Revised February 10, 2015


Name and Affiliation

The name of this of this association shall be the TUCSON STEELERS, herein after referred to as the TUCSON STEELERS, a non-profit organization and member of TUCSON YOUTH FOOTBALL AND SPIRIT FEDERATION, INC. (The "Federation" being the highest local authority), located in Tucson, Arizona, whose authorized boundary is approved by the Federation.



Section 1-General Purpose. The Tucson Steelers is an Arizona corporation formed to operate exclusively as both a charitable and educational 501(c)(3) Corporation and is chartered by the Conference to provide a youth football, cheer and dance program for boys and girls ages 5-15.

The objectives of the TUCSON STEELERS are:

1. To inspire youth to practice ideals of scholastic excellence, health, citizenship, character and bring area youth closer together through the means of common interest in sportsmanship, fair play and fellowship.

2. To encourage youth to grow together as a team while simultaneously learning the crucial lessons of life, discipline, integrity, hard work and fair play.

3. To keep the welfare of the children first and foremost and the program free from adult glory-seeking.

4. To provide and maintain qualified and appropriate adult leadership and example and to have fun while learning the fundamentals of the game.

Section 2- Specific Purpose.

1. To encourage the youth to set goals and develop habits to achieve high scholastic achievement.

2. To acquaint participants with the basic fundamentals and rules of the game and their safe and proper execution.

3. To demonstrate to the youth that discipline(both self and imposed), integrity, and hard work are requirements for participation in competitive sports and are essential for a successful and happy life.

4. To impress the youth with the benefits of maintaining sound health, good physical condition and drug and gang free course of living.

5. To inspire the youth (regardless of race, creed, or national origin) to practice the ideals of sportsmanship, scholastic and physical fitness.

6. To continuously stress the principals of safety inherent in proper conditioning, inspection and attention to required safety gear, continuous practice in proper techniques of the sport and reporting ill health or injuries and strict avoidance of unsportsmanlike conduct.

7. To promote and teach youth that adherence to the principals of sportsmanship, following the rules of training and the game, along with the continued efforts to improve, are achievements that will enable participants to appreciate and excel in the game.

8. To allow no deviation from Tucson Youth Football & Spirit Federation uniform playing rules and the TUCSON STEELERS bylaws, regulations and established policies.


General Membership

1. Eligibility-Any parent (as listed on the registration form) with a child who play/cheers/dances with the TUCSON STEELERS or any person over the age of 18 who coaches or serves on the board is a" participant member".

2.. A "participant member" shall not have rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the TUCSON STEELERS. Term of participation is from sign-up to the end of the calendar year.

3. Only "participant members" in good standing are eligible to vote at the annual meeting to elect the Board of directors. Good standing is defined as a member who is not on probation , or has never been removed from the TUCSON STEELERS coaching staff or Board of Directors, has no outstanding fees, equipment or possessions belonging to or due to the TUCSON STEELERS Organization. The status of members will be reviewed annually-it is the prerogative of the Executive Board to review and reverse previous year decisions.

4. The TUCSON STEELERS shall not permit participation in the youth program of an y individual whom is not in good standing with another Association within the jurisdiction of Tucson Youth Football & Spirit Federation during the period of not being in good standing.


Governing Board

1. The EXECUTIVE BOARD for the TUCSON STEELERS, will consist of President, Executive Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, General Business Manager, Football Director, and Cheer Director.

The specific duties of the EXECUTIVE BOARD positions shall consist of:

PRESIDENT: The President shall supervise the TUCSON STEELERS Association and its Board of Directors and staff and see that its duties and obligations are fulfilled. The President shall preside at the meetings of this Association, attend Federation meetings, and shall be ex-officio member of all Committees. The President will work with the EXECUTIVE BOARD to appoint other members of the Board of Directors in January. The President shall assist the Executive Vice President with coaching staff placement.

EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT: The Executive Vice President shall perform all presidential functions in the absence of the President. The Executive Vice President will work with the Football Director and Cheer Director to get coaching staffs in place. The Executive Vice President shall have the responsibility for the coordination and functioning of the respective chairmen of each event or activity. The Executive Vice President will be responsible for all equipment and uniforms entrusted to the custody or control of the Tucson Steelers Business Managers. The Executive Vice President shall assist the General Manager with scheduling of Registration. The Executive Vice President shall perform and supervise such other duties as directed by the needs of the Tucson Steelers Association.

