Syllabus for

SuttonMiddle School

Sixth Grade♦English Language Arts

Mrs. McAleer’s website:


Main Office: 404-802-5600

SuttonMiddle School is an InternationalBaccalaureateMiddleYearsProgramSchool. It is a program of international education designed to help students develop the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world.

Teacher Bio: Mrs. McAleer earned her Bachelor’s Degree in English at theUniversityof South Florida and her Teacher Certification and Master’s Degree at MercerUniversity. She has been teaching at Sutton for six years and is certified to teach Language Arts, Reading, Gifted, ESOL, and Social Studies.

Course Description: 6th Grade English Language Arts students will be actively involved in building on their reading, writing, and grammatical skills. A variety of instructional methods will be used in the classroom, including cooperative grouping, individual projects, presentations, enrichment, and acceleration. Our academic year is currently divided into eight themed units listed below. All content is aligned with the Georgia Performance Standards. These standards can be viewed at

Georgia Performance Standards Based Units for 1st Semester:

  • Narrative Texts and Poetry

Students will be exposed to a wide variety of novels, short stories and poems and analyze the techniques utilized by the authors. Students will create their own narrative works which demonstrate their knowledge and command of the English language and of English grammar and mechanics.

  • Expository Texts and Research Writing

Students will read, explore, and produce expository works. Proper and reliable research procedures will be taught and demonstrated through a research paper.

  • Persuasive Texts

Students will read, explore, and produce persuasive works. Persuasive writing techniques will be taught and demonstrated through a persuasive essay.

Georgia Performance Standards Based Units for 2nd Semester:

  • Standards Review

Students will briefly review genres previously studied in first semester.

  • Analyzing and Creating Nonfiction Texts

Students will be exposed to a wide variety of nonfiction texts and analyze the techniques utilized by the authors. Students will create their own nonfiction works which demonstrate their knowledge and mastery of the genre studied.

  • Response to Literature

Students will read novels and respond in writing to the authors’ themes and techniques.

  • Mythology

Student will read, explore, and respond to mythologies from various cultures, with an emphasis on Greek mythology.


  • Prentice Hall Literature (used in the classroom only)
  • Various novels, short stories, poems, and essays from other sources
  • Sadlier-Oxford’s Vocabulary Workshop will be issued to every student.


  • Pencils and erasers
  • One 1 inch binder
  • Loose leaf notebook paper
  • Blue or black pens
  • Pocket dictionary and synonym/antonym dictionary recommended

Academic Grading Scale: A = 90 – 100

B =80 – 89

C = 70 – 79

F =0 – 69


25%-Tests and Quizzes

20%-Writing Assignments and/or Projects

30%-Classwork and/or Participation

15%-Independent Reading/Accelerated Reader


Grade Notification: The Infinite Campus Parent Portal is available.

Deficiency NoticesReport Cards

9/7/11 10/14/11

11/11/11 1/10/12

2/3/12 3/16/12

4/13/12 6/1/12

Absences and Late Work: Late work is not accepted. When a student is absent, that student is responsible for obtaining their work from the teacher. Students are allowed three days in which to make up any missed work. In the case of an extended absence, please contact the teacher as soon as possible.

Conferences and Communication: Email is the best way to contact the teacher. All emails will be returned within two school days of receipt. If you wish to schedule a conference, please contact Jennifer Miller in the main office at (404) 802-5600.

Verification of Parent Receipt:

Please fill out and return tomorrow.


Sign and return to your language arts teacher byFriday, August 19th, 2011. This counts as a homework assignment.

My parents/guardians and I have read and discussed the syllabus and understand what is expected of me in language arts class.

Please print student’s name here: ______


Parent/Guardian SignatureStudent Signature

Date ______Date ______

Address (Please include zip code):

Email address:

Cell Number:

Home Number:

Work Number:

Other Family contact: