AREA 63 2018Spring Conference April 6th-9th Watertown
The meeting was Opened with Serenity prayer. 12-traditions were read by Gail B. 12-Concepts were read byBrandi M. We have 41 in attendance and 34voting members at this Assembly.
Overview: introductions of new faces of Area, past officers and delegates.
DELEGATES REPORT: Anthony F, Area 63, Panel 68 Delegate gave his report. See Attached PowerPoint Slides
SECRETARY MINUTES: Roger motioned to approve the Area 63 2018 winter assembly minutes,2nd-Mary Beth passed unanimously. Approved
➢General Service: Office PO BOX 459, Grand Central Station, New York, NY 10163
➢Area 63 Treasurer: Area 63 Treasurer, PO Box 1373 Watertown, SD 57201
DIST 1:No report.The district is located in the north central region of South Dakota, compromised of the following communities: Timber Lake, Eagle Butte, Isabel, Dupree, Faith, Bison, Buffalo, Lemon, McIntosh, McLaughlin.
DIST 2: Mitch B. DCM reported that the district is located in western SD, including Black Hawk, Box Elder, Pennington County including Rapid City and Wall, there are approx. 16 registered groups, with 10-12 active groups in the district. Today we have 7 votes at this assembly. District news:District 2 has number active meetings every day of the week. We have generally good participation at district meetings. The district helps with many institution meetings at detox, Pennington County Jail, the Durfee Prison, and CABH. Issues: The district is busy with trying to prepare for the 2018 Fall Conference, hoping to host a luncheon (PI/CPC), and hosting a workshop this summer in cooperation with districts 10 &13. Additional Comments: Our speaker for the summer workshop is Michael D.
DIST 3: No Report This district includes the communities of Kyle, Martin, Mission, St Francis and White River.
DIST 4: DelT. DCM reported that the district is located in SE SD, including Freeman, Scotland, Springfield, Tyndall, Vermillion and Yankton. We have approximately 9 registered groups and 7 active groups in our district. Today we have 7 votes at this assembly. District News: District 4 meets once a month in Yankton at the 12/24 Club. Meetings have good attendance (8-16 members). There are plans for a memorial weekend picnic Sunday afternoon at memorial park in Yankton. Games, food, speakers, and familiesare welcome. Issues: Still have committee positions to fill and we have addressed people hijacking meetings.
DIST 5: Tony M, DCM reported District 5 is located in the Southeast region of SD, comprised of the following communities: Madison, Chester, Coleman, Brandon, Sioux Falls and Flandreau. We have approximately 28 registered groups and 15 active groups in our district. Today we have 8 votes at this assembly. District News: . Issues:
DIST 6: Mo A, DCM reported District 6 is located in the northeast region of SD, comprised of the following communities: Aberdeen, Britton, Clermont, Big Stone City, Faulkton, Ipswich, Leola, Milbank, Redfield, Sisseton, Webster. We have approximately 15 registered groups and 12 active groups in our district. Today we have 3 votes at this assembly. District news: Pass night at the yellow house one weekend a month. We had Easter dinner and Easter egg hunt. Issues: N/A. Comments: doing well
DIST 7: NO REPORT submitted
DIST 8: Jackie T, DCM reported District 8 is located in the South-East region of SD, comprised of the following communities. Including Huron, Miller, Wessington Springs, Howard, Woonsocket, DeSmet, Mitchell, Ethan. We have approximately 6 registered groups and 6 active groups in our district 2 vote at this conference.District News:Howard has started meetings back up again and will be Fridays at 5:30pm. The Group has begun the registration process and getting information to GSO. The District is planning a fellowship day about service and what is it. June 23rd will be getting it on Area 63 events page.Issues:Communication with GSR’s reporting back to home groups and getting GSR’s to assemblies and conferences.
DIST 9: Kevin L, DCM reported District 9 is located in the east central region of SD, comprised of the following communities: Brookings, Watertown, Arlington, Clark. We have approximately 9 registered groups and 9 active groups in our district. Today we have 3 votes at this assembly. District news: District has been planning and putting on a conference. We’re working on budget and contributions to Area 63 and GSO. Encouraging groups to contribute to district regularly, encouraging participation, setting up workshops. Issues: Attendance and participation and irregular contributions to district.
