The Great Big Holiday Bake Off

WES Holiday Musical

December 7, 2017 – 6:30 p.m.



Each year the third grades students, their teachers, and Mrs. Cromley prepare a Holiday musical for December. We have already begun rehearsing the musical selections! The lyrics can be found on the WES Music Web page. Please print them for your child if they need an extra copy. Students are making plans and it is going to be awesome! As you may have read in the Waccamaw Weekly, the Holiday Musical will be presented December 7, 2017, 6:30 pmWES Gym. This is an annual date and event that the whole community looks forward to and attends! It is always a packed house! All third grade students are involved in the production -whether on stage, behind stage, working on props and scenery, programs, or sound- everyone has a job to do!

Rehearsals:We will work on this musical during music class as much as possible; however, we will need to have 3 afterschool rehearsals for the entire cast, chorus, and crew. This is the only time the students will have to rehearse on an actual stage and in the gym. Rehearsals will last from 2:35 – 3:45. We ask that you be prompt in picking up your child in back of the school, behind the cafeteria, lining up as you would for after school pickup. Please remain in your car. We will bring the students to you. After school Rehearsal dates: 11/29, 12/4, 12/6. (2:35 pm – 3:45 pm – pickup is behind the school. Please pull all the way down in front of the cafeteria for pick- up.) Special note:Students with a speaking roll with rehearse on11/27, 2:35 pm – 3:45, for staging purposes. An adult will walk students to YMCA and TMP will pick up students after practice in front of the gym.

Two more items: 1. Some students have already been assigned specific jobs that play an important part in the performance. They are all very excited about their roles and responsibilities. 2.Information concerning costumes is found on the back of this sheet.

Volunteers:If you are interested in volunteering to help, please fill in your information. We will need help with props, set up/ take down, rehearsals, sound, and costumes!

Please sign below indicating that you have read this information and return the bottom portion with your child to his/her teacher

Thank you in advance,

The Third Grade Team and Mrs. Cromley


Please return this portion only. Please PRINT all information. Please return by Thursday, Oct. 20.

I have read the information above. My child will participate. ____yes, ____no

Child’s name ______Teacher______

I will be able to volunteer__yes __No

I will volunteer for: (The dates listed are for volunteers, students need to be present for all rehearsals!)

___costumes, ___ props, ___stage setup(12/1), ___take down(12/8),____sound, __makeup,

Rehearsals11/27___, 11/29___, 12/4___, 12/6___,12/7___Night of the program (before the program)

Parent Name(print) ______

Parent Signature (sign) ______

Phone/cell number______email address______

(For further information, please contact Mrs. Cromley via phone [843-237-4233] or email on contact page on website.)

*ALL PARENTS, please add your email address for us to use as a means of communication. We are trying to conserve paper and trees!!


All third grade students will wear black pants (or skirt/leggings), a whiteshirt (no t-shirts) or blouse, and a plain red(bibbed) baking apron. . These may be found on line, Dollar Tree, etc. (We will make bakers hats.) Please contact me if you cannot locate an apron.

Other needs for costumes: (please label what you send so we may return to you after the musical)

Red Oven Mitts, Mixing utensils, large mixing bowls, large cookie sheets, empty egg cartons, clean empty milk cartons, Empty flour bags, small mixing appliances, etc.

Cast of Characters and their costumes

Debbie Dunbar: A cooking contestant and an at-home baker. Dressed like a soccer mom.

Penny Potts:A cooking contestant and a college professor. Eyeglasses are optional.

Dunkin Doe: A cooking contestant and a coffee barista. Hipster clothes. A knit hat is optional.

Tommy Toffee:Tammy’s twin. They are contestants, work as a team and speak in rhyme. Dressed to match his sister, (jeans, green t-shirt, with a candy stripped apron we will make).

Tammy Toffee:Tommy’s twin. They are contestants, work as a team, and speak in thyme. Dressed to match her brother,(jeans, green t-shirt, with a candy stripped apron we will make).

Betty Butterworth:A cooking contestant from down south. Wears a plaid dress with a white collar.

Granny Smith:One of the judges and a sweet senior citizen. She is always encouraging. Dressed like a stylish Grandma. Needs a “hanky.”

Billy Bakewell:The second of our judge and a professional baker. He is a good coach. He is dressed in a handsome suit and tie. (He will need khaki or dark pants and a white button down collar shirt. We have a navy jacket and a tie.)

Hosts: The hosts keep the show moving with a mix of important instructions and polite banter. They are confident speakers with plenty of personality. They dress in black pants/skirts and white shirts. We have black “vest” t-shirts to go over the white shirts.

Debbie Dunbar – JurneeBlye Penny Potts - NariyahMiller-Bellamy

Dunkin Due-Christopher Keesee

Tommy Toffee-Campbell McLain

Tammy Toffee- Chloe Retey

Betty Butterworth- Marley Caskie

Granny Smith – Skylar Schoen

Billy Bakewell-Iniko Barker

Hosts –Makaylo Broach, Chelsea Clayton, Evan Thompson