
Date: / 6thJuly2010
Venue: / Committee Room 1, Guildhall 1:30 pm

Attendees or X

Apols / NAME / ORGANISATION / Attend/
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
John Davies - Chair / (Chair) WCBC -CLAO / 
Terry Walker / Primary school representative /  / Nick Williams / HoS: 8-14 / A
Gareth Hughes / Secondary school representative /  / Lesley Taylor / BCUHB / 
Hilary Harriman / HoS: 0-8 / A / Andy Hawkins / Head of School Improvement / A
Graham Edwards / HoS Education Inclusion /  / Jan Wingett / 14 - 19 Network Coordinator / 
Jan Jones / HoS PSD and CYFWP Co-ord /  / Dafydd Ifans / WCBC - L & A / A
Jennifer Tredinnick / WCBC - P & I / A / John Roberts / WCBC - S & S / D
Lauren Pilling / WCBC - PDO Officer /  / Paul Croke / YaleCollege
Joyce M’Caw / Careers Wales / A / Phil Bassett / GlyndwrUniversity / A
Carys Gwyn / Voluntary Sector /  / Christine Willis / Community Focused Schools / 
Linda Caldecott / WCBC - Principal Educational Psychologist /  / Janet Williams / Voluntary Sector / 
Shan Cooper / Libraries, Leisure and Culture / A / Gary Brown / Economic Development
Vicky Barlow / HoS: 14-19 /  / Jackie Huntley / LAC Education Coordinator / D
Sandra Thompson / Clybiau Plant Cymru /  / Honor Pedican / Libraries, Leisure and Culture / 
Key /  / Present / D / Deputy sent / A / Apols given / Did not attend; no contact made
Chris Moore / LAC Education Coordinator (deputy for Jackie Huntley / John Roberts)


Agenda Item and Details / Actions/Who
1. Apologies as above
  • JD informed that JHJ was leaving at the end of term and thanked her for her work supporting the CYPFWP.

2. Minutes and matters arising not on the agenda
  • The minutes of April 14th2010were confirmed as a correct record of the meeting with an amendment on p3: Anti Bullying - JM to lead action not VB.
  • There were no matters arising.

3. Headlines Document and Board/Group feedback
  • JD reminded the group that the focus is on red / amber only. None forquarter 1 – all green.
  • LP presented the new headlines document to the group and explained that RAGing will be against indicators in future to measure priorities of each group.

4. Performance Presentations /


4.1 NEETS Presentation (JHJ)
  • To reduce the number of Y11 NEETs as our performance has worsened (numbers have increased) in previous years against the Wales average.
  • Elected Members selected NEETs as a corporate priority within ‘Better Education and Skills for Employment’. A project group was set up and over 3 years the aim was to reduce NEETs to below the Welsh average.
  • JHJ circulated report ‘End Stage Assessment’. October 2009 Wrexham had dramatically reduced the number of NEETs from 145 Y11 NEETs in 2008 to 72 in 2009. This equates to an improvement from 9.6% in 2008 to 5% in 2009. This improvement is pleasing, yet there is an understanding that the figures may not continue to decrease at such a rate and there is a need to maintain focus on this area.
  • The success is due to the increased attention and effort across a number of organisations on NEETs which has resulted in the decrease.
  • Y12 - October snapshot showed that Wrexham NEETs have increased from the previous year, yet the cohort is very small and so potentially volatile.
  • Y13- October snapshot showed that Wrexham NEETs have increased from the previous year. However, more work is needed to research the increase as it could be due to a small cohort, lack of jobs available after studying, or taking a gap year before going on to University.
  • YP staying on into full time education -Wrexham ranking has droppedfrom 20/22 to 22/22, despite the fact that our actual performance improved.
  • Wrexham has an issue around aspirations of young people. We need to research into young people not moving into higher education after A-levels.
  • The initial BESE targets will be revised and the issueis now to maintain our position and remain below Wales average.
  • New targets for Y12 and 13 are being written, as are targets for Y11 pupils remaining in full time education.
  • Current high level actions were discussed and included developing and implementing pre-Skill Build course, developing and implementing a model for identifying pupils at risk of entering NEET category to allow for targeted early intervention, and developing and implementing strategies to reduce Y12 and 13 NEETs and encouraging those leaving Y11 to stay in full time education.
  • JHJ discussed the funding allocations and the value in having sustainable funding for a NEETs Coordinator.
  • JW informed that young people identified by Careers Wales receive Youth Gateway or SummerCollege, and money has been allocated to research into the reasons for dropping out in Y12.
  • 14-19 Pathways: Wrexham has a range of organisations acting as learning coaches and include ITEC, A4E, military preparation, LAC youth workers.

