August 2, 2004 | Nairobi, Kenya

Press Release

·  IGAD Facilitation Committee,

·  The Members of the International Communities,

·  Somali Conflict Resolution Committee

·  Somali Leaders Both Political & Traditional,

On behalf of Abdi Kombe (Jambeel) traditional leaders, community elders,
religious leaders, political leaders and business communities from Abdi
Kombe sub-clan of North Eastern Region and Southern Region In Somalia. We
are very deeply concern that our clan has been deliberately excluded from
the distribution of the parliamentary seats allocated to Darod Clan by the
arbitration Committee.
The arbitration committee is misled by information which is not based on
the reality. They did not consult to all relevantparties on this sensitive
matter. Kombe Kalalah sub-clan is not only Harti clan. It consists of five
sub-clans named Harti, Geri, Abdi Kombe, Harle and Jiran Kombe. They are
equal in blood prices and rights. If they recognize the Harti rights,
there are no justifications to exclude the rights of their brothers.
Therefore, it appears that IGAD committee and Arbitration committee are
holding back of the peace process instead of working to establish newly
government based on just and inclusive for all Somalis.
Finally, we are kindly requesting the IGAD committee to reconsider and
readress our legitimate concerns of injustice by reaching genuine solutions
based on neutrality.
Bootaan Barre Samanter
Spokesman of Abdi Koombe(jambeel)

Nairobi, Kenya

August 1, 2004 | Nairobi, Kenya

Press Release

·  IGAD Facilitation Committee,

·  The Members of the International Communities,

·  Somali Conflict Resolution Committee

·  Somali Leaders Both Political & Traditional,

Ref: Abdi Kombe (Jambeel) Clan Rejects the Unwise & Unfair Distribution of the Darod MPs

The Abdi Kombe (Jambeel) Clan [Darod sub clan] rejects the decision of the Arbitration Committee, and considers as injustice, unfair and unacceptable to this clan.

This clan did not get a single member of Parliament out of 61 MPs distributed to Darod Clan by IGAD Arbitration Committee. This might be explained/interpreted that either IGAD did not understand the Somali clan structure, or they are validating the injustice that caused the Somali tragedy in the first place. And that is totally unacceptable.

We urge IGAD Facilitation Committee to reverse that decision and come up with an alternative that is fair to all Somalis. We also remind IGAD and the international communities that Somalia needs a justice and fair government and IGAD should facilitate that to happen.


Bootaan Barre Samatar

Spokesman for Abdi Kombe (Jambeel) of Darod Clan

Nairobi, Kenya