Address: Plant Protection Department

Faculty of Agriculture

University of Jordan

Amman, Jordan

Tel. (Res): 5344526

(Work): 5355000 ext. 2482

Fax (Univ.): 00962-6-5355577


Personal Data:

Place and date of birth: Azzon, 1947.

Marital Status: Married with 5 children.

Nationality: Jordanian.

Title: Professor of Plant Pathology.



B.Sc. Pesticides, 1970

Plant Protection Dept.

Faculty of Agriculture

University of Alexandria.

Alexandaria, Eygpt.

M.Sc. of Plant Pathology, 1981

Thesis Title:

Ecology and Control of Powdery Mildew of Peaches (Prunus persica L.) in Jordan.

Plant Protection Dept.

Faculty of Agriculture

University of Jordan.

Amman, Jordan.

Ph.D. of Plant Pathology, 1986

Plant Diseases Caused by Bacteria (Phytopathogenic Bacteria)

Thesis Title:

Serological Detection of Bacterial Pathogens from Beans.

Plant Pathology Dept.

North Dakota State University

North Dakota, U.S.A.


Academic and Practical Experience:


Research Assistant, Scientific Research Dept., Ministry of Agriculture, Jordan.


Teaching and Research Assistant.

Plant Protection Dept.

Faculty of Agriculture

University of Jordan.


Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology.

Plant Protection Dept.

Faculty of Agriculture

University of Jordan.


Associate Professor of Plant Pathology.

Plant Protection Dept.

Faculty of Agriculture

University of Jordan.

2003- present:

Professor of Plant Pathology`

Scientific Societies:

Member in:

American Psychopathological Society (APS).

Arab Plant Protection Society.

Jordanian Agricultural Engineer Society

Research Interest:

1.  Plant Diseases of Crops: Epidemiology and Control.

2.  Phytopathogenic Bacterial Diseases of Crops; Detection, Identification, Epidemiology and Control with most recent techniques including PCR, RELP,….

List of Publications:

1.  Khlaif, H. 1991. Bacterial Spot of Tomato in Jordan: Identification and Response of some Tomato Cultivars to the causal agent. Mu’tah Journal for Research and Studies. Vol. 6. No. 2. 6:2: 192-209.

2.  Khlaif, H. 1991. Properties of Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans (Smith and Brayan) Carsner, the causal agent of angular leaf spot of cucumber (Cucumis stativus L.) in Jordan. Dirasat, Vol. 18B(1) 68-78

3.  Khlaif, H. 1991. Angular leaf spot of cucumber (Cucumis stativus L.) in Jordan: Disease development and effect on yield. Dirasat, Vol.18B, (Pure and applied sciences), Number3, 110-116.

4.  Khlaif, H. 1991. Role of infested soil and contaminated seeds in the transmission of angular leaf spot of cucumber in Jordan Dirasat, Vol.18B (4) 143-154.

5.  Khlaif, H. Abu-Blan, H. 1990. Susceptibility of some cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cultivars to angular leaf spot. Damascus-UNI. JOU Vol.6 No.22. 49-62.

6.  Khlaif, H. Abu-Blan, H. 1992. Bean stem knots in Jordan. Dirasat, Vol.19B. No.3. 243-251.

7.  Khlaif, H. Abu-Blan, H. 1994. The genera of Peronosporacae in Jordan. Dirasat, Vol.21B, No.1. 52-61.

8. أبو بلان، حفظي، خليف، حامد. 1993 تقدير نسبة وشدة الاصابة بالامراض الفطرية والبكتيرية على أصناف الفاصولياء المزروعة بداخل الدفيئات في غور الاردن قبل للنشر في مجلة مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات مجلد 8 عدد 5 :9 -19.

9. خليف، حامد.1994. مرض البقيعات البكتيرى( Bacterial Speck) على نبات البندورة في الاردن:دراسة مصادر العدوى/ دراسات. المجلد(21)ب، العدد الثالث 99-110.

10. Khlaif, H. Abu-Blan, H. 1994. Effectiveness of selected fungicides and bacteriosides in inhibiting Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans in vitro and in controlling the pathogen in green houses. Dirasat, Vol. 21 B (4), 115-125.

