Reception PE KPI’s
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Fitness & fundamentals
Baseline testing / Basic movements
Skills-Balance and co-ordination / Gymnastics
Fitness testing / Throwing and catching / Running and jumping / Games – learning rules & playing team games
Fitness testing
Developing skills
Making and applying
Physical and mental
Year 1 PE KPI’s
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Fitness & fundamentals
Baseline testing / Games Skills / Gymnastics
Fitness testing / Throwing and catching / Running and jumping / Striking and fielding
Fitness testing
Developing skills / Move fluently, changing direction and speed easily without collision
/ Copy and explore basic body actions demonstrated by teacher
/ Perform simple
gymnastics movements
(jump, roll, travel, climb,
still) / Move fluently, changing
direction and speed easily
without collision / Use space safely, being
aware of others and
apparatus / Roll, throw, strike, kick
with some control
Making & applying / Know where their heart is and why it beats faster
/ Use space to their advantage
/ Make up and perform
simple movement phrases / Use and change skills to
win games / Perform movements with
some control and accuracy / Know how to aim and hit
into a good space
Physical & mental / Copy simple movement patterns from each other
/ Practise and repeat their phrase with some control / Know the difference
between tension and
/ Copy what they see and say
why it is good / Describe what it feels
like when breathing
faster during exercise / Explain why running and
playing games is good
for them
Year 2 PE KPI’s
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Fitness & fundamentals
Baseline testing / Games Skills / Gymnastics
Fitness testing / Net / wall games / Athletic Skills / Striking and fielding
Fitness testing
Developing skills / Perform a range of actions with
control and coordination / Perform a range of throwing,
rolling, striking, kicking and
gathering skills / Repeat sequences of gymnastic
actions / Show good awareness of others
in running, catching and using bats /rackets / Perform athletic skills movements with
control and accuracy / Roll, throw, strike, kick
with some control and accuracy
Making & applying / Explore physical education by
experimenting with movement / React to situations in a way that
helps partner and makes it
difficult for opponents / Create, repeat and perform a
short sequence / Choose and use tactics to suit
different situations / Explore actions to help throw, run, jump. / React to situations in a way that
helps partner and makes it
difficult for opponents
Physical & mental / Understand and describe
changes in their heart rate / Begin to anticipate what they
will feel like after playing games / Explain how they and their
bodies feel after gymnastics / Know how to score and keep the
rules of the game / Understand and describe
changes in their heart rate / Know that they need to warm up
and cool down for striking and fielding
Year 3 PE KPI’s
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Fitness & fundamentals
Baseline testing / Games Skills / Gymnastics
Fitness testing / Net / wall games / Athletic Skills / Striking and fielding
Fitness testing
Developing skills / Show control, accuracy and fluency when
performing actions / Pass, receive and dribble the ball,
keeping control and possession / Explore use of floor, mat & apparatus
using shape, balance & travel / Get in line with the ball and keep a small
rally going / Get in line with the ball and keep a small
rally going / Hit the ball into space, at speeds or
different heights to outwit opponent
Making & applying / Make good decisions on what to
do/where to pass / Keep possession and make progress
towards the goal / Create and perform a gymnastic
sequence / Choose good places to stand when
receiving and give reasons for choice / Recognise that there are different
styles of running, jumping and throwing / Know how to use space in games
Physical & mental / Make good decisions on what to
do/where to pass / Describe what happens to the heart / Make good decisions on what to
do/where to pass / Identify what activities they could use
to warm up / Describe what happens to the heart / Describe what happens to the heart
Year 4 PE KPI’s
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Fitness & fundamentals
Baseline testing / Games Skills – invasion games / Gymnastics
Fitness testing / Net / wall games / Athletic Skills / Striking and fielding
Fitness testing
Developing skills / Perform a range of actions with consistency, fluency and clarity of movement / Change direction and speed when dribbling the ball / Perform a range of actions with consistency, fluency and clarity of movement / Get in line with the ball and keep a small rally going / Run consistently and smoothly at different speeds / Keep and use rules they are given
Making & applying / Pace their effort wel / Keep and use rules they are given / Perform a range of actions with consistency, fluency and clarity of movement / Hit the ball into space, at speeds or different heights to outwit opponent / Throw a range of implements into a target area with consistency and accuracy / Choose where to stand successfully as a fielder
Physical & mental / Know the demands that specific activities make on their bodies / Know the importance of warming up / Devise routines of stretching exercises that prepare them for their gym work / Identify what activities they could use to warm up / Show understanding of warming up and cooling down and do it on their own / Use knowledge they have learnt to make up suitable warm up activities
Year 5 PE KPI’s
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Fitness & fundamentals
Baseline testing / Games Skills – invasion games / Gymnastics
Fitness testing / Net / wall games / Athletic Skills / Striking and fielding
Fitness testing
Developing skills / Perform combinations of actions that show clear levels, speeds and directions / Know the difference between attacking skills and defending skills / Perform actions, shapes and balances clearly, consistently and fluently / Hit the ball with purpose, varying the speed, height and direction / Perform a range of jumps showing power, control and consistency at both take-off and landing / Bowl underarm accurately
Making & applying / Organise themselves in small groups safely, and take turns and different roles / Choose positions in their teams and know how to help attack / Adapt sequences to include a partner or a small group / Direct the ball reasonably well towards their opponent's court / Take part well in a relay event / Direct the ball away from fielders, using
different angles and speeds
Physical & mental / Give good explanations of how warm-up activities affect the body / Carry out warm-up activities carefully and thoroughly / Adapt sequences to include a partner or a small group / Look for specific things in a game and explain if they are being done well / Watch a partner's athletic performance and identify the main strengths / Recognise their own and others' strengths
Year 6 PE KPI’s
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Fitness & fundamentals
Baseline testing / Games Skills – invasion games / Gymnastics
Fitness testing / Net / wall games / Athletic Skills / Striking and fielding
Fitness testing
Developing skills / Perform skills with accuracy, confidence and control / Perform skills with greater speed / Work well with a partner or a small group to
practise and refine their work / Position themselves well on court / Perform a range of jumps showing power, control and consistency at both take-off and landing- trying to beat PB’s / Bat effectively, using different types of shot
Physical & mental / Organise themselves in small groups safely, and take turns and different roles / Choose when to pass or dribble, so that they
keep possession and make progress towards
the goal / Make up longer sequences and perform them
with fluency and clarity of movement / Play shots on both sides of the body and above their heads / Take part well in a relay event / Gauge when to run after hitting the ball
Evaluate & Improve / Identify parts of the performance that need to be practised and refined, and suggest improvements / Recognise and describe the best points in an
individual's and a team's performance / Watch performances and use criteria to make
judgements and suggest improvements / Play shots on both sides of the body and above their heads / Identify parts of the performance that need to be practised and refined, and suggest improvements / Identify what they need to improve in their
performance and suggest how they could do