1. The property known as (“the Property”) is offered for holiday rental subject to confirmation by Mr and Mrs R C Topping (“the Owner”) to the renter (“the Client”).
  2. To reserve “the Property”, the Client should telephone/fax/e-mail to check availability, make a provisional booking, (which will be held for fourteen days, after this time it will be released unless a confirmed booking form with deposit is received). Then send an initial non-returnable deposit (25% of the total rent due) with one signed Booking Form. Following receipt of this the Owner will send a confirmation letter, which is formal acceptance of the booking.
  3. The balance of the rent is payable not less than 8 weeks before the start of the rental period. If the payment is not received by the due date, the Owner reserves the right to give notice in writing, (email/fax/letter) that the reservation is cancelled. After 8 weeks the Client will remain liable to pay the balance of the rent unless the Owner is able to re-let the property. In this event clause 6 of these Booking Conditions will apply. Reservations made within 8 weeks of the start of the rental period require full payment at the time of the booking. Cancellations will only be accepted in writing, by post or fax and take effect from the day of receipt.
  4. Any chargeable expenses arising during the rental period (e.g. electricity, eggs) should be settled locally with the Owners before departure. Cash payment is requested as Euro Cheques, Travellers Cheques carry bank charges here.
  5. Please note that in accordance with these booking conditions a Security Deposit of £150.00 (Cheque) is due two weeks in advance of the start of the rental period, please note cheques are banked. This is in case of, for example, damage to the property or it’s contents or use of electricity beyond the 400kwph per week which are included in the cost of letting or for additional cleaning charges (see clause 9. However, the sum reserved by this clause shall not limit the Client’s liability to the Owner. The Owner will account to the Client for the security deposit and refund the balance by Cheque, less any deductions, within fourteen days of the end of the rental period. Subject to the clauses of 2 and 3 above, in the event of cancellation, refunds of amounts paid will be made if the Owner is able to re-let the property and any expenses or losses incurred in doing so will be deducted from the refundable amount.
  6. The Client is strongly recommended to arrange a comprehensive Travel Insurance policy (including cancellation cover) and to have full cover for the party’s personal belongings, public liability, etc., since these are not covered by the Owners insurance.
  7. The rental period shall commence at 4.00pm on the first day and finish at 10.00am on the last day. The Owners shall not be obliged to offer accommodation before the time stated and the Client shall not be entitled to remain in occupation after the time stated.
  8. When the Client arrives at the property they should read the inventory of contents and check that it is correct. The Client should then check the meter reading agrees with the meter in the Cottage, then sign the Inventory and give it to the Owner.
  9. Before departure there will normally be a property check by the Owner. The Client should make sure any damages or losses are noted and that the electricity reading is taken. If the Client leaves the property without the Inventory being checked in their presence, the findings of the subsequent check will be binding.
  10. The maximum to reside in the property must not exceed; Farmhouse – max 8 persons (plus baby)

Dairy - max 4 persons (plus baby) Aven - max 8 persons (plus baby) Odet - max 6 persons (plus baby)

Belon - max 6 persons (plus baby)Moros - max 6 persons (plus baby) Minaouet - max 6 persons (plus baby)

  1. The Client agrees to take good care of the property, and to leave it in the same clean and good condition as found upon arrival. The Owner reserves the right to make retention from the Client’s Security deposit to cover additional cleaning costs if the Client leaves it in an unacceptable condition.
  2. The Client agrees be a considerate tenant and to use the property in a responsible manner. The Client also agrees not to act in any way, which would cause disturbance to residents in the neighbouring properties. No person who is not specifically named on the Booking Form may occupy the property at any time.
  3. The Client shall report to the Owners without delay any defects in the property or breakdown in the equipment, plant, machinery or appliances in the property or the garden. Arrangements for repair and/or replacement will be made as soon as possible. There will be no liability for compensation on the part of the Owner.
  4. The Owner shall not be liable to the Client;

For any temporary defect or stoppage in the supply of public services to the property nor in respect of any equipment, plant, machinery or appliance in the property or garden.

For any loss, damage or injury, which is the result of adverse weather conditions, riot, war, strikes or other matters beyond the control of the Owner.

For any loss, damage or inconvenience caused to or suffered by the Client if the property shall be destroyed or substantially damaged before the start of the rental period, and in any such event the Owner shall, within 7 days of notification to the Client, refund to the Client all sums previously paid in respect of the rental period.

  1. Under no circumstances shall the Owner ‘s liability to the Client exceed the amount paid to the Owner for the rental period.
  2. The Client takes full responsibility for your own safety and conduct and for that of The Client’s party. We, the Owners cannot be held liable or accept responsibility for any injury, loss or damage to the Client or any of the Client’s party whilst using any of the Owners facilities.
  3. The Owner respectfully reminds the Client that the Pool is to be used only between the hours of 9.00am and 7.00pm. All children under the age of 16 years must have an adult supervising them at all times whilst using the pool and diving is not allowed. The Client is responsible for themselves and that of their party and the Owner will not accept any liability forany injury, loss or damage. Under normal circumstances the pool will be closed from the 1st of October until the 1st of May each year.
  4. The Client is responsible for themselves and that of their party in respect of the dangers of the Trout Pond. Be aware it is forbidden to swim in the Trout Pond, there are no lifeguard facilities and it is not fenced.
  5. If the Client or Client’s party have any complaint or problem concerning the letting of the property you should notify the Owners without delay, (whilst still occupying the rented property) and every effort will be made to achieve a satisfactory solution. If the Client fails to follow this procedure, the Owner regrets that we cannot accept responsibility as the Owner will not have the opportunity to resolve the situation.
  6. The Owners reserve the right to amend prices quoted on websites and in brochures, due to errors or emissions, or VAT rate.

I have read and understood the Booking Conditions above and agree to their terms in respect and on behalf of all the persons named on the Booking Form.

Signed by Client______Print ______Date ______