DIST 10: No Report. DCM to give report for District 10 is located in the southwest region of SD, comprised of the following communities: Hot Springs, Custer, Hill City, Hermosa and Olrichs.
DIST 11: Robert R. gave the DCM report for District 11 is located in the Southeast region of SD, comprised of the following communities: Parker, Canton, Beresford, Lennox, Viborg, Irene, & Elkpoint. We have approximately 4 registered groups, 6 active groups. 2 vote at winter assembly. District News:District 11 is looking up. Area 63 is planning to set-up meeting in our district to elect DCM. Issues: Still looking for group support and to get other meetings to elect GSR’s.
DIST 12: NoReport District 12 is located in south central region of SD, comprised of the following communities: Armour, Wagner, Lake Andes, Platte, Winner, Chamberlain and Gregory.
DIST 13: Jamey N.DCM gave report for District 13is located in N Hills, including Belle Fourche, Buffalo, Deadwood, Lead, Spearfish, Sturgis & Whitewood. They have 9 registered groups with 9 active groups in district and 4 votes at this assembly. District News: Issues:
DIST 15:No Report
2018 Spring Conference – April 6th – 8th2018. Dakota Sioux Hotel and Convention Center, Watertown, SD.
Al said a quick thank you for coming to conference, 213 people registered
2018 Summer Assembly –District 6will host this event. Where: Econo Lodge in Pierre July 21-22nd.
605-224-5951 (mention Area 63)
2018Fall Conference-Rapid City Ramkota – October 12 -14th, 2018 Chairperson Sam K. We have the checkbook and signatures are set up. Paypal should be up and ready right after the spring conference in Watertown. Al-anon is still looking for 2nd speaker. The committee chairperson distributed flyers to winter assembly. Committee is interacting with speakers to keep them up to date on everything. Working on CPC luncheon and who they want to target. Committee is discussing on whether or not to have a lockbox in hospitality room. Lastly, committee will follow Area 63 guidelines on scholarship criteria for fall conference.
2019Winter Workshop- February 9-10th Winter Assembly at Econo Lodge in Pierre, SD
605-224-5951 (mention Area 63)
2019 Spring Conference – District 6 – Best Western Ramkota Aberdeen, SD -
Shannon: on track for conference. C0-chairs Katie and Shannon have been voted in. Meeting every 3 months until closer to event. Speakers are lined up. Audio recording has been committed. Contract has been signed. Coffee has been locked down.
2019 Summer Assembly- July 20-21st 2019Econo Lodge in Pierre 605-224-5951 (mention Area 63)
2019 Fall Conference – Oct. 4, 5 & 6, 2019 Holiday Inn, Spearfish
Everything is on track. Book room at Holiday Inn 89.99 on area 63.
POLICIES:Nicole sitting in for Dave D. chair: 4 attendees in this committee. We reviewed the following:
- Discussed updating the Motions binder. Met with the archives chair to get the past motions and the work in progress book of motions.
- Considered: finish updating the current practices for Area 63; have voted on it up until current year
- Recommends: pass out area inventory questions to the committee chairs and have committee answer inventory questions at the summer assembly.
AGENDA:Brittany (sitting in for Marla) Chair. 3 attendees in this committee. We reviewed the following items:
- Schedule of the 2018 & 2019 spring conference of Area 63
- Reviewed the “How to Guide” format
- Reviewed agenda committee composition, scope and practice
- Reviewed spring bid for District 5
- Considered: the need to update “How to Guide”
Recommends: Asking District 5 to bring back bid to Sumer Assembly with more information
REGISTRAR / ADMISSIONS: Meg B. Chairperson. 1member in attendance. Reviewed the following:
- FNV and all the updates
- Recommends staying on task with registrars
ARCHIVES: Bart K Committee Chair: 1 in attendance in committee. Reviewed the following items:
- Reviewed workbook: policy of sound and video access, and photocopy policy in the workbook
- Continue to encourage groups, districts to update their group history forms.
PUBLIC INFORMATION: Sara M Chairperson. 3 attendees in this committee. We reviewed the following:
- Reviewed GSC agenda items and gave report
- Reviewed DCM’s to be able to start getting in touch with District PI chairs
- Considered: how to get in touch with PI chairs in the districts
- Reviewed pamphlets
WEBSITE/WEB MANAGER:Estelle G. Chairperson. 5 members in attendance. We reviewed the following:
- Function/purpose of website
- Discussed format for submitting flyers/attachments. Easier to send hard copy to webmaster to post
- Considered: discussed an AA webpage for information exchange
- Comments: Add PayPal to Fall Conference registration. Add archived minutes back on webpage
CORRECTIONS/TREATMENT (C&T): Chairperson Mary G. 5 attendees of this committee. We reviewed the following:
- Facilities that are in South Dakota both adult and juvenile
- Committee needs to develop a list of AA members who are willing to work with the facilities to make sure literature and meetings are available.
- Discussed the concerns with resistance from administrative workers at jails
- Considered: developing a Bridge the Gap program and sending delegates to the 2nd annual corrections conference in Portland, Oregon in November.
- Recommends: Please write to GSO to request a name of an inmate to write letters to encourage them on their journey in AA. Please encourage your groups as well.
CPC (Cooperation with Professional Community):Steve Committee Chair. 4 attendees in this committee: We reviewed the following items:
- Luncheon: need to call Molly from District 3&4
- District 12 has no drug court organization
- Considered: what are the issues that need to be resolved for CPC; how can we get involved.
- Consider getting literature to communicate with courts
- Recommends: more communication with authorities; attempt to be more consistent
LITERATURE/GRAPVINE: BekkaH. Chairperson with 6 attendees in the committee. We reviewed the following items:
- We conversed with PI to get them pamphlets that were pertinent to their needs
- $242 total in sales since last assembly
- Will be selling books afterwards and sale is still going on
REMOTE COMMUNITIES / SPECIAL NEEDS COMMITTEE:Mary Beth Committee Chairperson. 2attendees in
this committee. We reviewed the following:
- Letters to DCM’s
- Considered: will be sending out letters to current known remote communities and will be on summer assembly agenda
- Recommends: to compose and mail out the letter (attached a copy of the letter)
REPORT & CHARTER:Mallory Chair. Our committee had 2 attendees: We reviewed the following items:
- Updated emails and addresses
- No recommendations
- Comments: please email or send me your reports to get into the minutes
FINANCE:(See Attached):
- YTD 2018 treasurer’s report (Al M)
- Please pass along to all groups, districts, GSR’s, etc… the preaddressed treasurer envelopes.
- Contributions to Area 63 are needed
- Please communicate that all reports are on the website to help with any comments or needs
- Finance committee made motion to accept treasurer’s report, Mary Beth 2nd-motion passed unanimously
The 2018 GSC Agenda Items (See Attached)
Closing Comments:No closing comments,
Motion to adjourn meeting by Gail. 2nd by Sara. Adjourned
68th General Service Conference Committee
Agenda Items
Reviewed by Committees:
- Agenda: chaired by Brittany subbing for Marla. 3 in attendance.
A.No recommendations; reviewed clarity of purpose and carrying AA message
B.No recommendations
C.Committee reviewed and ok them
D.Reviewed items; no recommendations
E.Some discussion; believe it is ok as is
- Cooperation with Professional Community: Chaired by Steve and 4 in attendance.
A.Strong opinions against; issue on anonymity; discussion about advertising with LinkdIn, it looks like affiliated with AA with advertisement; against it because should be more physically active with professional. Discussion: had question on the word “platform” Wants it to be company site on Linkdin. It would appear and connect to it and affiliated with it. Moe: professionals have other ways to connect with us then just Linkdin. Mary Ann Support: to be visible, it is for professionals to connect not really for AA to connect. Dave: AA never did a mass support to connect with professionals, all done with individuals. Linkdin a way for professionals aware of AA, don’t think anyone isn’t aware of AA. Needs a contact; individuals way of getting in touch with professionals. Needs to come from individuals. Is there any different information available on Linkdin then on the website? Purpose is to keep with times.
B.Committee thinks wording is incorrect.: discussion Mike hard to breach the military, always going to be problem. Background says military having more civilians coming into camps to lead meetings. Who are others? Wording should be changed “to deployed military and others” Brandi: suggests language is correct because others deployed considers civilians too.
C.No recommendations
D.No recommendations
E.No recommendations
- Corrections: Chaired by Mary Ann G. 5 members in attendance.
A.Recommend this to be considered; feels good idea, checked to see if this was already done. Felt super important to create pamphlet but also make sure committee is actively meeting face to face with these individuals
B.No recommendations
- Finance: Chaired by Al M.
A.Policy to review it on regular basis as agenda item as 2 years; recommends developing a standard agenda item to review every 2 years. Discussion was had and some for and some against.
B.No recommendations
- Grapevine: Chaired by Estelle G.
A.Reviewed and discussed. What message is out there? Discussion: google for nonprofit may be an idea to consider, did committee have discussion on it? Should be proactive on that due to the mis-information that is out there.
B.Reviewed. Find ways to increase subscriptions
D.Very similar to grapevine advisory action…do we let outside people sell the La Vina. Can La Vina be self-supporting?
E.No background information due to not on committee
F.Anonymity in social media world, considered titles
G.Did not review grapevine workbook because no grapevine rep
- Literature: Chaired by Bekka
A.Agree with recommendation of request
B.Agree with recommendation of insert
C.Agree with recommendation of adding acknowledgement
D.Disagree with considering the request to publish “The God Word”
E.Disagree with for pamphlet
F.Agree to consider request
G.Don’t agree with definition of safety. We agree with a safety statement, just not the way it is written. Discussion: down to the group to call police. Definition of what they were working on, because used word bigotry. AA doesn’t say to think a certain way. We can’t give a statement to replace it but needs to be replaced. Make sure everyone in group is protected.
H.Agreed to review for revision
I.Agreed to review for revision
J.Need to make sure when being reviewed it is being reviewed by someone who it affects, if outdated make sure it is getting up dated to make relevant.
K.Agreed to review for revision
L.Agreed to have review revised draft
M.Review progress
N.Reviewed progress
O.Feel book should be left alone; update the safety statement to medical professional about medications
P.Don’t agree
Q.Agree to update
R.Felt pamphlet should stay the same; wanted to change the subtitle
S.Agree to request to development new pamphlet
T.Agree and believe good idea
U.Reviewed matrix
- Policy/Admissions: Chaired by Dave D.
A.Have always allowed to come to a conference from another country. Agree with approval so they can set up same conference in their country
B.Reviewed dates; no opinion, make sure dates fall on holidays
C.Reviewed report; 2018 and 2019 in NYC and 2020 in Rye. Consider changing the implementation of one site. Unless agreed upon by vote to move it. Propose getting bids from venders in other cities to have the GSC, needs to have international airport. If vender did get it, it would be 3-5 years then open to move around.
D.Reviewed draft process for polling. 2/3 of that committee be considered a corum, polling with conference. No procedure on polling the delegates at conference. Trying to come up with procedure.
E.Reviewed progress report; is workload being distributed equity. Options on how to distribute equally.
F.Agreed with consideration to develop a policy dashboard. Should not distribute if should not be. Develop policy
G.Currently it is a request of country and US will say yes/no. country will request it. Does US/Canada have a responsibility to invite them to come with them having to request. This will be a change from current policy. Committee was slip in half with this. Discussion: We would sponsor so we would pay for it. In background, when would accept request the country paid for their way
- Public Information: Chaired by Sara
A.Reviewed information; website activity working, people reading grapevine. No major concerns
B.Reviewed media plan, started in 2012 and every year update and review plan; no major concerns
C.No access to PSA only for committee, don’t have opinion since can’t watch it. Relevance of PSAs, feel same PSA are good things. More people are watching PSAs on YouTube, new way but still needed
D.No access to submission, no action
E.Considered revisions, replacement is fine but take out original paragraph and put in new one
F.Considered visions, replacement is fine, just need to make sure to take into consideration the cost of revisions. There is minimal cost, don’t throw away old pamphlets. Replacement language is to soften language. On safety language…lies with group conscience. Is it necessary, either way we are good with it.
G.Data shows that it is running well. Need more time to run accurate data.
H.Reviewed information on Google Adwords and Google grants. Understanding not sure how well it will go with putting money into it. If put into Google Adwords and Google grants will put the word “ads” by
I.Reviewed contents of PI and look ok.
- Report and Charter: Chaired by Mallory
A.No committee background to make recommendations
B.No committee background to make recommendations
C.Committee is in favor of recommendation. Feels it will reduce confusion with glossary definition
D.Committee is in favor of recommendation. Since there is already a verbal description of the position, feels a visual will be helpful.
E.Committee is in favor of recommendation. Feels this will help clarify what committees are and how they serve. We recommend the suggestion that was given in background material on where text should be in service manual.