January 10, 2006, Volume V: No: 002Reg. No. 0045/RDDJ/J06/BASC of February 22, 1994

Solidarity Demonstration in London for Southern Cameroons Independence Feb. 11, 2006

The International Secretariat SCYL

Abraham Van Beyerenstraat 165

2525 TE Den Haag

The Netherlands

Mobile. 0031-621 99 33 96

Home. 0031-703803552

Mail. ,


Organizers: SCYL, SCNC, in partnership with the Interim Government (IG)

Date of action: 11 February 2006

Time of protest action: 14.00 – 17.00 GMT


Purpose of protest action:

For the freedom of Southern Cameroons political prisoners of conscience being held in La Republique’s torture chambers.

To force the Government of Her Majesty Kingdom to leave up to its responsibility and failures on the Southern Cameroons quest for self-determination.

To request the Blair’s Government to bring pressure to bear on the Yaoundé junta in halting its act of impunity, human rights abuses and the illegal detentions, torture and extra-judicial killings of SCYL and SCNC activists.

It should be noted that since the UK betrayed the Southern Cameroons in favour of the French, this geographical entity (S.C) has known nothing but slavery, exploitation and underdevelopment. The Yaoundé junta has not only squeezed live out of the Southern Cameroons in terms of resources, the have moved well beyond to make us nothing short of second class citizens and beggars

In this light, the London protest is deemed one of our last civilized DIPLOMATIC moves before we make a final onslaught to free ourselves.

DATE: 01/10/2005

SCNC Belgium Petition the Belgian Government







TEL.: 02/501.02.11
FAX: 02/512.69.53

A Petition from the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC), Belgium on the Occasion Marking the 44th Anniversary of the Independence of the Southern Cameroons, a Former United Nations Trust Territory in West Africa under British Administration.

Your Majesty King Albert II and His Excellency Guy Verhofstadt, accept the warm and sincere greetings from the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC), Belgium. We wish Your Majesty a very long reign as King of Belgium.

We wish to bring to the attention of Your Majesty and His Excellency Mr. Prime Minister to the fact that our attention has been drawn to Six International, a Belgian company contracting with La Republique du Cameroun to build a bridge over the River Mungo; connecting La Republique du Cameroun and the Former United Nations Trust territory of the Southern Cameroons under British Administration, in replacement of one that was previously constructed to be symbolic of the 1961 UN negotiated but not satisfactorily completed union between the peoples of La Republique du Cameroun and the Southern Cameroons.

Given Belgium’s position in the International community, we consider it our noble duty to call Your Majesty’s and His Excellency, Mr. Prime Minister’s attention to how the manipulation of the union by La Republique du Cameroun has left the people of the Southern Cameroons with mixed feelings about the symbolism represented in this bridge. If Six International, a Belgian company has accepted to reconstruct the bridge over the River Mungo and which bridge has become the historic symbol of the subjugation of the people of the Southern Cameroons, we consider it our duty to call Your Majesty’s attention to this prevailing subjugation. The bridge over the River Mungo christened “The Reunification Bridge” has come to symbolize for the people of the Southern Cameroons their subjugation by La Republique du Cameroun as began at the 1961 Foumban Conference from which the UN and the UK were absent, leaving the Southern Cameroons to its own while La Republique du Cameroun unchecked, began the manipulation of the subjugation process.

The collapse of the bridge was seen in the Southern Cameroons as God’s sign of disapproval of La Republique du Cameroun’s manipulation of the UN’s well intended union and which manipulation has left the people of the Southern Cameroons feeling subjugated and exploited by their more numerous neighbors in La Republique du Cameroun. Other than the symbolism of subjugation this bridge represents to the people of the Southern Cameroons, it is also the gateway by which the natural resources plundered from the Southern Cameroons are carted into La Republique du Cameroun. Six International from Your Majesty’s kingdom cannot contract to rebuild this bridge without our bringing to Your Majesty’s attention the injustices the bridge represents to the people of the Southern Cameroons.

The people of the Southern Cameroons have systematically been exploited, marginalized and discriminated against by the government of La Republique du Cameroun. They are constantly arrested and incarcerated, under sub-human conditions without charge or on trump-up charges, and in instances are victims of extra-judicial killings. In effect, the people of the Southern Cameroons have at the hand of the government of La Republique du Cameroun, been victims of political subjugation, economic exploitation and neglect, and a catalogue of human rights abuses. The government of La Republique du Cameroun has systematically been treating the people of the Southern Cameroons as though they are a conquered people.

The average high school student in the Southern Cameroons knows the history of the Belgian Revolt as an example of the extent to which such human injustices can lead people to react to make themselves whole. Your Majesty’s kingdom administered for the United Nations its Trust Territories of Rwanda and Burundi up to when they each were granted independence. Your Majesty’s Government knows first hand in the case of Rwanda, the excesses to which unchecked human injustices can lead. We consider Your Majesty’s and His Excellency, Mr. Prime Minister’s Government to be better placed to understand the end to which the clouds of subjugation, exploitation and dehumanization as the embodiment of man’s inhumanity to man in the Southern Cameroons are likely to lead.

