HRMS Evaluation User Guide for Hiring Manager Using Employee Self-Report Option

Performance Evaluation: A management process for ensuring an employee is focusing work efforts in ways that contribute to achieving the University’s mission. This user guide is to be used by Hiring Managers to complete the annual performance evaluation in the Human Resources Management System for the 2011-2012 cycle.

Steps to take / Additional notes, hints!
  1. Log in ( and check Your Current Group: Ensure you are working as “Hiring Manager”. If not:
Under the ADMIN menu
Click “Change User Type
Select “Hiring Manager”
Click “Change Group” / Depending on your organizational level, you may have multiple user types. As a manager, you will have at least two.
1 – employee and 2 – hiring manager
  1. Confirm that a Work Plan has been Approved
Search Request under Position Descriptions
Enter Employee’s Position Number OR Last Name
Click on Check All
Scroll down and select Search at bottom left
Click on Arrow key by Date Approved (last column at left) to Sort
Under the Status column:
Approved (Work Plan) should be one of the most recent items in the list. / This step to confirm that a work plan has been approved will save you time. If a “Modify Position Description with or w/o Budget Change” action type has been approved more recently than the work plan, you may need confirm that the work plan is appropriately set up for last cycle’s evaluation.
  1. Under “EVALUATIONS” Menu, click “Start Evaluation”
/ Evaluations are a separate module from Applicant Tracking and Position Description.
  1. Create New Evaluation
Click on “Start Action” under Performance Evaluation / Evaluations can only be started by the supervisor (Initiator/Hiring Manager) of the position.
  1. Search Positions to Begin Action On:
Enter Position Number or Employee Last Name into the designated field.
Select SEARCH under the Employee Last Name field. / Hint:To view a list of all employees you have access to, leave all the fields blank and select SEARCH. Notify us if any of your employees are not listed, or if employees are listed whom you do not supervise.
  1. To Begin Action click on “Start Action” under the position’s Classification Title.
/ Note: Check in the column to the far right to see if the Last Action was Work Plan Approved. If not, you may need to initiate the Work Plan Action or Modify the existing work plan before starting an evaluation.
  1. Evaluation Details– Enter or edit all listed fields
Select Evaluation Reviewer (One Name Only)
Select Evaluation Type (Annual)
Cycle Begin Date: use format 03-01-2011
Cycle End Date: use format 02-29-2012
Methods of Evaluation / Evaluation Reviewer is the “Initiator/Hiring Manager’s” supervisor and that person’s name should be selected from the Not Selected box and moved to the Selected box. The Evaluation Reviewer completes the evaluation process by approving the evaluation. If a name is not listed in the Evaluation Reviewer box and should be, please contact the Compensation Coordinator, Steve Barnhart, at 7-0657.
  1. To submit the evaluation to your employee and allow them to enter “Employee Self-Report” comments prior to your completing the evaluation and assigning a rating,
 Click on PREVIEW EVALUTION and do not select “Continue to Next Page.” / This is an optional step. Others will chose to rate first and ask employees for response comments.
  1. Under Evaluation Status, select “Submit Evaluation to Employee.”
Click on Continue
Click on Confirm
A message will indicate that the evaluation has been sent to your employee / This generates an email to your employee from but you will need to provide additional instructions. A draft email is provided below.
  1. Send an email to your employee asking for a self-assessment of his or her performance. The employee will need to refer to theEvaluation User Guide for Employee.docx to complete the self report.
/ Remember that this process is new to employees and be prepared to answer questions about using HRMS.
  1. An email from will inform you when the employee has completed the self-report. Under the EVALUATIONS menu, select Active Evaluations to complete the evaluation process.