11. القاسم، صبحي، خليف، حامد.1985. البياض الدقيقي على الدراق في الاردن، طور البيات الشتوي للفطر المسبب وعلاقته بالعدوى الاولية، دراسات مجلد (12)ع، العدد الرابع والستون، 9-23.

12. القاسم، صبحي، خليف، حامد. 1985. البياض الدقيقي على الدراق في الاردن، وبائية المرض. دراسات، مجلد (12)ع، العدد الرابع والستون، 25-36.

13. Khlaif, H. 1995. Varietal reaction and control of angular leaf spot disease on

cucumber. Dirasat, Vol. (22) B. No.3. 1201-1208.

14. Khlaif, H. Qadous, N. 1995. Common blight of bean in the Jordan Valley source of inoculum. Dirasat, Vol(22) B. No.3. 717-725.

15. Fakhouri, W. Khlaif, H. and Abu-Gharbeih. 1996. Interaction between Meloidogyne javanica and Agrobacterium tumefaciens on tomato plants. Pak. J. Nematol. 14. (1). 49-54.

16. Fakhouri, W. Khlaif, H.1996. Biocontrol of crown gall disease in Jordan. Dirasat, Agriculture sciences. Vol. (23), No. (1), 17-22.

17.  Fakhouri, W. Khlaif, H. and Al-Esawi, D. 1996. Histological studies in stem and root cross sections of tomato seedling artificially inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Adv. Hort-sci. (10): 59-65.

18.  Qadous, N., and Khlaif. H. 1997. Common blight of beans in the Jordan Valley: Disease development and response of different host cultivars to the disease. Dirasat, Vol. 24, No. 2, 260-266.

19.  Mahiar, M., and Khlaif, H. 1999. Black rot of crucifers in Jordan, sources of inoculum. Dirasat, 329-337.

20.  Abu-El Samen, F. and Khlaif, H., 1999. Epidemiology and control of bacterial speck of tomato in the Jordan Valley. Dirasat, 26 (2): 205-215.

21. منصور، عقل، خليف، حامد.1998. بعض الأمراض التي تصيب الخيار المزروع داخل الدفيئات: تطورها واستجابة بعض الاصناف للإصابة مجلد 25، عدد 2: 237-242.

22.  Omar, R., and Khlaif, H. 2000. Soft rot disease of vegetables in Jordan: Host range, Reaction of some potato cultivars to the infection and effect of planting date. Dirasat, 27(1): 149-157


23.  Mahiar, M., and Khlaif, H., 2000. Black rot disease of crucifers in Jordan: Host range, and response of some crucifers cultivars to the disease. Dirasat, 27(1): 26-33.

24. Kurdi, R., H. Khlaif, El-Esawi, D., 2000. Effectiveness of selected plant

extracts in inhibiting Agrobacterium tumefaciens in vitro and in suppressing tumor formation on tomato roots in green house. Dirasat, 27(1): 10-19


25. Khlaif, H. 1993. Bacterial stem rot of plastic-house grown tomato in the Jordan valley. Phytopathologica Meditteranea. 32: 58-61.

26. A. Benjama, A. Boubbaker, H. Khlaif, Z. Krimi, X. Nesme, M. Lopez and A. Zoina. 2002. Susceptibility of stone-fruit rootstocks, rose and grapevine to Agrobacterium tumefaciens in Arab Mediterranean countries. 2002. OEPP/EPPO, Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 32, 463-466.

27. Al Masa’adeh, M. and H. Khlaif. 2003. Potato blackleg in Jordan: Reaction of some potato cultivars to the infection and effect of planting date. Dirasat. Vol. 30 No. 2.

28. Al- Karablieh, N. and Khlaif, H. 2002. Occurrence and distribution of crown gall disease in Jordan. Phytopatho. Medtiterr. Vol. (41) No. 3 December 2002.

29. Masa’adeh. M and Khlaif, H. (2004). Blackleg of potatoes in Jordan: source of inoculum. Accepted for publication in Dirasat 31 (1).

30. Khlaif, H. (2003). Effect of soil solarization on total Agrobacterium spp. population, inoculated Agrobacterium tumefaciens and on the development of crown gall. Journal of Plant Pathology. 85 (2): 117-122.

31.  M.S. Al-Dahmashi, H. Khlaif. (2004). Fire blight of pome fruits in Jordan: disease development and response of different fruit cultivars to the disease. Scientia Horticulturae 101, pp: 81-93.

