/ School of Education
Form: CH2-Student

Student Research Project: Ethics Review Checklist

This checklist should be completed by the researcher (with the advice of the research supervisor/tutor) for every research project which involves human participants. Before completing this form, please refer to the Ethical Guidelines in the School’s Research Student Handbook and the British Educational Research Association guidelines (http://www.bera.ac.uk/guidelines.html).

Project Title:

Researcher(s): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Supervisor: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

A.  Student Research Project: Ethics Review Checklist Part One

1.  Does the study involve participants who are particularly vulnerable or unable to give informed consent? (eg children with special difficulties)
2.  Will the study require the co-operation of an advocate for initial access to the groups or individuals? (eg children with disabilities; adults with a dementia)
3.  Could the research induce psychological stress or anxiety, cause harm or have negative consequences for the participants (beyond the risks encountered in their normal lifestyles)?
4.  Will deception of participants be necessary during the study? (eg covert observation of people)?
5.  Will the study involve discussion of topics which the participants would find sensitive (eg sexual activity, drug use)?
6.  Will the study involve prolonged or repetitive testing or physical testing? (eg the use
of sport equipment such as a treadmill) and will a health questionnaire be needed?
7.  Will the research involve medical procedures? (eg are drugs, placebos or other substances (eg foods, vitamins) to be administered to the participants or will the study involve invasive, intrusive or potentially harmful procedures of any kind?)
8.  Will financial inducements (other than reasonable expenses or compensation for time) be offered to participants?
9.  Will you be able to obtain permission to involve children under sixteen from the school or parents and the children themselves?
10.  Will it be possible to anonymise participants and/or ensure information they give is non-identifiable?
11.  Is the right of participants to freely withdraw from the study at any time made explicit?
12.  Will the study involve recruitment of patients or staff through the NHS?
13.  If you are working in a cross-cultural setting do you know enough about the setting to be sensitive to particular issues in that culture ( e.g., sexuality, gender role, language use?
14.  Are you complying with the Data Protection Act?
15.  Have you considered the potential risks to your own health and safety and, if appropriate, completed a risk assessment form?

If you have answered YES to all of the above questions and you have discussed this form with your supervisor and had it signed and dated, you may proceed to develop an ethics protocol with the assistance of the Ethical Protocol Guidance Form which must also be completed. If you have answered YES to any of the questions, please complete PART TWO of this form below and adopt a similar procedure of discussion with supervisor, signing and proceeding to develop an actual ethical protocol with the assistance of the Ethical Protocol Guidance Form. Please keep a copy of both forms and protocol for your records. Only in exceptional circumstances will cases need to be referred to the School’s Research Ethics Committee.

Part Two For each item answered ’YES’ please give a summary of the issue and action to be taken to address it.
Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary
(Researcher) Date:
To be completed by the Supervisor (PLEASE TICK ONE)
 Appropriate action taken to maintain ethical standards – no further action necessary
 The issues require the guidance of the School of Education’s Ethics Committee
Signed (supervisor):