Number / AS91461 / Version / 1 / Page 1 of 3

Achievement Standard

Subject Reference / Health 3.1
Title / Analyse a New Zealand health issue
Level / 3 / Credits / 5 / Assessment / Internal
Subfield / Health and Physical Education
Domain / Health Education
Status / Registered / Status date / 4 December 2012
Planned review date / 31 December 2016 / Date version published / 4 December 2012

This achievement standard involves analysing a New Zealand health issue.

Achievement Criteria

Achievement / Achievement with Merit / Achievement with Excellence /
·  Analyse a New Zealand health issue. / ·  Analyse, in depth, a New Zealand health issue. / ·  Analyse, perceptively, a New Zealand health issue.

Explanatory Notes

1  This achievement standard is derived from the Health and Physical Education learning area in The NewZealand Curriculum, Learning Media, Ministry of Education, 2007; level 8 Achievement Objectives (relevant to the context used), and is related to the material in the Teaching and Learning Guide for Health and Physical Education, Ministry of Education, 2012 at

Assessment is consistent with and reflects the underlying concepts (hauora, socio-ecological perspective, health promotion, attitudes and values) of the Health and Physical Education learning area in The New Zealand Curriculum, page 22.

2  Analyse involves applying a critical perspective to a New Zealand health issue through:

·  explaining the nature of the health issue in New Zealand and its implications for the well-being of people and society

·  explaining how the major determinants of health influence the health issue

·  recommending strategies to bring about more equitable outcomes in relation to the health issue.

The analysis is supported by evidence.

Analyse, in depth, involves recommending strategies for addressing the health issue that take account of:

·  the influence of the major determinants of health on the health issue

·  the impact of the major determinants of health on well-being.

The in-depth analysis is supported by detailed evidence.

Analyse, perceptively, involves recommending strategies based on a coherent explanation that connects the New Zealand health issue and the influence of the major determinants of health on the issue to underlying health concepts (hauora, socio-ecological perspective, health promotion, and attitudes and values).

The perceptive analysis is supported by the coherent and consistent use of evidence.

3  A New Zealand health issue is one affecting the well-being of an identified community or sector in New Zealand, and which is a matter of public concern. Health-related issues may be derived from:

·  mental health or resilience in school and the wider community

·  concepts of masculinity, or femininity

·  the portrayal of sexuality in the media

·  teenage sexual health

·  use of a specific drug among 15-24 year olds

·  prevalence of a specific disease in specific populations

·  discrimination, or harassment

·  ethnic or culturally specific issues

·  currently reported social problems such as – gambling, domestic violence.

Focusing on suicide or eating disorders for the analysis is not appropriate.

4  Supported by evidence refers to the use of specific and relevant details to support an analysis. Supporting evidence may include examples, quotations, and/or data from credible and current sources such as government ministry websites, recognised nongovernment organisations (NGOs), research journals, and other publications. Generally, current research means data or theories published within the last five years.

5  Conditions of Assessment related to this achievement standard can be found at

Replacement Information

This achievement standard replaced unit standard 14242 and AS90708.

Quality Assurance

1  Providers and Industry Training Organisations must have been granted consent to assess by NZQA before they can register credits from assessment against achievement standards.

2  Organisations with consent to assess and Industry Training Organisations assessing against achievement standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those achievement standards.

Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference / 0233

Ó New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2012