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Minutes of a meeting of Blakeney Parish Council which was held on Tuesday 6th June 2017at7.00pm in the Parish Office.

Present:- Edward Hackford (Chairman), Samantha Arlow, Shirley Everett & Barry Girling. District Cllr: Karen Ward & County Cllr: Dr. Marie Strong.

Clerk:- Tracey BayfieldPublic:- 4.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE–Were received accepted from; Rosemary Thew(away), Jenny Girling (away), Alban Donohoe (work), Iain Wolfe (work) & Neil Thompson (hospital).

2. There were no DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTfrom members.

3.It was proposed & agreed that the following MINUTES are to be signed as a true record.

3.1.AGM – Tuesday2nd May 2017.

3.2.FULL COUNCIL – Tuesday 2nd May 2017.

3.3.FULL COUNCIL – Extraordinary Meeting – Tuesday 23rd May 2017.

  1. GUESTS –

4.1.PC Jason Pegden from the Wells Police (Safer Neighbourhood Team) advised that there had been no crimes recorded for the parish since the last meeting, although there had been 3 calls to the Police. Asking people to remain vigilant and to make a note of any vehicle registration numbers, where they have any concerns. The lead from the whole of the north roof of Field Dalling church has been stripped and stolen, although it is believed that the offenders have been caught.

  1. CHAIRMANS ANNOUNCEMENTS– There were none.

6.1. District Councillor - Karen Ward.

NNDC General: The General Election on Thursday will see many of the Council’s staff working through the day and night at the North Norfolk Parliamentary Count. This is a significant undertaking and it may mean that Council Officers and Members might not respond immediately to queries. Enforcement staff will continue to be available as needed.

Many apologies for the inconvenience caused by IT problems recently which meant no phones, email or access to the planning website at NNDC for 24 hours. A business continuity review is now being conducted to ensure appropriate contingency arrangements are in place to prevent a recurrence of this problem in future.

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Planning & Enforcement: The new Pre-application process, and public website went live as planned on 1st June 2017. This will significantly improve the transparency of the planning process.

The Pastures – The two mediators which both parties selected have been contacted and we are awaiting potential dates. I am actively chasing the legal team to get a date in the diary sooner rather than later. We are not now waiting on a future planning application from The Blakeney Hotel, as months have passed.

8 Wiveton Road – A Judge has allowed the Judicial Review to proceed to court. No work can take place in the meantime.

8 Langham Road – Many of you have been in touch about the work to the rear of this property. The current planning application is due to be heard by the Development Committee on 15th June and no planning permission has been granted for the work carried out to date. The Enforcement Officer has been out to site promptly on more than one occasion:

  • The earth works to create the drive for the original dwelling do need planning permission and the owner has been notified. He has 28 days to submit a retrospective planning application. If planning permission is not granted, the owner will have to put the earth back at his own expense.
  • The removal of the hedge and replacement by a fence are permissible under Permitted Development and were part of the agreement with the Medical Practice on purchase of the land.
  • The access onto Queen’s Close is part of the planning application and if the planning application is refused, the access will need to be closed until permission is granted.

Parking in Queen’s Close – Unfortunately Victory Housing went ahead on 4th May with installing bollards to restrict parking on the green space on Queen’s Close. This was despite objections from residents, Parish and District Councillors. I met Christine Candlish, Director of Housing on site on 10th May to review the situation and as an immediate interim measure, she agreed to move the key box for the drop-down bollard closer to the site, so residents could get emergency access. However, this is not even a short-term solution as the access space has no drop kerb; there is not enough turning room if a car is parked opposite and it is dangerously close to the access to a resident’s property. Despite my requests for a follow up meeting, I have been ignored and merely sent a standard letter in reply. I have now asked the police to carry out a safety assessment. I am preparing a case to present to the Chief Executive of Victory, and to the Trustees, including the Labour Parliamentary Candidate Stephen Burke, to ask them to explain why they are discriminating against disabled tenants and access to their own homes. It is unacceptable.

  • A Parish Cllr asked what that piece of grass may be worth.
  • Following real concerns over general vehicular access now, people are advised to take pictures of Queens Close if they feel that it is that congested that an ambulance could not get through due to the parking and to forward them to Karen.

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6.2. County Councillor - Dr. Marie Strong.

After Friday normal service with a round of committee meetings will have returned to the county council. In the meantime with school holidays soon to begin I thought you might be interested in the following:

Norfolk County Council Campaign to bring maths into everyday family life: This new campaign is aimed at supporting children’s learning and as an aid to parents. The new section on the Norfolk County Council website offers links to a variety of sites with fun activities involving numbers that children of different age categories can follow free of charge in the family home, or out and about in everyday life. The idea is to help boost maths skills in children aged 11 and under and getting parents to incorporate maths into everyday games and activities. We know that there is a link between children’s achievements in maths and their parents’ attitudes to the subject, so we are asking parents to be positive about maths, talk about its importance and most of all to play and learn together with their children.

