Accelerated Chemistry Chapters 16 and 17 Notes

(Student edition)

Chapter 16/17 problem set: page 552: 7-12, 15, 27;page 581: 1, 5, 11, 13-15

Reaction Energy and Reaction Kinetics

Thermodynamics: the study of in chemical reactions

Substances have stored in them. It is stored in , stored in , and any

other form of energy.

Substances also have energy ( of the molecules).

The sum of the energy is the heat content known as

Heat of reaction ( change): heat or during a chemical reaction

Exothermic versus Endothermic:

Reactants Products

Products Reactants

Reactants  Products + Reactants +  Products

The reaction is . The reaction is .

Heat of Formation (Hf) – heat released or absorbed when of a compound

is from its elements

2 H2+O22 H2O+ 572 kJ( not Hf )

H2+½ O2 H2O+ 286 kJ( yes! Hf)

Hf = - 286 kJ

Example 1: The heat of formation of NaCl is -411.15 KJ. Express this in three ways.

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Example 2: The heat of formation of NaCl is -411.15 KJ. Express this in three ways.

Stability of Compounds

A high negative Hf means that the compound is very .

Why? The compound a lot of energy during its formation so it

takes just as much to the compound apart.

A high positive Hf means that the compound is very .

Why? The compound took quite a bit of to make the elements join

and will probably require very little activation energy to make the

compound apart to go to lower energy.

Which is more stable?

CS2(g) Hf = +117.07 Kcal/mole

FeCl3(s) Hf = -399.49 Kcal/mole

SO3(g) Hf = -395.72 Kcal/mole

Solid is more stable because it has a heat of formation

that is more

Hess’ Law: The overall enthalpy change in a reaction depend on the number

of . The enthalpy change is equal to the of the enthalpy changes

for the individual steps in the process.

Example 1: Calculate the heat change using Hess’ Law:

2 CO(g)+O2(g)2CO2(g)

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Bond Energy Problems:

Example 1:

2 H2(g)+O2(g)2 H2O(g)

The Driving Force of Chemical Reactions

In regard to enthalpy, is more favorable (- H).

For example;C8H18+O2CO2+H2O+ heat

However, this is not the only driving force.

Entropy (S): the measure of in a system. The higher disorder (more __S), the

likely the reaction is to occur (messy room, leaves on trees).

Systems tend to go towards energy (-H) and randomness (+S).

General trends in entropy:

slg=+ S

gg + g + g=+ S

 temperature=+ S

Spontaneous reactions take place outside influence (they can be fast or slow).

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Ex1:2 C8H18(l) +25 O2(g) 16 CO2(g) + 18H2O(g) + heat

pieces and heat

Entropy (S) is and enthalpy (H) is .

Thus, the reaction is .

Ex2:CO2(g) + N2(g)+ H2O(g)+ heat  C3H5(ONO2)3(l)

pieces and heat

Entropy (S) is and enthalpy (H) is .

Thus, the reaction is .

Ex3: H2O (s)H2O (l)

does it happen?

Entropy (S) is and enthalpy (H) is .

Thus, we determine the spontaneity based on the information given. Gibbs

Free energy formula is used to determine the spontaneity.

Free energy of a system: G = Gibbs Free Energy (combined enthalpy/entropy


G = (use absolute temperature)

if G is negative, the reaction is

Possible combinations of entropy and enthalpy:

Spontaneous / Non-Spontaneous / Maybe / Maybe

What determines a maybe?

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Is this reaction spontaneous?

H2O+ CCO+H2

H = + 131.3 kJ/mole

S =+ 0.134 kJ/mole.K at 25 Co

G =

G = The reaction is .

How about at 900 Co?

G =

G = The reaction is .

The Reaction Process

Reaction Mechanism: The series of in a reaction.

We have learned the following:

H2+I2 2 HIH = + 26.5 kJ

However, we now know that it is really:

Step 1I22 I

Step 2I+H2H2I

Step 3H2I+ I2 HI

H2+I22 HI

Reaction Intermediate: a species that appears in but not in the

reaction. It is relatively . So, in the above

example, is the reaction intermediate.

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Collision Theory: In order for molecules to react, they must , but doesn’t

guarantee reaction.

For a reaction to take place,

1. the collisions need enough

2. the particles need proper

Not enough energy to make new products

Activated complex: a structure existing when old bonds are broken and new

bonds are being formed.

Energy of activation: energy needed to transform .

Reactants must have sufficient .

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Energy Diagrams:


h 40


a 30





Energy of the reactants = Energy of the products =

Energy of the activated complex = Activation energy =

Change in the heat = The reaction is


h 40


a 30





Energy of the reactants = Energy of the products =

Energy of the activated complex = Activation energy =

Change in the heat = The reaction is

Page 7

Reaction Rate – reaction rates are affected by:

• nature of (type of bond – ionics react than covalents)

• concentration of

• (gases only)

• a (A substance that is in a reaction, but is not in the reaction.

Catalysts work by changing the of a reaction and lowering the


• area

All of these factors can be explained in relation to the collision theory.

Writing Rate Laws

For:A + B  C

rate = k [ A ]x [ B ]y(determined experimentally)

If a reaction is one step, then the coefficients equal the .

If a reaction is multi step, then the coefficients do equal exponents.

Ex.2 H2 +2 NON2 + 2 H2O

If the reaction is one step, the reaction rate formula is …

If the reaction had multiple steps, the reaction rate formula would be something

else. Perhaps something like …

Notice that the coefficients and exponents are the same. An would have

to be performed to show this.

Ex.X+2YXY2 (a single step reaction)

Write the rate law:

If you double X, the rate .

If you double Y, the rate .

If Y is reduced to 1/3, the rate is .

If X is cut in half and Y is doubled, the rate .

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