Baby Boom and Echo.Questions Page 152, and 155

  1. How was Dr. Spock’s advice different from that of earlier psychologist John B. Watson?

-Watson advocated strict structure, including toilet training in the first year and feeding newborns on a schedule. Children were expected to adapt to the world of adults.

-Spock advocated flexible structure, including toilet training after the second year when the child is developed enough to control body functions and feeding infants when they’re hungry. Parents were expected to adapt to the world of children for the first few years of life.

  1. Why have some critics opposed Dr. Spock’s views?

-Some critics opposed Spock’s views as being too permissive and corrupting youth.

Page 155 #1.What effects did each of the following have on the upbringing of many baby boomers?

A)Television affected the upbringing of baby boomers by presenting a stereotypical view of happy suburban, father-led families, which helped shape the roles played by fathers mothers and children in many homes.

B)Dr. Spock convinced people to raise children with less rigid structure, so boomers were the first to be allowed to feed on demand and be toilet trained only after showing signs of readiness.

C)The government of Canada introduced a Family Allowance benefit system to help feed and clothe each child. This helped boomers to become the healthiest generation of children Canada had known.

D)The education system became more liberal, or progressive. Baby boomers were allowed more choices of subjects to take, and more freedom within a more relaxed classroom structure.

3.How did the education of baby boomers differ from that of previous generations?

-Their education was more progressive than that of previous generations. It was more student-focused rather than curriculum focused.

  1. Explain the quote “baby boomers lived in a world of children… a child-centered universe.”

-The quote refers to the suburbs, which were populated almost exclusively by young families with children. The focus of the adults in this subculture was directly on their children.