Norfolk County Council’s ‘Write on Norfolk’ competition: For the second year we are encouraging children and young people to show their creative skills and enter this popular competition.We are joining forces with BBC Radio Norfolk aiming to boost summer learning and hone children’s writing skills. We want children to have fun with their writing and really let their imaginations run wild. This is a great way of boosting their literacy skills, particularly over the long summer holidays when we know some children’s learning dips. The competition is open to those aged between five and 13 years old. Budding writers are asked to submit a piece of original creative writing from 5 June to 31 August. The writing must be a maximum of 500 words (roughly one side of A4 paper) and it must contain a link to Norfolk. The entry can be a short story, poem, scrip or even song lyrics. The competition is split into three age categories, 5-7, 8-10 and 11-13. Gold, silver and bronze winners will be chosen in each category by apanel of experts including NCC representatives, local authors Kevin Price and Cressida McLaughlin and BBC’s Nick Conrad. Winners will be announced at a special ceremony in early October. In addition to prizes of Amazon Fire tablets and book tokens the winning entries will be publicised online and in the local media. Those writers enrolled in the Children’s University will earn credits towards their degree. Jarrold of Norwich is backing the competition and will be donating Jarrold book tokens as prizes. Jan Holden, NCC’s Head of Libraries said: “…. good readers make great writers …. our libraries will be great places for budding writers to get inspiration for their Write On Norfolk entries this summer - not least if they are also taking part in our annual Summer Reading Challenge.” Full details about the competition can be found on: The campaign will be promoted on social media using #WriteOnNorfolk.

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Norfolk Apprentices Graduation Celebration: Throughout my career I have greatly valued the role of apprenticeships and as a county councillor have urged NCCto progressively increase thenumber and range of its own apprenticeships and I am always pleased to see any such development – as we as NCC promoting and encouraging apprenticeships throughout the county.And Norfolk has had great success with apprenticeships in recent times, with latest figures showing that the majority of apprentices stay in work with the same employer after completing their apprenticeship. NCC’s Apprenticeships Strategy Manager at Norfolk County Council rightly points out that: “Increasingly, apprenticeships are being viewed on a par with degrees and offer good opportunities for progression.” Holding a graduation ceremony gives apprentices the chance to properly celebrate their achievements and show people that there are alternatives to what can often be seen as more traditional qualifications. This special event will be held from 6.00 pm on Wednesday 12 July at St Andrew’s Hall in Norwich. The ceremony, coordinated by the Apprenticeships Norfolk Network, aims to highlight the importance and value of apprenticeships to employers, learners and the economy. Any apprentice who will have completed their apprenticeship in Norfolk between August 2016 and July 2017 is invited to attend the event. All graduating apprentices attend free of charge and can bring up to two guests with them, also free of charge. Each graduating apprentice will receive a scroll and dress code for the events is smart/casual with no caps or gowns. The ceremony is followed by a drinks reception with live music. Tickets must be booked in advance at or by calling 0344 800 8024.

Reporting Highways Problems: Any member of the public can now report potholes and other Highways problems directly to NCC. Go on line to You will be presented with a Highways Problem report form asking if you have a question about road maintenance, Public Rights of Way or Norfolk trails - all of which NCC are responsible for maintaining. Report the problem and If you want to be updated on the status of that problem you do need to sign in or register. Alternatively you can report issues anonymously but in which case you will not be able to track the progress of your complaint. (For anyone without a computer, lap top or i-pad the very helpful staff at any of our libraries will show how it can be done on a library computer).

  • Cars parked on double yellow lines in village are a problem. (The Chairman explained that this had only recently been discussed and raised with the Police and The Parking Enforcement Operations Team, who were doing what they could, when incidents were reported.)
  • Based on the above BPC asked if our District Cllr, Dr. Marie Strong would question the Police Inspector on the use of TORs, (Traffic Order Report) being issued to offenders.

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  1. PLANNING– No planning applications received.

PF = Full Planning Permission

PM = Planning Permission – Reserved Matters

LA = Alteration to Listed Building


9.1. It was proposed & agreed that Accounts totalling £16,227.46 are paid.

9.2. Members receivedthe Clerk/RFO Report which gave current balances.

9.3. Members worked through the Annual Return for the year ended 31st March 2017. They proposed & agreed that both Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2016/17 & Section 2 – Accounting Statements for 2016/17 were correct.

