Project Design Template

Project Title: Encouraging Tourism through History

Target Audience:

Subject: ESL

Grade level: 8th

Proficiency level: 2

Author: Alan Price & Pat Banning

Proficiency-Based Language Functions:

What should students be able to do? Use new vocab., use past tense, describe-orally

and written in short simple sentences and descriptive words,

What is worthy of understanding? How Civil War battles affect the community where they are fought.

What do I want them to remember about this unit after they complete the unit? That

wars and battles affect the community where they are fought

for years after the battle positively.

Project Idea: Wars have many battles and the outcome of a battle can be tentative with different affects on the local community. Create possible outcomes of the Battle of Philippi and the how those outcomes would have affected the community of Philippi by

Entry Event: Show a video of battle of Philippi reenactment.

Content Standards & Objectives: ELP 2.1.6; 2.2.4; 2.2.10; 2.3.5; SS.8.5; SS.O.8.5.7; SS.O.8.5.14

Objectives Directly Taught or Learned Through Discovery / Identified Learning Targets / Evidence of Success in Achieving Identified Learning Target
ELP2.1.1. Understand a few words, phrases and/or sentences with basic English
grammatical forms
ELP2.1.5 Respond to simple directions.
ELP 2.1.6 Demonstrate comprehension of basic oral presentations and
ELP2.2.4 Read and explain own writings and drawings
ELP2.2.10 Create artwork or a written response that shows comprehension of a selection
ELP2.3.5 Use available technology
SS.O 8.5.7 Research and construct the sequence of events and cite the reasons for and resulting consequences of the battles
SS.O.8.5.14 Point out the historical importance of Philippi, WV that can be visited by tourists / Learn Civil War and tourist vocabulary
Follow directions relating to project checklist
Fill in listening comprehension form
Explain drawing of Philippi battle scene
Make drawing of Philippi battle scene
Use PowerPoint, Movie Maker or Publisher
Understand sequence of battle
Map construction
Importance of local events related to current times / Quizzes and observation of usage in talking and writing
Completed checklist
Short oral presentation
Draw a map of battle scene
PP presentation, movie, or brochure
Construct a timeline
Draw a map, short oral presentation
Make a brochure or PowerPoint or movie
21st Century Skills / Learning Skills &
Technology Tools / Teaching Strategies / Evidence of Success
Information and
Communication / 21C.O.5-8.1.TT7 Student uses advanced features and utilities
of presentation software (e.g., design
templates, design layouts (fonts/ colors/
backgrounds) animation and graphics,
inserting pictures, objects, movies, sound,
charts, hyperlinks, and graphs) to create an
original product / Instruct the ELL on how to do a simple oral presentation and allow for multiple practice sessions.
Guide the ELL in producing a PowerPoint, or creating a brochure / Oral Presentation
Brochure using Publisher
Movie using Movie Maker
Thinking and Reasoning Skills / 21C.O.5-8.1.TT4 Student uses audio, video, pictures, clip art,
moviemaker programs, webpage design
software, electronic documents, and other
files to create and publish electronic products
to communicate with various audiences
inside and outside the classroom. / Encourage the ELL to think of how they can they can create a useful and creative product to share with either schools or communities. / Time line using TimeLiner software
Brochure using Publisher
Movie using Movie Maker
Personal and Workplace Skills / 21C.O.5-8.3.TT2 Student conducts online research and
evaluates the accuracy, relevance, and
appropriateness of electronic information
sources / ELLs will utilize a checklist to stay on task and to check for relevancy and accuracy of online research. / Research for basic oral presentation on the Battle of Philippi and its impact on the Civil War.

Performance Objectives: What must all students know and be able to do as a result of this PBL experience?

Know That battles of a war affect the community in which they happened for years to come.

That history can be used to get peoples attention to visit historical sites.

Do Create timelines, create maps, use tech to make movies or PowerPoint or brochure, follow

directions, use a checklist, present before a panel.

Driving Question: How can you use the Civil War to encourage tourism in West Virginia today?

