/ Mimoriadne číslo
Ročník: VI., jún 2016


NameSURNAME(withdegree, Calibri, font size 11, leftalignment, spacing 1, surnameCAPITAL)

Organization (Calibri 9;centeralignment, spacing 1)

NameSURNAME (withdegree)

Organization (Calibri, font size9;centeralignment, spacing 1)

Abstract: (Arial, font size9, bold, leftalignment)

Text of abstract, max. 100words.(Calibri, font size10, italic, justiifed alignment, spacing 1)

Keywords: (Arial font size9, bold, leftalignment)

Max. 5 keywords(Calibri font size 10, italic, justifed alignemt,spacing 1).

/ Mimoriadne číslo
Ročník: VI., jún 2016

INTRODUCTION (Arial, font size 11, bold, capital, left alignment)

For the full text of paper (excluding headings) is used Calibri, font size 10, normal, justified alignment, spacing 1, first line indent in paragraph 0.75).

To facilitate formatting write a post directly into the template.

Length of the article 2 or 4 pages.Scaning is 1 throughout. Setup (edge): inner, outer, upper and lower 2.5 cm.

Page numbers fail to complete!

Proceedings editors not garantee the quality of color pictures, graphs and diagrams, as the anthology wil be published in black and white.

1TITLE(Arial, font size11, bold, capital, left alignment, spacing 1)

Format of the main titles is uniform troughtout the paper.

Bulletsin thetext of the paper is left justified, tab 0.4; seeexample:

  • text,
  • text, text,
  • text, text, text.

Bibliographic references are given in the text in square brackets. The list of references is given at the end of the paper. [1]

1.1Subtitle (Arial, font size 9, bold, left alignment, spacing 1)

Format of the subtitles is uniform troughtout the paper.


Text of contribution (Calibri, font size 10, normal, justifed alignment, spacing 1; first line indent in paragraph 0.75. [2]

2.1Subtitle (Arial, font size 9, bold, left alignment)

Text in thetable (Calibri,, font size 9, normal, spacing 1).

Descriptiono of the tabuleset outabove table(Calibri, font size 9, italic, center alignment, spacing 1). Quantityin thetabule and the text isin italic.

Under the table, skip one empty line.

Tab. 1Description of the table (Calibr, font size 9, italic, center alignment)

Nr. / Calibri, font size9, spacing 1 / Quantity
[unit] / Quantity

Figures and graphs insert in JPG format.

Description of the figure states under the picture.

Above the figure omit one empty line.

Fig. 1Description of the figure(Calibri, font size 9, italic, center alignment, spacing 1)

Equations and formulas are given in the middle row. Legend of symbols are given from the beginning of the line. The writing of physical quantities and mathematical variables used italics.

If the contribution of more patterns, says the number of formula in parentheses at the right end of the line.

Above and below formula skip one line.


where: Δm – the diference in weight [g],

Q – volumetric flow [m3.min-1],

t– the duration of the sampling [min].

Text text text text text text text text text tex text text. [3]

CONCLUSION(Arial, font size 11, bold, capital, left alignment)

Conclusions are not numbered like other parts of the contribution.

Phanks(Arial, font size 10, bold, italic, left alignment, spacing 1)

Text of the thanks (Calibri, font size10, italic, justifed alignment, spacing 1).

Preferencis(Arialfont size 10, bold, left alignment)

[1]Font Calibri, font size 10, justifed alignment, spacing 1.

[2]Surname, N. – Surname, N.: Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Number of pages. ISBN.

Address of autor(s): (Arial font size 8, bold, left alignment)

NameSURNAME, degree (Calibri,font size 10, normal, left alignment, spacing 1).

Organization (Calibri, fomt size 10, left alignment, rspacing 1)

Address of organization

Tel.: +421

e-mail: @