32.  Khlaif, H. (2004). Response of some stone fruit root stocks to crown gall diseases in Jordan . Dirasat, 31(3): 289-295.

33.  Hijazin, R. and Khlaif, H. (2005). Detection of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi from olive and other hosts by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Dirasat, Agricultural Sciences, 32(1): 71-77.

34.  N. Al-karabliah, Khlaif, H. and Al Banna L. 2006. Identification of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains by PCR- RFLP analysis of the 16S- rDNA.. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol: 2, No 3, 209-221.

35.  Werikat,B. AlBanna, L. and Khlaif, H.(2005). Detection and identification of bacterial speck of tomato (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato) by PCR. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol: 2, No 1, 45-56.

36.  Khlaif,H. (2005). Characterization and biocontrol of crown gall in Jordan. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol: 2, No 3, 265-273

37.  Khlaif, H. ( 2006). Olive knot disease in Jordan. Journal of Agriculture, 2(4): 387- 400.

38.  خليف، حامد .1999. التقرير النهائي لمرض تعقد أغصان الزيتون في الأردن. مقدم للمجلس الأعلى للعلوم والتكنولوجيا. 42 صفحة.

39.  Shoumali, L., Masoud, H., Khlaif, H., Migdadi, H., Masoud, S. (2007) Serologic and molecular characterization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Jordanaian clinical isolates compared with the strains of international antigenic Typing Scheme. Diagnositic Microbiology and Infectious diseases, 58:393-398.


1. Introduction in Plant Pathology 1994.

2. Practical Plant Pathology 1995.

3. Phytopathogenic bacteria (2001 Sponsored by the Deanship of Academic Research, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan).


1. Angular Leaf Spot of Cucumber.

2. Powdery Mildew of Peaches.

3. Bacterial Speck of Tomato in Jordan.


1. Fluorescent Pseudomonas in Jordan 4600 J.D. Sponsored by the Deanship of Academic Research, University of Jordan.

2. Olive Knot Disease in Jordan, Sponsored by the Higher Council of Science and Technology, Amman, Jordan 10000 J.D.

3. Integrated Control of Crown Gall in Mediterranean Countries. Sponsored by the European Union Countries (EUC) 106.000 ECU.


1. Potato Disease: Farmers Union, Ministry of Agriculture, Amman, Jordan, 1987.

2. The First Jordanian Conference on Plant Protection, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, October: 3-5, 1989.

Presented Papers:

a-Serological detection and identification of bean bacterial blight pathogens: XCP,PSP and PSS.

b- Separation of Xcp, Psp and Pss isolates into serovars by Ouchterlony double diffusion(ODD)

3.  The International Conference on Soil Solarization to Control

Soil Born Pathogens. University of Jordan, Feb. 19-25, 1990,

Amman, Jordan.

4.  The eighth Arab Conference of Biological Science, the fourth Jordanian Conference of Biological Science 8-11 Nov. 1997

Jordan University. Presented paper: Qadous, N., and Khlaif. H., Common blight on beans in Jordan.

5. First Scientific Agriculture Conference, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jordan with Arab Plant Protection Society, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, Sep. 12-13, 1993. Presented papers:

1-Bacterial tomato stem rot in green houses in Jordan Valley.

2- Abu-Elsamen, Khlaif. H., Effectiveness of some selected fungicides in Controlling of bacterial speck on tomato in the Jordan Valley.

6. The Sixth Arab Congress of Plant Protection organized by Arab Society for Plant Protection, American University of Beirut, Lebanon, 27-31 October 1997. Presented papers: ALS of cucumber in Jordan

7. National Agriculture Conference: Amman 16-17/5/1999. Prepared paper About: Fruit tree disease.

8. First meeting of Integrated Control of Crown Gall Disease in Mediterranean Countries, Lyon-France, 2-6/3/1998.

9. Second meeting of Integrated Control of Crown Gall Disease, Lyon-France, 2-6/3/1998

10.Third meeting of Integrated Control of Crown Gall Disease, 16-21/2/2000, in jordan.

11. Fourth meeting of Integrated Control of Crown Gall Disease, 6-11/3/2000, Valencia.

12.The Seventh Arab Congress of Plant Protection organized by Arab Society for Plant Protection, Jordan University, Amman-Jordan, 22-26 October 2000.