Assessment Plan: Mission: You have been hired to help increase tourism to Philippi, WV through the Civil War Battle of Philippi. You will present your project to a panel of Civil War rein-actors, mayor of Philippi and travel agent.


Project Assessment Plan
Define Product / Assessment
Vocabulary / quizzes
Civil War and tourism vocabulary
Past tense sentences on topic / checklist
Write past tense sentences of Civil War battle and tourism.
timeline / rubric
create timeline of beginning of CW up through battle of Philippi
oral presentation of timeline / rubric
Present timeline and explain to teacher
Field trip / filled in form
Take field trip to Philippi to see battle area and town
map of battle / rubric
Create map of battle area and troop movement
oral presentation of map / rubric
Present map and explain to teacher
Listening form - expert travel agent speaking about attracting tourists / checklist
Listen to tourism expert and ask questions about tourism
storyboard for power point or brochure / checklist
Presentation focusing on using battle of Philippi to attract tourists
power point or brochure / rubric
Presentation focusing on using battle of Philippi to attract tourists
Presentation of power point brochure / rubric
Present final product to panel of battle rein-actors, mayor, travel agent
Final debriefing after project with student / Discussion using GRASPS checklist
Criteria for exemplary performance of each product
A score of 100% and usage in class discussions.
90 % correct past tense sentences
Timeline with additional information concerning the beginning of the Civil War and what is now West Virginia
Oral presentation with no more than 10 pauses or space fillers
A filled field trip form and questions for further discussion
Map done in color with color coded usage of armies placement and movement with town
Oral presentation with no more than 5 pauses or space fillers
Fully filled in listening form and additional information listed at bottom from student generated questions
Storyboard that meets all requirements of checklist
Power Point or Brochure that shows 90% comprehension of Battle of Philippi, tourism, and demonstrates a connection focusing on attracting tourists
Oral presentation that focuses on the final product and explains it and ability to answer 70% of questions of panel.
Major Group Products / Contract, task assignment, Create presentation (choice of types)
Major Individual Projects / Making map, fill in checklist, short oral presentation, construct timeline, vocabulary quiz,

Assessment and Reflection:

Rubric(s) I will use: (Check all that apply.) / Collaboration / Written Communication / x
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving / x / Content Knowledge
Oral Communication / x / Other
Other classroom assessments for learning: (Check all that apply) / Quizzes/ tests / x / Practice presentations / x
Self-evaluation / x / Notes
Peer evaluation / Checklists/observations / x
Online tests and exams / Concept maps
Reflections: / Survey / Focus Group
Discussion / x / Task Management Chart / x
Journal Writing/ Learning Log / Other

Map the Project:

project: Encouraging Tourism through History / Start Date: October 5, 2009
Entry Event
Our ELL will view a video on the battle of Philippi
Vocabulary needed for comprehension of the video will be introduced / Vocabulary
Review new vocabulary used in the video
Preview different types of timelines of timelines using Timeline software / Timeline Construction
Review Vocabulary / Timeline Construction Continued
Review Vocabulary / Vocabulary quiz
Preview simple information and photos of the Covered Bridge and its significance in the first land battle of the Civil War.
Field Trip
To the Covered Bridge in Philippi, WV / Map Construction / Map Construction continued / Begin Oral Presentation / Begin Student Selected Culminating Project
Continue culminating project / Continue culminating project / Continue work on project and oral presentation / Practice giving oral presentation to the 8th grade Social Studies that is covering the Civil War. / Presentation Day!