SECRETARY: The Secretary shall be responsible for all meeting notices, maintaining all official Association minutes and records, compiling and maintaining the roster of membership and attendance of all Board members and other documents related to the operation of the Association. The Secretary shall be obtain and recommend to the Executive Board, candidates for individual Team Business Managers/Parent Coordinator. Upon approval by the Executive Board, the Team Business Manager/Parent Coordinator shall report to the Secretary. The Secretary shall be present at all General Board meetings and shall serve on the Nomination Committee. The Secretary shall carry out such additional duties as may be directed by the Executive Board.

TREASURER: The Treasurer shall be responsible for the accurate and up to date keeping and preparation of all financial records and statements for the TUCSON STEELERS ASSOCIATION, which shall be presented at all General Board meetings and at any other times when called upon to do so. The Treasurer shall receive and record any and all monies, to include all individual squads fundraising and donation moneys, registration moneys, and deposits payable to TUCSON STEELERS. All money transactions must have receipts prepared in duplicate. The Treasurer shall validate the receipt of all monies from individual team Business Managers. The Treasurer shall be required to maintain all necessary financial and tax records to maintain the corporation in good standing with the State of Arizona and the Internal Revenue Service. The Treasurer shall carry out such additional duties as may be directed by the Executive Board..

GENERAL MANAGER: The General Manager (GM) is responsible for conducting all TUCSON STEELERS designated registrations. Following each TYFSF registration, weekly, after the first day of practice, the GM will submit a fully completed registration roster to the Chairperson of the TYFSF Team Assignment and Certification Committee. The GM is responsible for submittal of all rosters to the TYFSF Certification Committee and maintains copies in the TUCSON STEELERS permanent file. The GM shall supervise full, accurate and timely completion of all Team Managers reports, player injury reports, or replacement reports. Supervise and coordinate handling of all insurance forms reports and claims required for insurance. The GM shall maintain a registration file for each player and coach and review all forms within for completeness. The General Manager will facilitate the making of photo IDs for all players. The General Manager shall oversee player certification and verify the scholastic fitness of each player. There will be an appointed Assistant General Manager. The GM shall review all documents with each Team Business Manager to ensure completeness and that all rules are satisfied. These documents include:

1. Team roster and Team Assignment Roster

2. Registration form

3. Birth Certificate copy

4. Physical form (Must have doctor's name stamped and/or printed on the physical form and be dated for the current year.)

5. Proof of Scholastic fitness (Copy of Report Card for previous year ending.)

6. Photo ID

FOOTBALL DIRECTOR: The Football Director shall assist in the coaching staff selection for the Tackle and Flag Football Teams and in preparing and guiding the coach staff in their duties. The Football Director shall facilitate the completion and turn in of all necessary coaching staff paperwork for the Tackle and Flag Football teams and ensure CPR and fingerprinting requirements for each member of the coaching staff is performed. The Football Director will ensure that the TUCSON STEELERS Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Business Managers have been trained and meet Federation requirements to coach and/or be a part of a team's staff in the TYFSF program. The Football Director will assist in resolving any issues or concerns that arise during the season regarding coaching staff and practice/game issues. The Football Director will oversee and support the coaching staff for the Tackle and Flag Football Teams through the course of the season. There will be an appointed Assistant Football director.

CHEER DIRECTOR: The Cheer Director shall obtain an present to the board, candidates for the coaching staff of all cheer teams. Shall maintain complete and current team rosters as well as assist in the coordination and supervision of individual participation sign-ups and registration, in cooperation with the General Manager. Shall coordinate and insure all TYFSF and its charter Rules, Regulations and policies are complied with as pertains to the coaching and physical conditioning and keep the TUCSON STEELERS Executive Board appraised at all time of progress and /or problems. Shall attend and require their coaching staffs to attend all coaching clinics that may be prescribed by the TUCSON STEELERS, TYFSF, and its charters. The Cheer Director shall handle all complaints unless an agreeable decision cannot be reached. Any complaints that cannot satisfactorily be resolved by the Cheer director will be brought to the attention of the President, no later than the next scheduled practice game. Any disciplinary action will require Executive Board approval. There may be an appointed Assistant Cheer Director. The Cheer Director and Assistant Cheer Director will perform all duties enumerated herein and such other duties as may be directed by the President or the Executive Board.

