Idaho Falls School District #91
SecondaryNutrition Policy Compliance Checklist
School ______
Please respond to the following indicators regarding funding raising efforts at your school.
Indicator / Yes / No / CommentsAre current fund raising efforts meeting the requirement that no more than 20% of the items offered in fund raisers throughout the year are of low nutritional value as specified by Board Policy section 408.0and AP408.3?
Fund Raising Indicator / Comment
What percentage of current fund raising offerings isof low nutritional value as specified by Board Policy section 408.0 and AP408.3? Please include the source of these offerings such as contracted vendors and vending machines.
The nutrition policy (section 408.5) outlines the role of food in rewards, activities and parties. Please read this section (below) and respond to the following set of indicators.
Section 408.5 – The Role of Food in Rewards, Activities, Concessions, and Parties, states:
Educators are discouraged from using foods and beverages with low nutritional value as rewards. Concessions and occasional class parties and celebrations are exempt form the above guidelines; however, providing healthful options is strongly encouraged. Healthy options are to be published on the district’s website. Only commercially prepared and packed products or products which have been prepare by District #91 Food Service may be served.
Classroom Reward Indicator / CommentsAre teachers offering rewards other than foods with low nutritional value? If so, please list.
What obstacles, if any, have teachers overcome in implementing the classroom rewards policy?
Classroom Reward Indicator / Comment
What feedback have you received from parents regarding this policy?
What impact has the reward policy had on student behavior and performance, if any?
How has your school encouraged physical activity?
The nutrition policy (section 408.4) outlines competitive daytime sales and vending machines. Please read this section below and respond to the following set of indicators.
Section 408.4.1 – Competitive Day states: Sales must meet the standard set form in Policy 408.3. These standards apply to any food or beverage sold on the school campus during the school day that is not part of a USDA Reimbursable Meal, including food sold in vending machines, school stores, club fundraisers, and by outside vendors. Foods on minimal nutritional value may not be served in the same area where reimbursable meals are served as per Federal requirements.
408.4.3 – Secondary Schools states: Food and beverage sales outside of the school breakfast, lunch or snack program shall be required to meet the Ala Carte standards found in AP 408.3. Nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and low-fat whole grain products will be available wherever food is sold at school.
Competitive Day Indicator / CommentsAre foods of minimal nutritional value being served in the same area where reimbursable meals are served? If so, please list and explain.
Do food and beverage sales outside of the school breakfast, lunch or snack program meet the Ala Carte standards found in AP408.3? In not, please list and explain.
Are nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and low-fat whole grain products available wherever food is sold at school? If not, please list and explain.
Do all vendors meet the guidelines regarding fried foods set in AP408.4.3 as well as the Ala Carte guidelines in AP408.3? If not please list and explain.
Other comments:
Principal SignatureDate
October 2012