It is in this regard of the understanding of your Majesty’s Government and in the light of Six International contracting with La Republique du Cameroun to rebuild the bridge over the River Mungo that we implore Your Majesty to put all possible pressure on the government of La Republique du Cameroun to reconsider its intransigence on remaining resolute in its subjugation of the people of the Southern Cameroons. Given the standing of Your Majesty’s Kingdom in the community of nations, we believe that Your Majesty’s Government can impress it on the government of La Republique du Cameroun to work with the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC) in keeping with the SCNC’s motto of the “Force of Argument and not the Argument of Force” in the resolution of the Southern Cameroons Question before another human catastrophe on the scale of Rwanda or worse is created in that part of the world. We count on Your Majesty giving this petition the seriousness it deserves.

Done in Belgium, this 1st day of October, in the year of Our Lord, 2005.



(President, SCNC-Belgium)


-Amnesty International

-European Union

-Common Wealth of Nations

-African Union-UNPO

-Human Rights Watch

-Press and Information centers

Decisive Turn to Independence of Ambazonia

By Valentine Eben; ALIP

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Another year has begun. Another in which our match to

Independence will take a few more steps in the direction most of us wish, I believe.

It is now 45years since we started using the "stick to test the dept of the unknown river we wanted to cross to the land of self-determination" which Dr. Ngume quoted from Muna. The thing is, the British for their interest and to our peril had pretended to our forefathers and mothers that the only way to get our freedom was to try to cross this unknown river on foot and had NOT shown us the "GREAT BRIDGE OF FREEDOM BY RIGHT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW". But as Dr. Emil Mondoa once wrote ".... those sold into slavery by their forefathers have A RIGHT to fight for their FREEDOM and cannot let the vile contract with their forefather bind them in slavery”. As a people, we have come a long way. But the longer part of the journey is still ahead of us.

The journey this far has been very costly in human and material resources. From Jua, Dinka, Mukong, Elad-Munzu, Foncha-Muna, Fussong,

Anyangwe, Akwanga, Ebong, Luma, Ayamba, Nfor; guys we have come along way!! With AAC1, AAC2, SCPC, SCNC, SCYL, APEC, SCAPO, ALIP, the publications, the demonstrations, the protests, the occupation of Radio-Buea, the Court cases, the websites, the conferences, the airing of RadioFreeSouthernCameroons… Interestingly, all these individuals and many more whom for lack of space their names could not be included here, as well as these groups have each and everyone in a very fundamental way shaped our struggle at some time and still does. We have a history of struggle for human dignity, which we can be proud of. A history that is being created under globally unpopular circumstances;

-That is at the time when the talk of independence is considered in the world like an antique word and

-Under the complication of talking about occupation by another Africa country, when lots of people around the world seem to think any other trouble in Africa is definitely one trouble too much.

Yet there are also lots of things on our side:

- We have the history of the liberation struggles that have gone ahead of us to learn from and not make mistakes some of them made.

-We also have a lot many formally educated people as a proportion of our population than lots of other countries had at the time of their own struggle for independence.

-Most importantly the global social justice movement has acquired formidable political power since the WTO counter activities in Seattle in 1999. Thus to hook-up we have to define our struggle paying particular attention to present it as the social justice struggle it is- that has restoring our independence as the corner stone to fulfilling social justice in our country and sub region.

We wish to join our voice with that of SCAPO to point out that we have nothing to negotiate with French Cameroon over, other than talking with them AFTER THEY HAVE EVACUATED THEIR TROOPS FROM OUR TERRITORY. We most stop acting as if we do not exactly know what we really want. Talking about the need for dialogue with a regime we know we cannot trust only hurts our struggle.

1-It discourages some of the younger activists who join the struggle with a lot of enthusiasms.

2-It sends confusing signals to our foreign supporters and potential supporters.

3-It puts to question our determination to bring our liberation struggle to completion.

We will only talk about ANY DIALOGUE with the occupation regime when their ministers and president go on the air and recognize that the annexation was illegal and start withdrawing their troops. We’ll then dialogue about how to deal with the property we jointly own abroad and the reserves as well as how to guarantee a smooth transition without further disability in the sub-region. We need be very, very clear on this issue

Taking a turn that will in a very determined way affect the future of our struggle.

For us, this is all about eroding the political and psychological strength of our enemy. Facts on the ground show that the regime of French Cameroon is a neo-French dictatorship given to brutality and all kinds of violations with indifference. This kind of practice is unacceptable by the global social justice movement. On the other hand the French Cameroon regime needs foreign loans and money from donor nations to survive without imploding. Thus we need to use the global social justice movement to put pressure on the regime to cut back on its excesses. If we achieve that, it will further create space for our people to do the last stage of uprooting the system. Last year we focused on a campaign to get activists around the world involved in supporting the university of Buea student’s protest. We did get some serious interventions from institutions and individuals. This year we wish to take that campaign to new heights. If we succeed with the support of the global social justice movement to force the French Cameroon regime to prosecute the members of their forces who shot those students in Buea, we must have archived two things.