(As of April 7th, 2014, the Executive Board of Directors has been appointed to a term of 3 years.)

The BOARD OF DIRECTORS for the TUCSON STEELERS, shall consist of the Executive Board and members in good standing that have been appointed and approved by the Executive Board to fill the following positions: Assistant to the President, Field Marshal, Team Parent Coordinator, Fundraising Director, Concession Director, Scholarship Director, Media Director, Merchandising Director, and any other position deemed necessary by the Executive Board. Appointed positions shall number no less than 10 and no more than 20 members.

3. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS for the TUCSON STEELERS, shall be nominated and elected or appointed with these by laws. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall be elected or appointed for a one year term..The EXECUTIVE BOARD, going forward, must be elected by the general membership upon a vacancy. There shall be no term limits.

The Board of Directors shall:

1. Require all teams to abide by the rules and carry out all policies of the TUCSON STEELERS and the Federation.

2. Administer and enforce all of the TUCSON STEELER and FEDERATION rules and regulations and written policies.

3. Accept or reject all membership applications according to the requirements and criteria established by the TUCSON STEELERS.

The specific positions and duties of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall consist of:

ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT: The assistant to the President shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President.

FIELD MARSHAL: The Field Marshall shall perform field set up prior to practices and games to include, but not limited to field marking activities and startup and shutdown of any necessary lighting. The Field Marshal shall see that all appropriate field equipment is at the playing field in advance of any scheduled home game or home scrimmage to include chains, water containers, and game ball, etc. In addition the Field Marshall has the following duties

1. Check the authorized personnel on the field (must have an identification badge).

2. Monitor equipment/photo check-ins.

3. Make sure there is plenty of ice water for both teams.

4. Watch for unauthorized substances on school premises or in the parks.

5. Make sure home teams have chain crews.

6. Make sure teams are ready to go on time and there is no delay of games.

7. Let teams know where they can warm up.

Upon receipt of the Schedule for the season, teams will be assigned to help with set up and take down of the fields. Failure to participate in set up and take down of fields will result in a monetary penalty of ONE HUNDRED ($100), to be paid before the next scheduled game. If said penalty is not paid prior to the following weeks game, the team involved will not play and will be assessed a forfeit.

TEAM PARENT COORDINATOR: The Team Parent Coordinator will recruit at least one parent or guardian for each Football and Cheer Team to act as the Team Parent/Business Manager. The coordinator will work with the Team Parent/Business Manager to disseminate information to all parents and players during the season and to recruit and organize volunteers for all TUCSON STEELERS activities to include, but not limited to, manning of the snack bar, selling of TUCSON STEELERS merchandise, assisting with Field Marshall duties, and organizing volunteers for special events. The Coordinator will assist the Team Parent/Business Manager in trophy acquisition and end of season activities.

FUNDRAISING DIRECTOR: The Fundraising Director shall preside over and be responsible to coordinate and plan all TUCSON STEELERS fundraising activities. The Fundraiser Director is responsible for formulating ideas, collecting necessary information and presenting said ideas to the TUCSON STEELERS Board for approval prior to initiating said fundraiser. The Fundraising Director shall be responsible for maintaining fundraiser supplies and inventory necessary to conduct any such fundraiser. All purchases must be presented and approved by the TUCSON STEELERS Executive Board. The Fundraiser Director shall be responsible for maintaining an Activity Report of each TUCSON STEELERS fundraising activity. The Fundraising Director shall be responsible for turning over monetary donations and fundraiser income to the TUCSON STEELERS Treasurer and maintaining receipts of expenses as well as have all moneys counted and signed by two(2) persons. The Fundraiser Director shall not be able to sign any legal binding documents without prior Executive Board approval, by means of a passing vote. All actions and appointments of the Fundraising Director shall be subject to approval of the TUCSON STEELERS Executive Board. There may be an appointed Assistant Fundraising Director. The Fundraising Director and Assistant Fundraising Director will perform all duties enumerated herein and such other duties as may be directed by the President or the TUCSON STEELERS Executive Board.