Thursday 4th July 2013


Present: Apologies:

Nathan Meager Pat Sokol

Maggie Blackmore Paul Flood

Patsie Fowler Jenny Norman

Irene Bleasdale Sally Thatcher

Jeanette Carter Sue Blackmore

Rayna Knight

Maddy Conway

In attendance:

Irene Gray

Sally Matravers

Item / Notes / Action
1. / Welcome and introduction
Apologies noted as above.
Consent Agenda
2. / Notes of the last meeting:
The notes of the meeting held on 13th June were agreed as a true record. All Actions were noted as complete or on the agenda.
3. / Presentation:
Sally Matravers; Head of Nursing for the Emergency Division attended the meeting to introduce herself to the Council and outlined her role. She invited members to shadow her if they wished. Members agreed they would advise Donna Morgan if they wanted to shadow Sally. Members were grateful to learn of SM’s role and thanked her for attending. / ALL
Discussion and Decision
4. / Procurement Process:
IG advised the Council that Bronwen Bishop, Director of Strategic Development will attend the August meeting to update on any concerns regarding the Procurement process.
Patsie advised that the Weston Chamber of Commerce would appreciate a talk from Kathy Headdon. IG will put this request to Bronwen Bishop. / IG
5. / Article for Weston and Worle Journal:
PS advised that the article will be published in August.
Patient Experience
6 / CQC inspection: outcomes and actions:
IG advised that CQC had revisited the Trust in week commencing 24th June and gave very positive feedback. It is anticipated that the warning notice will be lifted and members will be advised when the formal report is received.
Quality Observation Visits:
July dates were in place. Members agreed to furnish Donna with the dates for August and September. Members requested a list of wards and what the specialty is along with a map of the hospital. I G agreed to request this be sent to all members by Donna Morgan.
Patient Stories:
Training has been arranged for 24th July – 5.30pm-8.30pm. IG advised she has emailed staff to invite them to the training.
Community Video:
IG presented the draft proposal to go to Weston College. Members approved the proposal. I G will send to the College. / IG/DM
For Information and Update
8. / Committee Reports:
Council members identified the meeting dates for their designated meetings.
Reports were received from the following committees:-
a)  NM advised that the Board had not met at the time of the Council meeting. He briefed members on the meetings held with the Chairman and DNS on ways of linking in with the wards, i.e. each council member to have a ward they link and engage with. CP has agreed to take forward ideas and put forward a proposal for implementation. NM advised that he had requested the trust news letter be sent to all Council Members. IG Proposed that Matron Deb Parsons attend a future meeting to present what the trust is doing regarding dignity and dementia.
NM advised that any emails from council members must all go to Donna and not direct to members. Donna will manage the email traffic on behalf of the council.
NM advised members that interviews had been conducted this evening and members needed to be aware of knowledge gained through meetings and used inappropriately can put the Trust at risk and breach confidentiality. NM requested that IG consider how this can be addressed to safeguard council members and the Trust.
Two applicants interviewed this evening to become Council Members. It was recommended that one of the candidates were appointed.
NM requested nominations from Council Members to work with to develop the programme for the AGM in October. A planning meeting will be set up in August.
b)  Dignity meeting. MB updated members on the app of a new care of the elderly physician and the positive report from the Dementia Peer Review. The Care of the Elderly Charter Mark has been awarded to several wards.
c)  RK advised she was unable to attend the Infection Control meeting as it was in the morning and requested dates of meetings for the year. IG advised she would request meeting dates for Infection control and Nursing and Midwifery Committee be circulated to members for a full year. / CP
9 / Any other business
IG circulated draft drawings for the front entrance and asked members if they wished to comment they can send comments direct to Donna Morgan. DM will communicate directly with MB
PF advised she had attended the new OPD and had a faultless experience. JC advised a more confused experience. / All
IG and NM requested nominations from Council Members to work with to develop the programme for the AGM in October. A planning meeting will be set up in August. / All
10. / Dates and times of future meetings:
The next meeting is scheduled for:
15th August 2013