4.2 LAC Education Sub Group Presentation / GE
  • The main aims of the group were discussed (see handout).
  • The group focuses onten high profile LAC, such as those outof school, non attenders etc and any concerns regarding engaging in education.
  • YJS areinvolved to look holistically at children.
  • The aim isto maintain education whenever possible, discuss attainment and support requirements, personal education plans, placement support and transition and attachment.
Is Anyone Better Off?
  • 2006-07: Wrexham did well in relative performance in terms of attainment – average GCSE points score is higher than the Welsh average and places it in the 2nd quartile.
  • 2007-08: Wrexham has a markedly higher percentage of LAC with SEN and the average points score for GCSE was markedly lower than average.However, due to the small cohort performance can fluctuate.
  • Wrexham has higher level of placement stability than average across Wales (75% with 1 care placement compared to 59% across Wales).
  • Wrexham is lower than the national average for days lost by LAC to fixed term exclusions. It was 0.3 for 2006-07 and 2007-08, which is lower than the national average of 1.
  • JHJ discussed the value of reporting on performance compared to Fisher Family Trust predictions. VB is progressing this currently.
Next Steps
  • Track RAISE pupils by Leaving Care Teams- links to NEETs agenda.
  • Sustain initiatives post RAISE grant.
  • Re-launch Personal Education Plans.
  • Increase participation to feed the views of young people into the LAC Panel.
  • Link LAC Educational Panel more closely to Corporate Parenting Panel.
  • Work is underway around ‘Getting Engaged’ to increase service user involvement, and also to develop the In-Care Council.
  • New Estyn framework focuses on vulnerable children.

4.4 CYPP update on Key Task 45 (Kitemarking) / LP
  • Update report circulated for information.

5. Agree and RAG ScoG Headline report for CYPFWP Board / ALL
  • Agreed green for LA SCoG for Q1 2010.

6. Other agenda items
6.1 CYPP 2011 – 2013 / LP
  • LP informed the group that a series of 6 CYPP workshops had taken place in June 2010 to inform the development of the new CYPP 2011-13.
  • As the CYPP workshop for Learn and Achieve had clashed with a 21st Century Schools meeting, there is a need for a further Learn and Achieve CYPP workshop to take place.
  • LP invited all organisations and departments to run their own CYPP workshops and offered to support any workshops as required.
  • LP also presented the draft Needs Assessment to the group and asked members to read the Learn and Achieve chapter and email any additional information or amendments to ensure a comprehensive and accurate Learn and Achieve chapter.
ACTION: Members to read the Learn and Achieve chapter of the Draft Needs Assessment and send any additional information or amendments to LP.
  • The draft CYPP will be sent out for consultation at the endof August/early September.
6.2 Child Poverty Strategy / LP
  • LP informed that a Child Poverty Strategy consultation workshop will take place on Friday 9th July at 1pm at Erlas to pull together a draft response from Wrexham and to share views.
  • Regional conference on School Effectiveness Framework clashes with the poverty workshop on Friday. However, written responses can also be sent to Leanne Parry and we will try to incorporate theminto the final response sent to WAG.
  • The Child Poverty Strategy is important as Cymorth funding is changing.
6.3 Estyn LEA inspection update - involvement / AH
  • Work is underway in preparing the self evaluation report.
  • No formal notification has been received from Estyn on when they will visit, but it will be between October 2010 and March 2011.
  • AH is leading but other colleagues will be involved in pulling information together. Work is on track and will be finalised by beginning of autumn term.

6.4 C21 Schools Schools - Update
  • Continuing with preparations for strategic outline plan to be submitted to WAG by end of October 2010.
  • Formally establishing a Project Board and Dafydd Ifans is taking the lead of C21st Schools. We need to submit our vision for education provision in Wrexham for the future and need a clear list of projects that we intend to deliver in first 3 years. It is important to stress that the contents we put into the strategic plan are not just about buildings but about additional provision to ensure schools are community focused and involve effective and innovative teaching and learning strategies.
  • We need clear steer for the next 10-15 years. Work is underway for the first 3 years in terms of planning. Area reviews will then take place across the County Borough in terms of what education provision should look like in that area – early years, childcare, primary, secondary, Welsh, faith etc.
  • JW had been informed that the money for 14-19 will move into the C21st Schools agenda and thus there is a need to factor FE into C21st Schools planning and focus on post-16. JD reminded that the focus age group will be 3-19 year olds and so post-16 would be a key element.

6.5 North Wales collaborative working arrangements / JD
  • Commitment at Chief Executive and Council Leader level to work collaboratively across North Wales. There are plans to explore the possibility of establishing a regional School ImprovementService to improve the quality of support and advice and ultimately raise standards. The achievement of an efficient service may be dependentupon finance and influenced by cuts.
  • It is acknowledged that the ALN Service is integral to school improvement and will be within the second phase of the School Improvement Work.
  • Framework to be in place by December 2010 for consultation on the regional School Improvement Service. Elements are then proposed to be implemented by April 2011 and up and running by September 2012.
  • Significant implications for services in future and if schools want to buy into the service due to financial pressures.

6.6 Release Bereavement Guidance Booklet for Schools / JD
  • Members were informed and referred to the Release Bereavement Guidelines Booklet.
  • Previous guidelines had been reviewed in collaboration with schools and head teachers.
  • There is a need to re-launch the Guidelines to increase awareness amongst head teachers and to improve accessibility on the schools’ intranet.
ACTION: GH to raise the matter at WASH.
Members to email LP with suggestion to re-launch Guidelines.
  • CG queried the use of the Guidelines with early years settings. JD replied that some elements would be useful and suggested a meeting to explore how it could be used in childcare and early years settings.
ACTION: LP to ask Anna / Eileen to contact CG to meet to discuss usage of Guidelines for early years and childcare settings. / GH
7. AOB
  • Play day to take place on August 4th 2010 from 12-4 pmonQueens Square.
  • LP asked members to complete the Membership Agreements.
8. Date and time of next meeting
  • October 12th2010 at 1:30pm, Guildhall, Committee Room 1.