1-Show our public that the annexation can be forced to do things they don’t like to do.

2-When they send their forces out to our protest the individuals will be a lot careful because they know they can end-up in jail.

3-Our people will be embolden on the other hand to protest any time they wish, doing so with the knowledge of the above points.

As SCAPO has proposed we plead with all other Organizations involved in our struggle to take the strategic step to adopt the appellation Ambazonia. That will mean the other organizations will issue a press release stating that they as organizations have adopted the appellation Ambazonia(Former UN trust Territory of Southern Cameroons under UK administration) for our territory. This declaration will be a new moral boast for our people and a further indication to the annexation regime and our friends aboard that we mean business with our independence struggle and I see that as a start of convergence.

Then the next step will be to do as SCAPO propose all the groups involved in the struggle to endorse all the on going campaigns of the various groups by issuing press statements supporting the campaigns in question and taking up the spreading of the campaign through the networks available to them.

This should be a real beginning of convergence on the bases of issues and tactics.

Ambazonia has a Judicial Mandate

By Muluh Mbuh

Some of our elders have lived long enough, served Cameroun long enough and even enjoyed the fruits of unity in different capacities long enough to know where our people are hurt; or perhaps they have forgotten due to the goodies they have enjoyed at the expense of patriots like Dr. E. M. L. Endeley, the charismatic Southern Cameroons Youth League Leader who began and champion this struggle since the 1940s! To cut a long and bad story short, the bottomline is that only Ambazonia Republic effectively challenged Cameroun with three protest letters to the effect of having its leader arrested and tried before Military Tribunal and with HCB/28/92 High Court Judgment and the UNHRC Judgment backing these two to have Fon Dinka make and take such strides as would be required of any bold and confident leader who truly wants to liberate his/her peoples!!

In law, the mandate Ambazonia Republic holds is called Judicial Mandate and it is so powerful because it is directly linked to both the Constitutional Processes (Legislative Mandate) which are invoked in defending the claims of those who take the bold step of serving as the Ambazonia Executive Branch, even in exile!! So let this be a notice to anyone who stands opposed to Ambazonia that it is too huge for you to attempt opposing or by-passing!!! If anyone wants to give it a try, be our guest!!!

If anyone saw foul play in Dr. Gumne's attempt to change a letter in the name Ambazonia (me for instance), your theories of democracy in liberation and charges against Fon Dinka stink of yet more conspiracy from an elite that has, for decades, betrayed her peoples without shame to a polity that strangulated and squeezed life out of their crust and bodies without charge!!! Can you three: You, Mola Njoh Litumbe, Dr. Nfor N. Susungi and Dr. Arnold B. Yongbang --the three "musketeers"(?) outstanding antagonist of Ambazonia, honestly show any documentation and proof that you stood up for the liberation of Ambazonia or "Southern Cameroons" when Cameroun President Paul Biya passed Decree 84/001 of January 1, 1984? That you have been consistent with your position and that you can be trusted at this dire hour to be speaking the truth as far as Ambazonia Liberation is concerned?? If you have any such protest letters/actions/cases/ victories in Court you can show us!!! You should also know that the time frame also matters and all of these now play to justify Fon Dinka's leadership of our liberation struggle!

Frankly, I think we belittle our struggle and ourselves, even in the eyes of the enemy when we show so little understanding of liberation, to say less of the facts so staked up against our freedom since time immemorial!!!

One of our trusted friends in the struggle, Cho Ayaba even dares castigate Ambazonian delegates for preaching much history; yet, when you look into the history of the erstwhile Southern Cameroons and the liberation groups that popped up after Ambazonia, all you see is such silly behaviors from our elite!! Trust me that left to me, I will shove whatever name or leader stands up and reclaims "southern Cameroons" down people's throats, until stability is maintained and a truly democratic process restored!!!

A lot of the talking many of you put out here is so clearly dishonest, it does not need a space scientist to dictate foul play and such glaring dishonesty--for the simple reason it does not fit when put in contrast to what we can defend as facts of this struggle! Such behavior has stood in the way of many organizations, even the United Nations from speaking up on our behalf. Right now, such junky reasoning is deterring international lawyers whom APEC has wooed and who have even issued two powerful Retainers to defend us and lead us to freedom while holding Cameroun and their voodoo President hostage to international Standards for Crimes Against Humanity!!! Tell me why such lawyers, or interested sponsors who want to invest hundreds of thousand of dollars in this cause, should trust us--sensing that you guys (bad elites, bad guys?) are instead fighting against the best, most consistent and most trusted arm in your own liberation struggle? If this last statement alluding to Ambazonia Republic is a hyperbole, please correct me!!!