Toronto Area Safety Coalition

Thursday June 8, 2017

10:00am – 12:00pm

York Region Offices, 50 High Tech Rd., 2nd Floor, Committee Room A


Active Members:
Peter Mohyla, GO Transit/Metrolinx / ☐ / Gina Ing, Toronto Public Health / ☒
Matthew Aymar, Ontario Injury Prevention Centre / ☐ / Wendy Jang, City of Toronto, PF&R / ☐
Joanne Banfield, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (C&T) / ☒ / Sheldon Koo, City of Toronto, Transportation / ☐
Sharon Ramagnano, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre / ☐ / Sara Mirzaghavami, City of Toronto, Transport / ☒
Brandy Tanenbaum, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre / ☒ / Giancarlo Marrelli, Toronto Police Services / ☐
Jason Mcilveen, York Regional Police / ☐ / Brett Moore, Toronto Police Services / ☐
Karen Hodge, York Regional Police / ☒ / Jill Miller, Toronto Police Services / ☐
Andrew Lee, York Regional Police / ☐ / Jenelle Higo, Toronto Police Services / ☐
Sheila Dove, Toronto Student Transportation Group / ☐ / Lisa Thompson, Ministry of Transportation (S) / ☒
Etta Li, York Public Health / ☒

Prepared by: Lisa Thompson 2

Attendees present (X) / Associate Members (A) / Chair
(C) / Treasurer
(T) / Secretary
(S) / Guest
Agenda item / Discussion/Outcome/Decision / Action/Follow-up /
1.  Welcome and introductions / Members introduced themselves / None
2.  Review previous Minutes / Motion to approve the Minutes from May 8, 2017:
o  Motion approved: Etta
o  Seconded by: Gina / Lisa will upload Minutes to microsite
3.  Treasurers Report / $1,058.32 in total, unrestricted funds
Sharon can sign for grants and hold the money at Sunnybrook / None
4.  Workplan update / As committee or members work through the plan, a running list of accomplishments will be compiled
Accomplishments this meeting: Rotating Chair schedule 2017:
Date / Chair
July 13, 2017 (TBC) / Karen
August 10, 2017 / Brandy
September 14, 2017 / Etta – secretary, Gina – Chair
October 12, 2017 / Sharon (TBC)
November 9, 2017 / City of Toronto, Transportation
December 14, 2017 / Joanne (TBC)
/ Lisa will update accomplishments document on microsite
All make note of the date of your role as Chair
Etta to reserve room A or B for 2018
Agenda item / Discussion/Outcome/Decision / Action/Follow-up
5.  Pedestrian display & messaging / ·  Used the display at the MTO Ontario Science Centre pedestrian and cycling installation in late May.
o  Lighting is a bit better, but still too bright inside for proper display of reflective lighting
o  Still some design changes to make around lighting
o  Also some suggestions for future design version
·  Messaging to accompany display via stand, handout and/or giveaway
o  Handout ideas: reflective material sticker on a handout
o  Display signage idea: plexiglass stand with one-page mounting and handout holder.
·  We will assemble it together at the Planning Meeting in October / Brandy & Lisa will review the new changes next week.
Gina, Lisa, Brandy will form sub-committee
Lisa to see if Wendy would like to join as well
6.  New business: Planning for use of display / ·  Sunnybrook and MTO will likely hold a pedestrian event for the changing of the season in November
·  National Injury Prevention Day on July 5th as organized by Parachute
o  at 12:30pm there will be a flag raising on the roof of City Hall
o  #NIPD on social media / Lisa to offer Parachute the display & help setting-up
7.  Roundtable updates / Gina, Toronto Public Health
·  Helmet initiative video is online at TPH
·  Helmet e-module with TDSB/TCDSB for teachers and students
o  Hopefully available for the fall school year
·  Continuing the environmental scan for pedestrian and wheel safety curriculum for schools
Etta, York Public Health
·  AT activities underway
·  Car Seat Clinic on June 27th in the morning at Markville Mall
Karen, York Regional Police
·  Nothing to share
Sara, City of Toronto, Transportation
·  Continuing to roll-out their Vision Zero plan
o  Have already started working on Community Safety Zones and Senior Safety Zones
o  School Safety Zone planning is just now underway
Joanne, Sunnybrook
·  First Office for Injury Prevention has had some chances.
o  Amalgamation of some of the programs and will now be part of Brandy’s portfolio
Lisa, MTO
·  Vulnerable Road Users symposium at MARS on June 22nd by invitation
o  Technical document on strategies for VRU will be completed through participation at the symposium and shared with partners
8.  Next meeting / September 14, 2017 at York Region Offices, 50 High Tech Rd.

Prepared by: Lisa Thompson 2