Knowledge and Skills Needed / Already Have Learned / Taught Before the Project / Taught During the Project
1. Learning effective questioning techniques / X
2. The knowledge and skills needed to access the computer for creating a PowerPoint. / X
3. The ability to give a simple but accurate oral presentation / X
4. The knowledge and skills needed to utilize Microsoft Publisher / X
5. The knowledge and skills needed to create a timeline using TimeLiner software. / X
6. The knowledge and skills needed of simple
Map construction. / X


School-based Individuals: SS teacher, principal

Technology: Internet, Publisher, PowerPoint,

Community: Civil War rein-actors, mayor of Philippi, travel agent, field trip to Philippi

Materials: computer, map book, brochures, poster paper, markers, clip art, video, rein-actors, mayor,

Manage the Process:

What is needed:


Vocabulary list, lined paper, pencils with erasers, fill in forms, checklists, rubrics, letter to parents, classroom computer, internet access, PowerPoint, Publisher, Map book, Timeline software, Field trip permission form,


Travel agent, rein-actors, mayor of Philippi, social studies teacher,


Direct instruction and Guided instruction:

Civil War Vocabulary, past tense usage, Civil War, Battle of Philippi,

Tourism, map making, timeline construction, how to ask questions, how

to use graphic organizers, how to give an oral presentation

Prior Knowledge and skills needed:


Present tense usage, simple sentence construction, questions words,


Spelling, Writing simple sentence, how to turn on and off computer,

how to connect to internet, how to take pictures,


Choice of product, method of instruction variety, hands on activities for learning,

Practices with guided help

Implementation tools:

Student Planning Brief

Student Investigation Brief

Student Product Brief

Student Presentation Brief

Project Milestones

Progress Report Following an Investigation

Project Evaluation: Process Rubric & Presentation Rubric; Discussion with GRASPS checklist


A Student at Our School Has Been Chosen to Represent Philippi and recruit tourism for the town of Philippi and the state of West Virginia.

His travel brochure was selected by diverse Individuals from the community

Checklist for Project Dates

Name(s) ______

Date: ______ESL Class Period______

Directions: Put an X on the blank line when you have finished each part of this assignment.

_____ I can follow written and oral directions.

_____ Provide oral explanation of drawing.

_____ I can give a short oral presentation with help and practice.

_____ My map is drawn and completed

_____ My project is completed (PowerPoint, Movie or Brochure)

____ My time line is completed

Monday afternoon

October 5, 2009

Dear Mr. Torres,

We will be taking a field trip to Philippi, West Virginia on Monday October 12 to view the Philippi Covered Bridge, take pictures, make notes and gather other information that Felix will need in order to complete a detailed project he is completing in his ESL class that relates to what he and his other classmate are studying in Social Studies. This project relates to how the first land battle fought in the Civil War at Philippi can be used to encourage people to visit historical Philippi.

We will leave at 8:00 am so that we can be back by the time school is out. You are welcome to come with us and visit this historical bridge and town. We will get lunch at MacDonald’s or he can bring his lunch and a snack.

Please sign the form below giving Felix permission to go on the field trip.

Thanks in advance

Alan Price


I give permission for my son to go on the field trip, Monday October 12th to Philippi, WV.______

Parent’s signature ______Date______

I do not give permission for my son to go on the field trip, Monday October 12th to Philippi, WV.______

Parent’s signature______Date______

Time Line Rubric Name______Date______


Distinguished / Proficient / Limited / Attempted

Item Choice

/ Evidence of care taken in choosing items (either most significant, or revealing some pattern, or showing cause/effect relationship) / Items meet criteria of assignment; few or no inaccuracies / Includes required number of items; some inaccuracies / Does not include required number of items
Scale and Sequence / Very appropriate for subject matter; all items in sequence with care taken on placement with increments / Accurate, and appropriate; items in sequence; increments marked / A few items out of sequence; increments marked / Numerous items out of sequence; time increments not marked
Mechanics / Flawless / Few mechanical errors / Some errors in spelling, identification, or dating / Many errors in spelling, identification, or dating
Presentation / Visually striking; attention apparent to making time line an effective tool for communication information / Clear, uncluttered, and attractive / Legible / Illegible or messy



Product Development

¨ No Evidence / Use of wrong template
No use of text
No use of background / Amount of text sufficient to convey desired message
Apply a design template / Creation of custom layouts:
Insert website addresses
Use of text and related elements to convey information in a professional manner
Create a custom background

