Total No. of Pages: 5848

Register Number:

Name of the Candidate:


(history and heritage management)

(second YEAR)


650. history of science and technology

Dec) (Time: 3 Hours

Maximum: 100 Marks


Answer any FIVE questions (5×8=40)

All questions carry equal marks

  1. Define science and technology and explain its scope and importance.
  1. Describe the origin and development of technology in the pre-historic period.
  1. What is the contribution of Brahma Gupta to science and Technology?
  2. Explain the development of shipbuilding industry in India
  3. Discuss the scientific exploration of the east India company
  4. Explain the contribution of Sir. C.V Raman to science and technology.
  5. Bring out the contributions of P.C Ray to the development of science and technology in India.
  1. Sketch the functions of the atomic Energy commission.


Answer any three questions (3×20=60)

All questions carry equal marks

  1. Write briefly about the doctrine of five elements theory of atomism and attributes of matter in ancient India.
  1. Bring out the medical advancement that took place in the ancient India.
  1. Explain the Indian Geographical survey and map making.
  1. Critically analyse the response of the Indians to western science.
  1. Elaborate on space research in India.


gFjp-m (5×8=40)

VnjDk; Ie;J tpdhf;fSf;F tpilaspf;ft[k;

midj;J tpdhf;fSf;Fk; rk kjpg;bgz;fs;

  1. mwptpay; kw;Wk; bjhHpy; El;gj;ij tiuaWj;J mjd; tiubay;iy kw;Wk; rpwg;g[ gw;wp tpsf;fk; jUf
  1. tuyhw;wpw;F Ke;ija fhy bjhHpy; El;gj;jpd; njhw;wk; tsh;r;rp gw;wp tpthp
  1. mwptpay; kw;Wk; bjhHpy; El;g tsh;r;rpf;F gpukFg;jhpd; g';F ahJ?
  1. ,e;jpa fg;gy; fl;Lk; bjhHpy; tsh;r;rp gw;wp tpsf;fk; jUf.
  1. fpHf;fpe;jpa tzpff; FGj;jpd; mwptpay; fz;L gpog;g[fs; gw;wp tpthp.
  1. mwptpay; kw;Wk; bjhHpy; El;gtsh;r;rpapy; rh;.rp.tp. uhkdpd; g';if tpsf;Ff
  1. ,e;jpa mwptpay; kw;Wk; bjhHpy; El;g tsh;r;rpapy; gp.rp. uhapd; bjhz;Lfis btspf;bfhzh;f
  1. mQrf;jp FGkj;jpd; gzpfis rpj;jhpf;f

gFjp-M (3×20=60)

VnjDk; _d;W tpdhf;fl;F tpilaspf;ft[k;

midj;J tpdhf;fl;Fk; rkkhd kjpg;bgz;fs;

  1. gz;ila ,e;jpahtpy; g";r g{jf; nfhl;ghL mQf;bfhs;if kw;Wk; bghUs; gw;wp tpthp
  1. gH';fhyj;jpy; ,e;jpa kUj;Jtj; Jiwapy; Vw;gl;l Kd;ndw;w';fis btspf;bfhzh;f
  1. ,e;jpa g[tpapay; Ma;t[ kw;Wk; tiuglj; jahhpg;g[ gw;wp tpsf;fk; jUf
  1. nkw;fpj;jpa mwptpaYf;F ,e;jpahtpd; vjph; tpidia Ma;f
  1. ,e;jpa tpz;btsp Ma;t[gw;wp tphpthf tpsf;Ff
