To: Dr. Roseberry From: (Name, phone #, address, and email here)
You need to give me all forms and your resume at least 3 WEEKS (21 days) before the letter is due. I will not accept any late forms. I only accept electronic and paper forms and requests made during the school year before November 30 in the fall and April 30 in the spring. I do not accept requests or paper or electronic forms to fill out after those times. Any forms—electronic or paper—sent after those dates will be filled out the next semester.
CSUS Deadline: February 15, 2015
UOP Deadline: January 21, 2015
Calif. State Univ East Bay Deadline: March 1, 2015
I have taken 3 courses with you and received the following grades:
SPHP 112 A- SPHP 143 B+ SPHP 126 A
Grade point average within the speech pathology major: 3.96
Work Experience
Worked for the past 3 years as a nanny for an autistic child, providing in-home care and tutoring
Worked for Santa Clara County Program leading a teen group in a Celebrating Families Program. I helped teens from chemically dependent families to build communication skills and reunite with their families.
Worked at Nordstrom in various cities, holding positions in both sales and management.
Worked for Washington Mutual as a teller
Volunteer Experience
Worked at Mustard Seed School in Sacramento, reading with children and assisting in individual and group instruction
Served as an assistant in Special Olympics
Served at Our Lady of Piety Church in San Jose, serving meals to the homeless
Worked at St. John Neighborhood Center in Hayward, tutoring Asian elders from the community who were working toward their U.S. citizenship
Taught Sunday school to junior high school students
Went to Mexico with church group to build homes for low-income families
Volunteered in daughter’s elementary school, assisting in her classroom in grades 1, 2, 3
Multicultural Experience
At Mustard Seed School (above), children were from the following backgrounds: White, African American, and Hispanic
The homeless population whom I worked with at Our Lady of Piety Church in San Jose was comprised of Hispanic, White, African American, and Native American persons
In my daughter’s elementary school, I worked closely with several Russian students, helping them with their English and overall academic skills
As mentioned above, I worked with elderly Asian clients
I am Filipino and speak fluent Tagalog. I have also taken introductory Spanish.
Offices, Honors, Scholarships, Awards, Other Commendations
Member, Golden Key National Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society
Member, I Tappa Kegga Honor Fraternity Dean’s List, CSUS, 4 semesters
Member of CSUS NSSLHA Student Member of CSHA
I R.O.C.K. President’s Scholarship
Continuing Education/Additional Workshop and Conference Attendance
Attendance at ASHA, 2012, in Boston Attended CSHA, 2015, San Jose
Attendance at CSHA, 2013, in Los Angeles
Attendance at UCDavis Mind Institute’s Conference on Autism, spring, 2014
Attendance at NSSLHA Annual Spring Conference, spring, 2014
It is good to list the exact workshops you attended at each convention.
1. Please submit the above memo with all forms required by the institution(s) you are applying to AND remember to fill out all personal information required on the forms. I don’t fill in personal info for you.
2. I will need a stamped, self-addressed (to your home) 8 X 10 manila envelope and business sized envelopes addressed to the admissions committee at each institution. I will mail you the letter(s) and forms (in sealed envelopes with my signature across the seal) in the manila envelope (once they are done—allow at least 3 weeks) for your submission to each institution. I will include a copy of the letter for you. If you do not submit a stamped, self-addressed manila envelope to your home, your letters will sit in my office until you come by to personally pick them up during the school year. For institutions that require that I mail the letter directly to them, I will return the forms and letters to you with my signature across the seal.
3. So that you know, here is generally how I rank you on CSUS and other institution’s forms:
Major GPA of 3.9-4.0: Top 5%
Major GPA of 3.7-3.8: Top 10%
Major GPA of 3.4-3.6: Top 25%
Major GPA of 3.3 and below Top 50%
I do not leave anything with Annette. Again, everything is mailed directly to your home. PLEASE be sure to put enough postage on your manila envelope.
I am willing to submit electronically for you. However, I only do this during the regular school year through November 30 in the fall and April 30 in the spring. I do not fill out or submit electronic forms after that.
GOOD LUCK! The world is waiting for you!