Formatting and Modification

¨ No Evidence
/ Minimal or no graphic support for presentation
Minimal or no text formatting changes – use of default fonts / Add a photo
Apply formatting
Font changes
Good use of graphic/text mix / Scale and size a photo
Add text to a graphic object using a text box Rotate and fill an object
Addition of appropriate graphics from other sources, i.e., internet
Additional font formatting:


¨ No Evidence / No clear flow from one page to the next within the brochure
Overuse of graphics effects / Visually attractive
Flow of information enhanced and not detracted from information delivery / In addition to PROFICIENT requirements, presentation
Brochure flows smoothly, professionally and in a orderly fashion
Own creative formation
Skill Sets / Activities
q  Creating a presentation / q  Delete slides
q  Create a specified type of slide
q  Create a presentation from a template and/or a Wizard
q  Navigate among difference views (slide, outline, sorter, tri-pane)
q  Create a new presentation from existing slides
q  Copy a slide from one presentation into another
q  Insert headers and footers
q  Create a Blank presentation
q  Create a presentation using the AutoContent Wizard
q  Send a presentation via e-mail
q  Modifying a presentation / q  Change the order of slides using the Slide Sorter view
q  Find and replace text
q  Change the layout for one or more slides
q  Modify the Slide Master
q  Modify slide sequence in the outline pane
q  Apply a design template
q  Working with text / q  Check spelling
q  Change and replace text fonts (individual slide and entire presentation)
q  Enter text in tri-pane view
q  Import Text from Word
q  Change the text alignment
q  Create a text box for entering text
q  Use the Wrap text in TextBox feature
q  Use the Office Clipboard
q  Use the Format Painter
q  Promote and Demote text in the slide and outline panes
q  Working with visual elements / q  Add a picture from the ClipArt gallery
q  Add and group shapes using WordArt or the Drawing toolbar
q  Apply formatting
q  Add text to a graphic object
q  including ClipArt
q  Create tables within PowerPoint
q  Rotate and fill an object
q  Customizing a presentation / q  Add AutoNumbering bullets
q  Add speaker notes
q  Add graphical bullets
q  Add slide transitions
q  Animate text and objects
q  Create output / q  Preview presentation in black and white
q  Print slides in a variety of formats
q  Print audience handouts
q  Print speaker notes in a specified format
q  Delivering a presentation / q  Start a slide show on any slide
q  Use on screen navigation tools
q  Print a slide as an overhead transparency
q  Use the pen during a presentation
q  Managing files / q  Save changes to a presentation
q  Save as a new presentation
q  Publish a presentation to the Web
q  Use Office Assistant
q  Insert hyperlink



Rubric Template

/ Group Members: ______
______DATE: ______



Below Standard


At Standard

(Minimal Criteria) /

Above Standard

(Demonstrates Exceptional Performance)
Accuracy / 25% / ·  No correct data
·  Wrong placement / ·  Minimal accurate information
·  Correct placement of items / In addition to meeting the PROFICIENT criteria …
·  Fully accurate
·  Correct placement of additional items
/ 0 ------8 ------15 / 17 ------19 ------21 / 22 ------24 ------25
/ 25% / ·  Sloppy
·  No appeal / ·  Is attractive
·  Color coded for topic / In addition to meeting the PROFICIENT criteria …
·  Attention grabbing
·  Additional graphics
0 ------8 ------15 / 17 ------19 ------21 / 22 ------24 ------25
/ 25% / ·  Very limited information
·  Incorrect information / ·  Complete
·  Correct / In addition to meeting the PROFICIENT criteria …
·  Additional information
0 ------8 ------15 / 17 ------19 ------21 / 22 ------24 ------25
Comprehensible / 25% / ·  Not understandable
·  Too vauge / ·  Understandable
·  Clear / In addition to meeting the PROFICIENT criteria …
·  Write short paragraph
0 ------8 ------15 / 17 ------19 ------21 / 22 ------24 ------25