9.4. It was proposed & agreed to accept the recommendation to increase the fee to the Internal Auditorfrom £100 pa. to £150.00.

9.5. It was proposed & agreed that we install a Replacement Bench outside of the Doctors Surgery from BPC reserves and that we look to reinstate the dedication to Bertie Piggott.


10.1.Members noted that the Churchwarden has confirmed that the Mobile Infrastructure installation into the church tower, might start mid June/beginning of July. This will provide coverage for Vodafone & O2.

10.2.It was proposed & agreed that In order to comply with the Terms of Reference which adhere to our insurance provider, that we approve Peter Roe, as the Public Representative of the Dinghy Park Joint Management Committee and are happy for him to join this committee.

10.3.A full report from the North Norfolk Town & Parish Forummeeting held on 21st May 2017 was received by members, in which they were asked by the group to consider what specific needs the Parish Council have which could be met with increased funds. The Clerk read through a quickly jotted down list and it was proposed & agreed that the Clerks sends on our behalf all she can think of.

10.4.Having worked through the draft Coronation Car Park usage policy, it was proposed & agreed to adopt this fully.

11. COUNCILLORS QUESTIONS – There were none.

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12.1. It was proposed & agreed that we grant permission to Jess Tutt to hold a Charity Bucket Collectionon the village playing field in aid of East Anglian Air Ambulance, after completing a 10km stilt walk on Sunday 30th July.

12.2. Members considered the comments from John & Pam Peake with regard looking at suggested Lost Rights of Wayas part of the additions to the Definitive Map programme, as per the report from Helen Chester, whereby BPC said that it would consider looking at routes BL4 – Wiveton Hall & BL5 – Wiveton Downs only. Based on their advice that BL4 looks to have been closed in the 1820s, and that both areas are linked with other footpaths, it was agreed that there was no real benefit to spending vast amounts of time and money looking into these scenarios any further, and it was proposed & agreed that we take no further action.

12.3. The final details from Tom Harrison with regard the proposed Old Wild Rovers charity event on the Quay on Saturday 15th July including request to show archive film footage and allocate space were received and it was proposed & agreed that we grant permission for this event.

12.4. Butcher Andrews Solicitors had provided information & associated costs with regard Registration of Land in the parish. It was proposed & agreed that we accept their terms and charges.

12.5. It was proposed & agreed that in view of the special nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and Public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.

Members had received two applications for the Two Parish Council Vacancies, both of which were fully considered. It was therefore proposed & agreed that we co-opt Jess Tutt and Jennet Tilley and we look forward to welcoming them both.

To note NNDC Planning Decisions Taken & Updates aswell as any Planning Inspectorate Appeals if any.

1)Application PF/17/0534 & LA/17/0540– Proposal; Variation of condition 2 of planning permission ref: PF/16/1284 to allow demolition of wall and erection of replacement to north west boundary at, Morgan Cottage, 97 High Street, Blakeney. Refused.

2)Application LA/17/0400 – Proposal; Works to boundary wall to re-open blocked former pedestrian access at, Blakeney C Of E Va Primary School, Wiveton Road, Blakeney. Consent given.

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3)Application PF/17/0394 – Proposal; Erection of single storey extension and garage to side and rear of dwelling at, 10 Queens Close, Blakeney. Consent given.

4)Application PF/17/0399 – Proposal; Change of use of land to create an outdoor children’s nursery, erection of ancillary buildings including a yurt and storage shed, fencing and re-opening of existing blocked pedestrian entrance onto Wiveton Road at, Blakeney C Of E Va Primary School, Wiveton Road, Blakeney. Consent given.

5)Application PF/17/0483 – Proposal; Erection of detached double car port and relocation of oil tank at, Fairland, Morston Road, Blakeney. Consent given.

6)Appeal lodged – Application PF/16/0876– Proposal; Erection of 2 no. two-storey 3 bed detached houses and detached garage block. Change of use of part of the site to garden land for 5 Westgate Street at, Stratton Long Marine, Westgate Street, Blakeney. Does BPC wish to add to their original correspondence? It was proposed & agreed that we have nothing further to add.

7)Application PF/17/0371 – Proposal; Erection of 2 semi-detached two storey dwellings at, 1 Memorial Cottages, New Road, Blakeney. This application has been withdrawn.

8)Application PF/17/0270– Proposal; Proposed 200 space overflow car park for use up to 60 days per year at, Former School Field, Langham Road, Blakeney. This application has been withdrawn.

9)Application PF/17/0553– Proposal; Erection of front & rear extensions, alterations to roof including height and addition of 6 dormer rooflights to provide first floor accommodation at, 17 Morston Road, Blakeney. This application has been withdrawn.

Meeting closed at 8.34pm.

Chairman ______