No.230/04 01.12.04


1. MILLIYET newspaper reports on the draft document for the 17 December summit.

2. Erdogan describes the draft document as unacceptable. Statements after meeting the Belgian Speaker of Parliament.

3. Baykal to submit motion for a general debate on EU at the TGNA.

4. Statements by Rauf Denktas on the recognition of the Republic of Cyprus. He threatens to continue the armed struggle if Turkey recognizes the Republic of Cyprus.

5. Talat on the recognition of the Republic of Cyprus.

6. Statements by the General Secretary of the NSC during a press briefing.

7. Turkish diplomatic sources say Ankara is not planning to recognize the Republic of Cyprus before 17 December.

8. US expected to push EU over Turkey’s membership.

9. Are the State Security Courts back?

10. Akinci stated that the bomb against the “Polatkan Tourism” company was a bomb placed in the future of Cyprus.


1. Columnist in Turkish Daily News calls on the Turkish government to investigate the murder of the Kaymaz brothers in South-eastern Turkey.


1. MILLIYET newspaper reports on the draft document for the 17 December summit

Istanbul MILLIYET newspaper (30.11.04) publishes the following report by Guven Ozalp under the title: “Yes it will be conditional on Cyprus”:

“The first draft document that will constitute the basis for the anticipated decision as to whether or not accession talks with Turkey should start, which EU leaders will make on 17 December, has been prepared. The document reflects the general conclusion reached in a recent meeting held by the Troika in The Hague that Turkey would go through a difficult process. The blueprint, which will be discussed by EU ambassadors tomorrow, signals that the EU leaders will say "yes" to the proposal to start accession talks on 17 December with many strings attached. The document contains some conditions giving rise to concerns, ranging from a commitment to be made by Turkey to recognize Cyprus de facto and imposition of permanent restrictions on free movement of labour. The draft document was, therefore, not found as encouraging as the Progress Report.

The document devotes five paragraphs to Turkey, including a blank paragraph while the framework related to the procedures to be followed during the negotiations was outlined under another heading. The first paragraph includes references to decisions made in previous summit meetings and the second paragraph praises Turkey for making decisive progress, reiterating the EU's confidence that the reform process will continue.

De facto recognition of Cyprus

The third paragraph about Turkey captures attention because it tacitly refers to the EU's condition that Turkey should recognize Cyprus without mentioning its name. The paragraph says that the EU Council welcomed Turkey's decision to sign the protocol, which calls for alignment of the Ankara Treaty while taking account of the recent accession of 10 new members to the Union. Ankara, however, has not signed the protocol yet, as it would be tantamount to de facto recognition of Cyprus by Turkey.

Final decision to be made by the leaders

The fifth paragraph numbered 21, which will state whether or not accession talks should start and, if a decision is made to commence negotiations, when they should start, was left blank because the member countries could not agree on how talks should start despite a general conviction that the EU should open membership negotiations with Turkey. The document, which will set forth the timing of the talks depending on the outcome of the discussions to be made by EU leaders during the summit, includes no reference to some alternatives such as a "special status" or "privileged partnership," which have been proposed by some countries, including France.

A section of the draft document outlines the procedures to be followed during the anticipated negotiations with countries named as candidates for membership in the EU as follows:

- The negotiations with each candidate will be planned according to its performance.

- Threshold levels will be established for opening and provisional closure of different sections of the negotiating process.

- Permanent protective measures may be needed regarding free movement of labour.

- In the event of a serious violation, the Commission may, either at its own discretion or upon request of a third of the member countries, recommend that negotiations be suspended. Decision about such proposal will be made by the Council by qualified majority.

The draft document will be reviewed by EU's Committee of Permanent Representatives tomorrow and next week.

EU Foreign Ministers will discuss the blueprint on 13 December. Although the document will prepare the ground for the decision to be made in the summit, the leaders will have the last word.”

2. Erdogan describes the draft document as unacceptable. Statements after meeting the Belgian Speaker of Parliament

Istanbul MILLIYET newspaper (30.11.04) publishes the following report by Abdullah Karakus under the title: "Erdogan: 'It is unacceptable'":

“Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that a paragraph in a draft document, which will constitute the basis for the decision to be made by the EU on 17 December about starting accession talks with Turkey, implying that Turkey should recognize the Republic of Cyprus was unacceptable. He said: "We have done our best in order to find a solution on the island. The Greek Cypriots, however, declined to sit down at the negotiating table. It is now their turn to take a step."

The Cabinet yesterday discussed the conditions set forth by the EU in its first draft document. Erdogan and the ministers criticized the document, which tacitly states that Turkey should recognize South Cyprus de facto. Pointing out that the `TRNC´ had made every possible effort in order to reach a settlement and also accepted the Annan plan, Erdogan went on saying: "All the offers we made in order to resolve the dispute were turned down. Firstly, the unjustifiable embargoes imposed on the `TRNC´ should be lifted. It would not be fair to expect us to make concessions without any reciprocation. Our expectations concerning the `TRNC´ should be met. This issue is, however, being disregarded."

Cyprus is not a criterion

Pointing out that the EU countries would be put to the test on 17 December, Erdogan went on saying: "We have fulfilled the criteria about the negotiations more effectively than many other countries. The Cyprus issue was not among those criteria. Why was South Cyprus, which made no effort in order to find a solution, admitted although the problem remained unsolved? Every country should be treated on the same footing as the others. This is going to be a test as far as the EU countries are concerned. The EU should also do its part."

