DC RANDONNEURS Blue Ridge to Bay RM1200km BREVET
Day One
Start at Best Western, 726 E Market St, Leesburg, Virginia
KEY: R=right; L=left; BL=bear left; BR=bear right; S=straight; X=cross; Q=quick; tro=to remain on; SS=stop sign; UM=unmarked;
T=T intersection; TL=traffic lite; RR=railroad tracks; >=becomes; DH=downhill; ETM=easy to miss; ORF=outdoor restroom facility
0.0 0.0 **CONTROL#1** Best Western
726 E Market St, Leesburg VA, 703-777-9400
Open 05:00/Close 06:00
0.0 0.0 S on service road leaving hotel
0.1 0.1 L Fort Evans Rd NE @T/SS
0.2 0.1 R E. Market St. @TL
0.3 0.1 L Plaza St SE @TL
0.5 0.2 R Principal Drummond Way SE
0.6 0.1 L Sycolin Rd SE @T/SS
0.7 0.1 Pass Yellow sign with bicycle icon
0.7 0.0 QBL onto the W&OD Trail
(Stay on W&OD for 28.7 Miles to “X US29”)
1.2 0.5 X under 7, tight corner: SLOW!
1.5 0.3 X Lawson Rd SE /SS
4.3 2.8 ORF on L @Quarry
8.5 4.2 ORF on R @Smith's Switch
14.3 5.8 X 606/Elden St @TL - Herndon
17.4 3.1 X Wiehl Ave/828@TL !!CAUTION!!
R=right UM=unmarked
L=left T=T intersection
BL=bear left TL=traffic light
BR=bear right RR=railroad tracks
S=straight >=becomes
X=cross DH=downhill
Q=quick SC=shopping center
tro=to remain on =restrooms
SS=stop sign ORF=Outdoor restroom facility
ETM=easy to miss TC=traffic circle
22.4 5.0 water fountain on R@train station
22.6 0.2 X Maple Ave/123 @TL -Vienna
24.3 1.7 X Cedar Ln @SS !!CAUTION!!
24.9 0.6 X Gallows Rd/650 @TL
25.3 0.4 X bridge over I-495/Beltway
25.8 0.4 R tro W&OD after steep climb
26.1 0.3 X Virginia Lane at bottom of hill
26.6 0.5 X Shreve Rd. !!CAUTION!!
27.2 0.6 X VA7 on arched wooden bridge
27.3 0.1 X Grove Ave.
27.4 0.1 X N. West St.
28.5 1.1 X US29/Washington St.@TL –
Right-Turning Traffic.
28.8 0.3 L N. Tuckahoe St @T/SS
28.9 0.1 X 19th St N/SS
29.0 0.1 S onto W&OD Trail
29.0 0.0 X wooden bridge over 4
Mile Run
29.0 0.0 QL tro W&OD Trail @T
29.2 0.2 X under Sycamore/Roosevelt,
narrow path, SLOW!
29.2 0.0 L tro W&OD @T basketball on R
29.3 0.1 BR tro W&OD Slight Hill.
POI Sign on L: Brandymore Castle
X under 3 bridges
30.2 0.9 Brown sign on R to Custis Trail.
30.2 0.0 L Custis Trail at split,
W&OD goes S
If you get to wooden bridge you missed turn.
32.9 1.2 downhill S curve (services in
shopping center on R)
33.8 0.9 L tro Custis @T
parallelling Lee Hwy
Nick Bull 202-286-3749/Bill Beck 410-707-5100
(“tired” is NOT an emergency, but please DO call to inform us if you abandon, as we must account for all riders; if no answer, please leave a message)
34.5 0.7 X N Ft Myers@TL UM tro Custis
@ green sign to Mt Vernon Trail
34.6 0.1 X Lynn St @TL CAUTION
tro Custis -> Mt Vernon Trail
34.7 0.1 X bridge over Mt Vernon PKWY
stay on trail through parking lot
35.1 0.4 enter wooden walkway
Extreme caution if damp or wet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
35.1 0.0 QL on wooden walkway @ Sign to National Airport. Do not go Straight climbing onto concrete on-ramp to Roosevelt Bridge!
35.4 0.3 S at end of wooden bridge
35.8 0.4 X under Memorial Bridge, narrow
path. NOTE 14th Street bridge
one mile in distance. You will
cross that bridge!
36.8 1.0 X stone humpback bridge
36.9 0.1 R to on-ramp to 14th St bridge
Coming across 14th St bridge, notice Washington Momument in distance. This is the next control.
37.6 0.7 X E Basin Dr UM toward
Jefferson Memorial.
37.6 0.0 QR onto sidewalk paralleling
road. Stay on sidewalk
keeping road to R.
Follow signs to National Mall
37.9 0.3 X bridge over Washington
Channel: Tidal Basin is to Left
38.1 0.2 R @ TL to X US1 Maine Ave SW.
After sign to Washington Mall.
Remain on sidewalk Heading
toward Washington Monument
38.3 0.2 X Independence Avenue.
Continue on sidewalk next to road. Trees ahead and on left hide Monument. But in a hundred yards you should see a small, white stone building ahead.
HEAD Toward small building directly ahead and to R of based of Monument
38.4 0.1 **CONTROL**2 INFO Washington Lodge to east of Washington Monument. (Note if you look north, you can see the White House hidden in the trees.)
Answer Question on Control Card
38.4 0.0 Continue on sidewalk. Bear left in big oval around Monument (sweeping left, not tight left with a climb toward base of monument).
Soon you should see the WWII memorial with big flags and columns.
38.7 0.3 BR at sign to WWII memorial
heading precisely due west.
You are headed past the WWII memorial to the Lincoln Memorial.
38.8 0.1 X 17th St SW. Pass WWII
Memorial—it is on your Left.
Ride down sidewalk keeping
Reflecting Pool to your left.
39.3 0.5 BR onto semi-circular ramp
to avoid steps ahead and to L.
39.4 0.1 L onto road in front of Lincoln
Memorial, ride past Memorial
39.5 0.1 BR onto road: Lincoln Memorial
39.5 0.0 L 23rd S SW UM. Get in right
lane. Road heads directly south
toward a TL. Across the
intersection is a traffic circle
round a statue.
39.6 0.1 X Independence Ave SW @TL
39.7 0.1 Ride toward river, past Ericsson
statue in traffic circle on L
39.7 0.0 R jumping curb @T to sidewalk /
bike path next to river.
YOU are now heading to Georgetown (follow signs) and will generally be keeping the river to your left & major roads to your right, heading roughly north, next 1.5 Miles to milepoint 40.8
Watch for signs to Capital Crescent Trail, that's where you are trying to go ...
39.8 0.1 X under Memorial Bridge UM
39.9 0.1 X under Potomac Pkwy NW UM
39.9 0.0 BL tro bike path; sign to
Georgetown after turn. Volleyball
courts on R
40.1 0.2 X Rock Creek Pkwy w/CAUTION
40.1 0.0 QR tro bike path @T (river ahead)
40.3 0.2 X under I-66 UM. Kennedy
Center coming up on R
40.8 0.5 X Virginia Ave SW tro bike path,
past brown sign to Thompson
Boat Center
40.9 0.1 BL under Whitehurst Freeway
tro bike path after "Use Sidewalk"
sign and huge stone pillar.
41.0 0.1 S on sidewalk at 30th St NW, sign
to C&O Canal and Capital
Crescent Trail.
You can stay on sidewalk until dead end or get
on road, staying under overhead freeway.
41.6 0.6 S at end of road onto Capital
Crescent Trail @ gate w/SS's
44.3 2.7 S crossing old railway bridge over
C&O Canal
48.0 3.7 mile marker 4 sign,brown, on R
48.0 0.0 L Little Falls Pkwy UM after sign
for Trolley Trail. White pylons
both directions ...
48.0 0.0 QS (Arlington Rd goes R)
48.2 0.2 BL/QR onto marked bike path
along road to right of oncoming
lane. Do not BR onto Fairfax Rd.
Road becomes Glenbrook Rd.