13. The fourth Scientific Agricultural conference Scientific Research for safe Agricultural production. Jerash private University, Faculty of Agriculture, 14-26 April. 2001.

14. The 9th Arab Congress of Plant Protection organized by Arab Society of Plant Protection. Syria- Damascus. 18-23, Nov. 2006.



Course No. Credits hr.

1. Plant disease caused by bacteria 66432 3

2. Bacteria and Mycoplasma 66322 3

3. Bacterial disease of crops 66332 2

4. Principles of Plant Pathology 66231 3

5. Principles of Plant Protection 66433 3

6. Home and Garden Pests 666100 3

7. Epidemiology of Plant Disease 66433 2

8. Dissemination of Plant Pathogens 66338 3

9. Practical Training in Plant Protection 66499 4

10. Research in Plant Protection 66495 3

11. Biology of Plant Disease 66230 3

12. Seminar in Plant Protection 66391 1

13. Seminar in Plant Protection 66411 1


14 Integrated Pest Management 66723 3

15 Advanced Bacterial Disease 66733 3

16 Advanced Fungal Disease 66731 3

17 Bacterial Disease, Identification 66732 3

18 Ecology and Genetics of Phytopathogenic

Bacteria 2 credit Ph.D. level

C: Training Courses in:

1. Plant Pathology: for Employees from Ministry of Agriculture, Yamen, June, 6, 87 to July 4, 87 University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.

2. Plant Protection: for Employees from Ministry of Agriculture, Yamen, Sep.10th, 87 to October 20, 87 University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.

3. Plant Protection: Agricultural Marketing Dept. Employees, Nov. 15th, 1987-Dec. 23rd, 1987, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.

4.  Detection of Plant Pathogens from Seeds in Corporation with ICARDA, April 28th, 1991-may 7th, 1991, Fac. of Agriculture, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.

5.  Plant Protection: for the Employees of the Cooperative Institute, Cooperative society, April 17th- 22nd, 1993, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan.

6.  Breeding and Production of Cucumber and Tomato, June17th-August 17, 1995 sponsored by GTZ and Ministry of Agriculture, Amman, Jordan.

M.Sc. Students:

A: Advisor for the following Plant Pathology M.Sc. Students

1. N. Qadous Graduated on 1993

Common blight of bean in Jordan valley

2. W. Fakhouri Graduated on 1995

Crown gall disease in Jordan: Biotyping, histology, interaction with root knot nematode and biocontrol

3. F. Abu-Elsamen Graduated on 1993

Epidemiology and control of bacterial speck of tomato (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato) in Jordan valley

4. O. Rajeh Graduated on 1997

Soft rot disease on vegetables in Jordan: Host range, susceptibility of different cultivars to the infection, effect of planting date and inoculum sources.

5. R. Al-Kurdi Graduated on 1997

Possible use of some wild plants found in Jordan valley for the treatment of cancer tumors.

6. M. Mehiar Graduated on 1998

Black rot disease on cruciferae in Jordan: Sources of inoculum, response of some cabbage cultivars to the disease.

7. M. Al-Dahmashi Graduated on 1998

Epidemiology of fire blight disease of pome fruit in the uplands of Jordan

8. M. Al-Masa’adeh Graduated on 1999

Epidemiology of balc k leg disease on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in Jordan.

9. N. Al-karablieh Graduated on 2002

Detection and identification of crown gall bacteria (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) by polymerase chain reaction.

10. A. Alkofash Graduated on 2002

Incidence of olive knot as related to Cytokinin and Auxin in some olive cultivars in Jordan.

11. R. Hijazin Graduated on 2004

Detection and identification of olive knot bacteria (Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi) by polymerase chain reaction.

12. Werikat B. Graduated on 2005

Detection and identification of bacterial speck of tomato (Pseudomonas syringae pv. Tomato) by polymerase chain reaction.


Ph. D Student:

1. O. Rajeh Graduated on 2002

Induced resistance to control bacterial speck of tomato.

2. Hazem Hasan Sharif PhD candidate, still

B: Exam Committee Member for the following M.Sc. Students:

1. Abdel majeed ghzawi Graduated on 1988