  1. Under the Classification Title,
Click on Viewto get to next screen
Click on Edit
Select the SMART GOALS (Expectations) tab
  1. SMART GOALS(Expectations)
Begin with the competency prioritized as “1” and continue through each competency in order
Click “Edit” for each Competency to add comments and ratings.
Scroll down below the SMART Goals and the Employee Self-Report field.
Enter your comments on the employee’s performance based on the SMART Goals. Comments are not required if the rating on that competency is a “3.” You need only enter “N/A.”
After entering comments and selecting a rating, click on Save Changes for each entry!
“Not Applicable” competencies do not have to be rated.
Continue to next page when all competencies are complete / Note: If your employee has not entered any text and you require a self-report, you will notice immediately that the Employee Comments column on this tab is blank. If you require a self-report, you will need to return the evaluation to your employee using “View Evaluation Summary” to get back to the Evaluation Status routing menu. “Submit Evaluation to Employee” and explain again what you need.
Note:Once you click on Edit under each competency and add your comments and rating, you must click on Save Changes. This is a temporary save only. If you hit Cancel at the bottom of the page, you will delete any text you have entered into that competency.
If you need to take a break from working on the evaluation and return to it later, always select “Preview Evaluation” or “View Evaluation Summary” (located at the top to the right of the Cancel button) to get back to the Evaluation Status routing menu.
Select“Save” (or “Save Evaluation without Submitting”)
Click on Continue
Click on Confirm
These steps save your work so that you can retrieve the evaluation by using “Active Evaluations” when you log in again.
  1. Behavioral Competencies
Click “Edit” for each Behavioral Competency to add comments and ratings.
Comments are only required for ratings other than “3.”
Save Changes for each entry!
Continue to next page when all competencies are complete / Note:Each competency listed will need to be reviewed to complete the Performance Evaluation.
The above Notes apply to the Behavioral Competencies tab as well.
  1. Attach Documents -Can upload any required or additional documentation to support ratings for annual appraisal.
/ Note: If an employee receives an overall rating below a 3 or if any competency is rated below a 3, you must complete a Performance Management Improvement Plan and upload in onto this tab. Employee Relations Staff in HR can assist you with developing an Improvement Plan. A paper Transfer Evaluation can be scanned and uploaded here. “Other” is for employees to upload additional comments, if necessary.
  1. Overall Rating and Development Plan
Provide overall Rating for Employee
Submit Comments
Submit Annual Career Development plan / Note: Supervisors (Initiator/Hiring Managers) are required to make an overall comment on employee’s performance and to discuss the comments, rating, and Career Development Plan with each employee.
  1. View Performance Evaluation Summary
/ Please take the time to review the summary page to ensure that all ratings and comments have been added on the SMART Goals, Behavioral Goals, and Overall Rating Tabs. Also ensure that the Evaluation Reviewer has been correctly identified on the Evaluation Details Tab. Any special instructions on Reviewers will be provided to you by your HR Liaison.
  1. Evaluation Status
/ The Hiring Manager has to option to:
Save Evaluation without Submitting
Submit Evaluation to Evaluation Reviewer (this can be done before being sent to Employee for approval, and must be done to complete the evaluation process.)
Submit Evaluation to Employee (For Review )
Cancel (this will cancel the action and start from scratch)
  1. Set up evaluation meeting with employee
/ If not already scheduled, when you send the evaluation to the employee, send an email simultaneously with a meeting request for a follow-up conference.

*Required information is denoted with an asterisk.

To retrieve an Evaluation returned to you from Employee or Evaluation Reviewer

  1. Click onActive Evaluations under the EVALUATIONS menu

  1. Select View under the Classification Title
This allows you to scroll down and see everything that has been completed on the evaluation, including any comments that have been addressed to you. / Note: Be sure to alert your supervisor of any employee requesting an evaluation reviewer response. This must come from the Evaluation Reviewer if there is a proxy in place.
  1. Select Edit if you need to make any further comments
/ Note: Only an Evaluation Reviewer can complete an Evaluation.

Dear [Employee],

I have initiated your evaluation in HRMS and need for you to comment on your performance based on your work plan. The performance cycle began last March 1 and ended February 29, 2012. Please use the instructions at this link Evaluation User Guide for Employee.docx to log into HRMS and provide your self-report to me by [date]. When you submit your comments back to me, I will complete the evaluation and meet with you to discuss your performance.


[Your Name]