48.3 0.1 X MD191 Bradley Blvd@T tro
Glenbrook Rd
48.9 0.6 X Hampden Ln
49.0 0.1 X Edgemoor Ln
49.0 0.0 1st L Moorland Ln ETM
49.1 0.1 BR tro Moorland (Hampden goes L)
49.2 0.1 L Wilson Ln/188 @SS TRAFFIC
49.3 0.1 R Hampden Ln
49.3 0.0 QBL tro Hampden Ln
49.7 0.4 L Huntington Pkwy @SS
49.9 0.2 R MD Bradley Blvd/191 @T/TL
49.9 0.0 QR Bradmoor Dr
50.1 0.2 X Mckinley@SS
50.5 0.4 X Greentree@SS->Lindale Dr
50.8 0.3 R Johnson Ave@SS
51.0 0.2 L Burley ->Beech Ave
51.4 0.4 X Old Georgetown Rd/187@TL
51.6 0.2 L Montgomery Dr
51.8 0.2 BR Bethesda Trolley Trail ETM!
51.9 0.1 Cross bridge over I-495 Beltway.
52.2 0.3 R Fleming@T/UM
52.4 0.2 R Grosvenor Ln@SS
52.9 0.5 L Rockville Pike@TL
(from right lane)
53.0 0.1 1st R Tuckerman Ln@TL
53.2 0.2 1st R Montrose before “Parkside”
53.2 0.0 QL tro Montrose@T/SS
53.5 0.3 1st R Weymouth
54.0 0.5 S around guardrail tro Weymouth
54.1 0.1 R Knowles Ave@T/SS
54.3 0.2 L Beach Drive@TL, take road
55.1 0.8 R Garrett Park@T/SS
55.3 0.2 BL Dewey
56.1 0.8 X Randolph Rd@TL
56.4 0.3 L into Winding Creek Park @
bottom of hill; ride back to end of
parking lot; L/R jog onto trail
(sign to Dewey Rd); X small
wooden bridge
56.6 0.2 S onto Dewey Rd
56.8 0.2 R Gaynor@T/SS
56.9 0.1 X Viers Mill@TL ->Parkland Dr
57.0 0.1 3rd L Caldwell St
57.3 0.3 L Falcon St@T/SS
57.4 0.1 R Larkin Pl
57.6 0.2 R Wissahican Ave@SS
57.7 0.1 L Magellan Ave@T/SS
58.1 0.4 L Iris St@T/SS
58.1 0.0 X Aspen Hill Rd@SS ->Loree Rd
58.8 0.7 L Renn St@T/SS
58.9 0.1 R Arctic Ave@T/SS
59.2 0.3 X Bauer Dr@SS
59.7 0.5 L Bel Pre Rd@SS
60.3 0.6 X Norbeck/28@TL CAUTION-
>Emory Ln
60.5 0.2 R Sunflower Dr@SS
61.4 0.9 L Hornbeam Dr /ETM
61.7 0.3 R Sycamore Ln
61.8 0.1 X Muncaster Mill Rd/SS
62.4 0.7 L Pinetree Rd@T/SS
62.6 0.2 R Emory Ln@T/SS TRAFFIC
62.9 0.3 L George Washington Dr
63.4 0.5 R Continental Dr
63.6 0.2 X Cashell Rd@SS
63.8 0.2 L Macduff Ave@SS
64.0 0.2 R Cherry Valley Dr@TC/Yield ->
Wellfleet Dr
64.4 0.4 R Hines Rd@T/SS
64.6 0.2 L Lafayette Dr
64.7 0.1 L Queen Elizabeth Dr
65.2 0.5 S onto path through woods
65.3 0.1 S onto Danube Ln
65.5 0.2 R Morningwood Dr @T/SS
66.5 1.0 Stop at MD97 /TL
66.5 0.0 **CONTROL 3**OPEN in Olney
e.g. Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds & Dominos on L (WALK bikes on sidewalk), or BP across intersection.
Open 08:09/Close 12:08
66.5 0.0 retrace on Morningwood Dr
67.2 0.7 S tro Morningwood Dr @SS
67.3 0.1 R Queen Elizabeth Dr
67.5 0.2 L Gelding Ln
67.9 0.4 X Bowie Mill Rd@SS >Briars Rd
68.1 0.2 L Thornhurst Dr
68.2 0.1 1st R Thornberry Ln
68.4 0.2 R Olney Mill@T/SS
68.5 0.1 X MD108@TL
69.1 0.6 L Mt Olney Ln@SS
69.6 0.5 L Greyheaven Manor Rd DH/ETM
69.7 0.1 L Brookeville Rd@T/SS
71.1 1.4 R Zion Rd@SS
74.0 2.9 R Sundown Rd. @T (SS)
74.4 0.4 L Howard Chapel Rd.
74.7 0.3 X Damascus Rd. MD 650 (SS)
Nick Bull 202-286-3749/Bill Beck 410-707-5100
(“tired” is NOT an emergency, but please DO call to inform us if you abandon, as we must account for all riders; if no answer, please leave a message)
76.7 2.0 L Jennings Chapel Rd. @T (SS)
78.0 1.3 BL tro Jennings Chapel Rd
@Daisy Rd
81.2 3.2 BL Florence Rd.
81.8 0.6 X Woodbine Rd MD94 (SS)
82.8 1.0 BR St. Michaels Rd
84.1 1.3 R Hardy Rd
85.0 1.9 X Frederick Rd. MD 144 (SS)
-> L Watersville Rd
85.4 0.4 X bridge over I-70
85.5 0.1 X Old Frederick Rd MD
87.0 1.5 R tro Watersville Rd DH/ETM
(X RR track), caution curve
89.9 2.9 R Gillis Falls Rd @T/SS
90.1 0.2 L Cabbage Spring Rd
91.9 1.8 L tro Cabbage Spring @T (SS)
91.9 0.0 QR Ridge Rd MD27 (SS)
92.5 0.6 L Roop Rd
92.5 0.0 QR tro Roop @ Kimberly (SS)
94.9 2.4 X MD26 Liberty Rd (SS)
95.8 0.9 R Buffalo Rd@T/SS
97.3 1.5 L Sams Creek Rd @T (SS)
97.8 0.5 R South Marston Rd
98.6 0.8 L Marston Rd/407 @Y/SS
99.4 0.8 R MD31 New Windsor Rd @T (SS)
101.4 2.0 S High St (SS) (Main St goes R)
New Windsor (7-11 1/2 mile off
101.6 0.2 L MD75 Green Valley Rd
102.3 0.7 R MD84 Clear Ridge Rd
102.7 0.4 R tro MD84 Clear Ridge Rd
105.3 2.6 R Uniontown Rd tro MD84
105.3 0.0 QL Trevanion Rd tro MD84
106.1 0.8 R Baust Church Rd tro MD84 /DH
108.1 2.0 R MD832 Old Taneytown Rd
108.9 0.8 L Tyrone Rd
109.0 0.1 X MD140 Taneytown Pike /SS
111.6 2.6 L Stone Rd @T (SS)
112.3 0.7 R Arters Mill Rd
114.4 2.1 X Mayberry tro Arters Mill /SS
117.0 2.6 X Black’s Schoolhouse Rd/SS
117.0 0.0 BL MD 97 Littlestown Pike /SS
117.4 0.4 Enter Adams County, PA
-> PA97/Baltimore Pike
119.5 2.1 R PA194 E King St /TL-
119.6 0.1 **Control 4** @ Sheetz on R
Open 10:39/Close 17:48
119.6 0.0 L E King St retracing from control
119.7 0.1 X Queen St/TL > W. King St
120.7 1.0 R Fish & Game Rd
123.3 2.6 R Mud College Rd
123.8 0.5 L Krug Rd
125.1 1.3 L Hoffman Home Rd@T/SS
125.1 0.0 QR Orphanage Rd
127.2 2.1 L Barlow-Two Taverns Rd @T/SS
128.6 1.4 R PA134/Taneytown Rd @T/SS
130.7 2.1 L Wright Ave into Gettysburg
Battlefield (sign on ground on R
after turn)
131.3 0.6 R Sykes Ave/SS/UM uphill
131.7 0.4 S Sedgwick Ave/SS/UM
132.2 0.5 S Hancock Ave
132.5 0.3 BL @ fork (Minnesota Monument