Notes of Marine & Coastal Sub-group
English Nature Offices, Stocksfield - 3rd July 2006
In attendance:
Niall Benson (NB) - Durham Heritage Coast
Nick Brodin (NBr) - North East Biodiversity Forum
Terry Coult (TC) - Durham County Council
Jonathan Gibson (JG) - INCA
James Howard (JH) - Environment Agency
Elaine Jaggs (EJ) - N’land Biodiversity Partnership (Minutes)
Andy Lees (AL) - Durham Biodiversity Partnership
Mike Quigley (MQ) - English Nature (Chair)
1. Apologies
Tom Cadwallender - N’land Coast AONB
Jim Cokill - Durham Wildlife Trust
Steve Lowe - N’land Wildlife Trust
Sue Stewart - One Northeast
Susan Clark - Countryside Agency
Jackie Hunter - North Tyneside Council
Group asked to report any problems with notes from previous meeting to NBr via email.
2. Matter Arising
Contact list for marine and coastal sub-group circulated by NBr on 30.06.06
Revised Terms of Reference not yet drafted - MQ to progress (Action MQ)
Project priorities spreadsheet circulated by NBr on 30.06.06
No feedback provided to AL on Durham BAP marine and coastal habitats and species
3. New chair
MQ informed the group that he would be stepping down as chair. Niall Benson volunteered to take over the role of chair of the group. Seconded by AL and agreed by all.
4. Priorities and project gap spreadsheet
NBr explained the content of the table and the discussion paper. Focus of spreadsheet is to identify the regional priorities for action on coastal and marine habitats and to identify any gaps in delivery for these. A species table is also currently being devised.
The need to incorporate nationally important marine features (as identified in the Government's Review of Marine Nature Conservation) into the process was highlighted. A discussion ensued on comparisons with the UK BAP list and the need for a marine specialist to interpret the descriptions of some of the nationally important marine features for non-experts.
AL questioned what the end product of this piece of work would be, whether it would be published, how it should be used, and the relationship between the group and LBAPs? NBr explained that a short list of actions could be produced to go with each of the habitats to form a regional Action Plan. Regional biodiversity targets already exist and NBr suggested that this work could be added into this existing framework.
MQ suggested getting the North East Biodiversity Forum to ratify a decision on whether the sub-group is to push the proposed Action Plan forward or encourage local groups to take it forward.
AL was asked what solution would be the most helpful to Durham. Durham partnership had agreed that this was outside the scope of local BAPs and would like to be able to use the strategy in the current review of the DBAP.
MQ summarised that group to provide a joined up regional steer for the coastal and marine environments and that this information would be trickled down to LBAPs. LBAPs to refine the headline actions further by stating how each local plan will contribute to them.
MQ reported that the work being carried out by English Nature on Marine Protected Areas is not concentrating on anything north of Flamborough Head over and above existing EU designations.
EJ identified that the latest UK BAP reporting round has identified three habitats as still in continuous decline; coastal saltmarsh, sheltered muddy gravels and Modiolus modiolus beds. Coastal saltmarsh the only one of these existent in the North East and already identified as 1st rank priority.
ACTION NBr – Gather views of Local BAP co-ordinators on what they want the regional marine and coastal Action Plan to achieve.
ACTION NB – Seek ratification from the North East Biodiversity Forum for marine and coastal sub group's Action Plan
ACTION NBr – create a reference for the document and brief description paragraph and circulate to the group
ACTION – NBr + ALL – formalise tables and turn into functional document
NBr requested guidance on whether identified species should be prioritised into groups?
MQ asked whether it should have a ‘not known category’. JH highlighted that a priority approach was needed for species and that those where data is lacking could indicate a high priority. NB suggested ranking on how soon we would be taking action. MQ highlighted the links to funding stream timetables.
A discussion on existing projects took place. The sea search project, a training programme for divers to be able to identify marine species, does not have a very big presence in the North East area and JH suggested trying to address this. The EA contributed to the Shark Trust’s Great Egg Case Hunt in the spring, which was the first time it had been carried out in the NE. No egg cases were found.
NB raised concern over the poor links with the universities and consequently opportunities for direct research projects. MQ backed this up by highlighting the need for practical hands on training as part of university courses. JH identified that the Environment Agency can supervise students carrying out dissertations and research projects. MQ made reference to the N’land Biodiversity Marine Project and highlighted it as a model that had worked in the past and that the university staff responsible still existed.
ACTION NB – Dr Jane Delany from Newcastle University to be invited onto the group
NBr suggested creating of a list of potential research projects to offer to students from local higher education establishments as carried out by Durham BAP. MQ suggested that Jane Delany would be in a good position to help with this and enable some continuity, rather than just one off projects. JG identified that courses were no longer running at the University of Durham's Stockton campus so INCA had lost student resources. TC identified that Durham was running down its biological courses. MQ suggested talking to Jane Delany about regional academic networks.
TC asked AL if any of their research projects had been taken up by students? Identified that at this stage no but this was a matter of needing better publicity and contacts. AL also added that if the group could identify a lead partner at the advertising stage this would give more weight to research projects.