Emphasizing that Turkey would not accept a conditional and different negotiating process, Erdogan noted: "If they take a different attitude towards us, the EU would eventually lose. Turkey could make great contributions to the EU."

The Cabinet decided to consult with the EU leaders about the draft, which states that negotiations could be suspended and permanent restrictions could be imposed on free movement of labour. Erdogan and Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul will hold talks with the leaders of some EU countries, especially those which are expected to insist that Turkey recognize South Cyprus.

Moreover, Istanbul NTV television (30.11.04) broadcast that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave messages on the subject of the Cyprus problem on the eve of the 17 December EU summit. Pointing out that the demands on this issue are continuing, Erdogan said: “I am finding it difficult to comprehend or explain this. Europe is obliged to act in fairness”.

Erdogan received Herman de Croo, Speaker of the Belgian House of Representatives. The prime minister explained the developments on Cyprus. He listed the efforts exerted by the Turkish side with regard to the solution of the Cyprus issue, noting, however, that Cyprus was admitted as an EU member despite the outcome of the referenda in Cyprus. Recalling that after the referenda the EU countries made statements to the effect that measures will be adopted to end the isolation of the occupied areas of Cyprus, Erdogan said: “Not a single decision was made until now. We are still being asked to give this or relinquish that in Cyprus. This is not acceptable. I am finding it difficult to comprehend or explain this.”

The prime minister also remarked that Europe is obliged to act in fairness.

3. Baykal to submit motion for a general debate on EU at the TGNA

Istanbul NTV television (30.11.04) broadcast that opposition RPP [Republican People's Party] Chairman Deniz Baykal said that Turkey should announce its official stand before the 17 December EU summit. No stand has been adopted either by the head of the state or the head of the government, Baykal charged, adding that his party will submit a motion to hold a general debate on the EU at the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

Addressing his party's parliamentary group meeting, Baykal commented on the EU summit draft communique. Pointing out that Turkey is being asked to recognize the Republic of Cyprus, Baykal said: “This is at the same time a demand to ignore the existence of the `Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus´”.

Conditions such as leaving the negotiations open-ended and introducing the possibility of suspending the negotiations have not been imposed on any country, Baykal stated. He described the attitude adopted by the government on the eve of the summit as a disappointment. Baykal added: I do not mean the statements made by the foreign minister, in passing. The National Assembly and the National Security Council have failed to adopt a stand. The president and the prime minister, in their turn, have also failed to declare an official stance on behalf of Turkey. Is this possible?

Baykal claimed that the government is behaving as though it consents to everything, and said that his party wants to hold a general debate at the National Assembly on the subject of the EU.

4. Statements by Rauf Denktas on the recognition of the Republic of Cyprus. He threatens to continue the armed struggle if Turkey recognizes the Republic of Cyprus

Ankara Anatolia news agency (30.11.04) reported from occupied Lefkosia that the Turkish Cypriot leader, Mr Rauf Denktas, made statements during a reception of the members of the occupied Ayios Andronikos “Association for the Perpetuation of the National Struggle and Martyrs”.

Denktas said: "Turkey recognizes the `TRNC´. If it can find a formula whereby it recognizes both us and them, then that is [Turkey's] business. However, if Turkey ends up recognizing them but not us, that would mean that Turkey and we would have to take up arms again and resume the defense of our land, homeland, and independence."

In his speech at his reception of the members of the occupied Ayios Andronikos “Association for the Perpetuation of the National Struggle and Martyrs”, Denktas said that the Greek Cypriots appealed to the EU to upset the balance that was established with the agreements of 1960 and that "the EU committed a huge injustice and mistake by accepting this appeal." He continued: "The EU will soon realize that this was a mistake because the Greek Cypriots will turn its insides upside down by pursuing hostility against Turkey."

Commenting on the issue of Turkish recognition of the Republic of Cyprus, Denktas said that Turkey recognizes not the current Greek Cypriot republic but the republic of partnership that was founded in 1960. He continued:

"Turkey recognized that republic. If the Greek Cypriots establish another republic with us Turkey would recognize that also. However which part of them will it recognize now? They filled up mass graves with Turkish Cypriots. They committed so many crimes. They destroyed 103 villages. There is such a long list of crimes against them. Turkey was forced to sacrifice its sons to come and to stop these crimes. Turkey came here to save us, to save Cyprus, so that those who tore down a partnership built on international agreements do not claim ownership to all of Cyprus."

Denktas said that the Greek Cypriots occupied the position of the "Republic of Cyprus," which was a joint republic, and that this occupation continues today. He continued: "They entered the EU by deceit. Europe and everyone must be told about these all the time."

Mr Rauf Denktas added:

"They want Turkey to recognize them. Turkey recognizes the `TRNC´. If it can find a formula whereby it recognizes both us and them, then that is [Turkey's] business. However, if Turkey ends up recognizing them but not us, that would mean that Turkey and we would have to take up arms again and resume the defense of our land, homeland, and independence. In other words, this Europe would lead Cyprus to war, not peace, if it insists on this mistake. Turkey has recognized us for 21 years and has made sacrifices for 40 years so that the Greek Cypriots would not destroy us. These are matters of honour and dignity for the Turkish nation and [Turkey] has put its stamp on them. That is why Turkey would not abandon us."

Denktas said that the Turkish Cypriot “people” must defend their rights, state, equality, sovereignty, and independence knowing very well what the Greek Cypriot side wants to do. He added: