meet their stated objectives
  • use resources/research– obtain and select information from a range of sources, analyse data, apply it relevantly, and demonstrate understanding of any appropriate connections and complexities of their topic
  • develop and realise– use a range of skills, including using new technologies, to solve problems, to take decisions critically, creatively and flexibly, and to achieve their aims
  • review– evaluate the outcome, including their learning and performance.