Dhruvil Gajera(110340106003),Parth vasoya(110340106027), Harshil ramani(110340106050),

Contact No:- Dhruvil gajera (9099848617), Parth vasoya (9727131093),Harshil ramani(7874498959)

Internal Guide:-Mr. Niraj Mandowara

Project Title

Analysis of Geotextile Material and Analysis of Utilizing Bamboo as Reinforcement in Low Cost Housing


Geotextiles can be defined as “a fabric or synthetic material placed between the soil and a pipe, gabion or retaining wall; to enhance water movement and retard soil movement and act as a blanket to add reinforcement and separation.” Geotextiles also known as industrial textiles, high performance textiles. Our aim of the project is to provide economical design of pavements.

Bamboo has been used as a construction material in certain areas for centuries but its application as reinforcement in concrete had received attention in recent study. According to study by researchers in world in next 60 years steel production will be reduced hence a utilization of natural and ecofriendly option like bamboo should be used. As now a day the cost of housing is very high in rural areas. The cost can be decreased by using the bamboo as a replacement of a reinforcement materials.


Geotextile,Geogrid,Bamboo cement concrete,R.C.C

Project Application:-

(1)  TO provide the economical pavements.

(2)  To provide the economical housing.

(3)  To provide safe house in rural housing.

Project Photo( with students holding project poster )

Conclusion:- The CBR value of pavement made by using soil, geotextile, and geogrid is 10.2 %.While the CBR value of pavement made by using soil and two layers of geotextile is 9.4%.And the price of geogrid is comparatively higher than the geotextile.

So as to obtain the economical pavement, the pavement can be made by using soil and geotextile material.

The life span will not vary much, but by considering the price of material the pavement can be made economical by using the two layers of geotextile and soil. And the average CBR value can be obtained. This is good for the earthen road. To get the very good CBR value of pavement two layers of GEOGRID AND GEOTEXTILE should be used with the SOIL. But the pavement will be not that economical as compared to the pavement made by GEOTEXTILE and SOIL.

The bamboo cement concrete house is 43800 rupees cheaper than the steel reinforced concrete house. As the plan is prepared for the 150 sq. mt. areas it can be concluded that by providing the bamboo cement concrete house the rate of house decreases at 292 rs per sq. mt. In providing the bamboo as the reinforcement material the consumption of concrete is less compared to steel reinforced concrete house. The tensile strength of bamboo is quite high and can reach up to 125 MPa. This makes bamboo a good alternative to steel in tensile loading applications. For bamboo cement concrete beam, the load carrying capacity increased about 3 times that of plain concrete beam having similar dimensions.