Welcome to Ancient Civilizations
Nobel Charter Middle School 2016-17
Course: Ancient Civilizations
Teacher: Mr. Ayala
E-mail: Mr. Ayala,
Room number: 36
Course Description:
In this course students will develop the ability to think critically and analytically. Students will engage in different activities that will enable them to experience past, present, and the possibility of future world events. By analyzing the past, present, and possible future events, students will gain an understanding of how humans have helped change, shape, and construct the world we now live in.
Class Goal:
The goal in this course is to effectively prepare students to be critical thinkers of the social conditions affecting humanity while at the same time acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to be of service to humanity and bring positive change to create a better world.
Class Expectations:
Students are expected to follow all classroom rules and procedures as well as meeting Nobel’s expectations.
- Be on Time: follow the class schedule and be in your seat ready work at the specified time.
- Be Prepared: have all your materials ready to be an effective learner.
- Be on Task: you are expected to be actively engaged in the work assigned by the teacher at all times.
- Be Polite: negative behavior will not be tolerated. We need to be mindful and respectful of each other. We need to create an environment conducive to learning and the use of profanity and/or negative language is not acceptable. Those who violate the rules are subject to disciplinary action.
- Academic Honesty: students are expected to maintain academic honesty for all written and non written assignments, as well as all tests, quizzes, projects, and class activities.
- Cell phone use during class is prohibited *unless otherwise noted
- Restroom policy: Students will be issued 4 restroom passes each semester which can be used at any time. Unused passes can be turned-in for extra credit at each semester’s end.
- Free-Passes: can be used for turning-in late work and not be penalized.
- Clean-up:students are expected to clean-up their area before dismissal.
See Mr. Ayala
Topics Covered:
Students in grade six expand their understanding of history by studying the people and events that ushered in the dawn of the major Western and non-Western ancient civilizations. Geography is of special significance in the development of the human story.
Continued emphasis is placed on the everyday lives, problems, and accomplishments of people, their role in developing social, economic, and political structures, as well as in establishing and spreading ideas that helped transform the world forever. Students develop higher levels of critical thinking by considering why civilizations developed where and when they did, why they became dominant, and why they declined. Students analyze the interactions among the various cultures, emphasizing their enduring contributions and the link, despite time, between the contemporary and ancient worlds.
We will cover from the Paleolithic era to the agricultural revolution and early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush. Analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the Ancient Hebrews, ancient Greece, India, early civilizations of China, and during the development of Rome.
Ancient Civilizations: Discovering our Past; Ancient Civilizations McGraw Hill Glencoe
Grading Scale How are grades determined?
A 90-100 class work and homework
B 80-89 participation and engagement
C 70-79 projects and essays
D 60-69 exams and quizzes
F 59-below agendas
Final Marks for Work Habits and Cooperation
Work Habits: 85% and above of the work completed = E
65-84% of the work completed = S
64% and below of the work completed = U
Cooperation: Student is always on task and follows instructions = E
Student need to be reminded to be on task at times = S
Student constantly needs to be reminded to be on task= U
Homework will be assigned for every unit covered during the 20 weeks. All homework is expected to be turned in on the due date; late work will not be accepted without penalty, no exceptions. If you’re going to be absent you need to e-mail me.
Late work is accepted but carries a penalty. The last day to turn in late work for the Fall semester is the Friday before Thanksgiving week (11/18/16). The last day to turn in late work for Spring semester is Friday (5/5/17).
You are expected to attend class every day. Missing class does not exempt you from any of the assignments. If you are absent for any reason, you need to contact me via e-mail or Main office to find out what you missed.
Students are expected to behave as responsible adults at all times. Undesired behavior will warrant disciplinary consequences.
- verbal correction from teacher
- parent call/conference
- referral
Grievance procedure
- Ask to speak to teacher (preferably after class or after school) to ask for clarification.
- Request to speak to counselor to explain your position.
- Parent conference.
The teacher reserves the right to make any additions, changes, or corrections to the syllabus at any time during the school year.
By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and understood everything required and expected of me for the world history course this year. Please complete and return
DATE______PARENT/GUARDIAN Phone Number______
Please write below anything that you would like to tell me about you/your child