The Fairbank City Council met in regular session on Monday, January 23, 2012. Mayor Welsh called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present: Vorwald, Erickson, Woods and Sullivan. Absent: Mangrich. Also present: Dave Ryan, Public Works Director, Gary Ott, Assistant Public Works Director, Heather Prendergast, City Attorney, B J Sackett, Police Chief and Marlene Strempke, City Clerk.

Motion by Woods, second by Sullivan to amend the agenda to include Sewer Vac. Roll call vote—Ayes: Woods, Sullivan, Vorwald and Erickson. Nays: None.

Motion by Sullivan, second by Erickson to approve the agenda as amended. Roll call vote—Ayes: Sullivan, Erickson, Woods and Vorwald. Nays: None.

Motion by Erickson, second by Vorwald to approve the minutes of the January 9th regular meeting. Roll call vote—Ayes: Erickson, Vorwald, Sullivan and Woods. Nays: None.

John Steil gave a presentation on using passive lighting when we considered replacing the current street lights. He will put together additional information and give some locations where it is being used that could be checked out.

Competitive bids on the 60 x 104 storage building were received: Burton Thies, $56,527 with an additional $2500 for door openers; Stickfort Construction Corp, $63500;

Meyer Construction, Inc., $63,811 with an additional $2,475 for dual trolley operators and Woods Construction, Inc., $53,245.33. Motion by Sullivan, second by Erickson to accept the lowest bid from Woods Construction, Inc. contingent to agreement on the bond requirements. Roll call vote—Ayes: Sullivan, Erickson and Vorwald. Nays: None. Abstain: Woods.

Attorney Prendergast gave an opinion on the legal issues for the Industrial Park. It could be in the form of either a rebate or abatement. It could be applied to each lot on an individual basis. The rebate was suggested by the financial analyst rather than the abatement. Ron will talk to the potential developer to find out where the project stands. The city attorney will have an estimate of the cost of the legal and professional fees required for the city to proceed.

Cemetery mowing was discussed. Ron will talk to Kyle Scheels to see if he is planning on raising his price. A decision on whether or not to go out for bids will be made at the next council meeting.

The budget for next year was discussed at length. A special council meeting will be held on Monday, January 30th to continue to work on the budget.

The city will offer up to $501 for the sewer vac that the City of Oelwein has for sale.

Motion by Sullivan, second by Erickson to adjourn at 8:39 P.M. Roll call vote—Ayes: Sullivan, Erickson, Woods and Vorwald. Nays: None.


Maurice Welsh, Mayor


Marlene Strempke, City Clerk

Wages for 2011:

Michael Bentley 1331.57 Mark Brasch 80.00

Rita Corcoran 1000.77 Brett Cummings 60.00

Jacob Curley 2068.62 Richard Deitrick 7360.74

Robin Eick 672.01 Samantha Eick 1360.36

Linda Ferguson 2370.33 Mary Fink 1695.00

Jake Galleger 2225.71 Ranee Galleger 360.50

John Goeller 25480.08 Ashlee Graham 3707.80

Patrick Graham 1140.14 Jason Kayser 660.00

Michelle Kremer 3159.90 Jake Levendusky 1707.00

Jordyn Levendusky 1192.00 Beth Lortz 2981.00

Danette Lujan 5176.00 Dean Mangrich 600.00

Drake Mangrich 195.00 Alli Matthias 54.53

Connor O’Brien 1168.30 Gary Ott 39044.83

Gina Owens 465.84 Elise Reinert 1651.47

Haley Risse 1418.89 David Ryan 54356.64

Mary Ryan 3651.67 William Sackett 35701.56

Jason Schneider 892.28 Demi Smith 1785.03

Tyler Stoner 931.62 Marlene Strempke 33016.98

Drew Suckow 2308.87 Justin Sullivan 690.00

Karen Tiedt 14176.45 Theodore Vorwald 570.00

Joshua Weepie 1655.54 Maurice Welsh 2400.00

Roxanne Wenner 1925.00 Russell West 4069.23

Amy Woods 1438.36 Caitlynne Woods 1493.37

Ronald Woods 690.00