MQ noted that the group should recognise the amount of work involved when taking on a supervisory role for a research project.
ACTION NBr – download current Durham research project list and use as starting point for creation of a regionally focused list.
NBr provided feedback on the MCS Defra funded study on how marine BAPs are being delivered locally. Feedback has been provided on the current position of the sub-group and Jean-Luc Solandt will be attending a future meeting. There is also a marine educational programme being run by MCS which involves a roadshow of life-size inflatable marine animals being taken around primary schools throughout England and Wales. AL co-ordinated a joint response from all Local BAPs with a list of 30 potential schools for inclusion. Selected schools would be hub sites so that other nearby schools could also take part. Putting in an early expression of interest was noted as being very important.
MQ highlighted potential for this to link with the educational programmes of the Durham Heritage Coast and Northumberland Coast AONB
ACTION MQ – to find out if a European Marine sites educational programme still exists
ACTION AL – send email contact to MQ including list of nominated schools.
5. Future remit and activities of the group
MQ sees the group as a good discussion forum for launching projects. He questioned whether the group needs a formal constitution for financial reasons.
AL recommended that it is the framework with a list of clearly identified priorities that is needed by local organisations. This would help them apply for funding and to network effectively with other partners.
MQ also raised the importance of the group in lobbying.
NB highlighted the many impending changes to marine legislation; the information from which the group should be disseminating into local strategies and processes.
The Environment Agency is currently reviewing its survey work under the water framework directive and JH highlighted that no survey work is planned between the Tyne and Lindisfarne. Saltmarsh, mudflats and seagrass beds were identified as possibilities for surveying.
MQ reported that due to freeze on jobs as a result of Natural England there is no head of marine monitoring within English Nature to lead putting together a regional monitoring programme.
SMP reviews
The activities of Coastal Authority Groups and their shoreline management plans (SMPs) are currently being reviewed. Schemes that include biodiversity score more highly with Defra when selecting projects for funding. Work has already taken place on possible biodiversity enhancements through the Tyne to Flamborough Head SMP. The group is in a good position to refine this work. A review will be happening of the N’land Coastal Authorities Group (NCAG) group next year and would be a good opportunity to get the biodiversity message in early. MQ sits on both Coastal Authorities Groups within the region and will liase between the three forums on the possibility of future work together.
NB highlighted importance of the group’s work running in parallel with SMP reviews. JH highlighted that Environment Agency informed by Defra to decommission defences. MQ highlighted the example of the Tees Tidal Flood Risk Strategy and how compensatory habitat was being identified for that which could potentially be lost to sea level rise.
Participation/Public Awareness
AL identified need for this to be at a regional scale as would gain more publicity than if carried out locally. Remit of group needed to be able to publicise effectively.
ACTION MQ – revise terms of reference for group
Vibrant Coasts event taking place on 18th July discussed. Will share the results of the review of integrated coastal zone management in NE England and then go on to discuss what action everyone should take and instigate a debate on what people want to see.
ACTION NBr – discuss Vibrant Coasts event with LBAP co-ordinators at next meeting
NB mentioned concern over a lack of voice for the marine and coastal environment within the NE. The fact that the area doesn’t have as many hard issues as others was acknowledged but that there are still sufficient pressures such as tourism and industry that should be highlighted at a regional level in policy development. So far there has been no voice influencing documents such as the RES and RSS.
6. AOB
AL suggested that Durham could become involved in Great Egg Case Hunt next year and JH provided some more details on what had been included this year and when it was carried out. The possibility of tying this into the healthy living agenda was raised through beach walks.
MQ updated the group on European Marine Sites Project Officer post. Ads have already gone out and a date for interviews is in the process of being set. The post holder will sit within the N’land Coast AONB team at County Hall Morpeth.
NBr identified that the 4-shores project manager post was currently being advertised.
NB handed round copies of involving people in geodiversity leaflet
7. Dates of future meetings
Thursday 12th October 2006 at Durham County Council Offices
ACTION NBr – to invite Jean-Luc to meeting on the 12th October.
ACTION NB – to arrange venue of Durham County Council offices for meeting on 12th October
Tuesday 16th January 2007 – venue to be confirmed.
ANNEX 1 - Summary of Action Points
ACTION MQ – Revise terms of reference for group
ACTION MQ – To find out if a European Marine sites educational programme still exists
ACTION NB – Seek ratification from the North East Biodiversity Forum for marine and coastal sub group's Action Plan
ACTION NB – Dr Jane Delany from Newcastle University to be invited onto the group
ACTION – NBr + ALL – Formalise tables and turn into functional document
ACTION NBr – Gather views of Local BAP co-ordinators on what they want the regional marine and coastal Action Plan to achieve.
ACTION NBr – Create a reference for the document and brief description paragraph and circulate to the group
ACTION NBr – Download current Durham research project list and use as starting point for creation of a regionally focused list.
ACTION NBr – Discuss Vibrant Coasts event with LBAP co-ordinators at their next liaison meeting
ACTION AL – Send email contact to MQ including list of nominated schools.