Xi State Organization

Founded in Nashville, TN, 1935

Beverly Smith, President 2013-2015

Leadership Links December, 2013

Hello, Everyone!

I hope you’ve recovered from your turkey feasts and your Black Friday shopping experience! I am thankful for the work that you do for DKG throughout the year. There are a lot of good things going on with DKG and Xi State! I hope you’ll find many things to share with your members in this issue of Leadership Links.

International Reports—Make It a Party!

·  Each chapter president should have received an email from International President Beverly Helms re: the reports which need to be filed. Forms are on the DKG website under “Forms”.

·  The deadline for all reports is February 1.

·  Consider having a gathering of all the chapter officers/committee chairs who have a report to complete. That way each person will have ready resources at hand if she needs help! Throw in some good snacks and make it a party!!

·  Please don’t hesitate to contact an state officer/committee chair if you have questions. The information you report will help them to file their own report to International. A list of which state contact should receive each report and their email addresses is attached.

·  Let’s set the standard for other state organization with a goal to have 100% of the chapter reports filed!!!

Yearbook Submision

·  Submit yearbook for evaluation (and points!) to Xi State 1st VP Dr. Elaine Alexander by December 15.

·  Evaluation form is available on the state website.

Workshop Presenters Needed

·  Encourage members with special training or interests to share their expertise by presenting a workshop at the Xi State convention on Friday, June 6, 2014.

·  Workshop proposal form is available on the state website.

·  Please submit proposal forms to Xi State 1st VP Dr. Elaine Alexander by December 15.

Vision Foundation Monies Available

·  Applications for the Liz Whorley Bradley Professional Growth Award and for Vision Foundation Grants are available on the Xi State website.

·  Due date is December 31. Submit applications to Barbara Hinson at .

Member and Chapter Profiles

·  Member Profile is to be completed by each member between Sept. and Jan.

·  Chapter president or membership chair should compile that data for their chapter.

·  Form is available on the Xi State website. Click on Xi State Resources and then Leadership Links.

Looking to the Future

·  Now is the time to be preparing a slate of chapter officers for the next biennium.

·  Training will be in the spring: East TN (Mar. 29), Middle TN (Apr. 12), and West TN (Apr. 26)

Pictures Needed for Educational Excellence Newsletter

·  The Nov/Dec newsletter from International is attached and is also on the Xi State website.

·  Chapters are encouraged to submit pictures and program/project details which relate to support for Early Career Educators. This will be the focus of the news EEC newsletter.

·  Submit pictures and/or program or project articles to Dr. Dorrie Powell at .

State Projects: Essay Competition

·  Plan for your chapter to participate in the High School Essay competition. This is a great way to advertise DKG’s name in the local community. Details for the essay contest are available on the state website.

Legislative Symposium Set for Feb. 4-5, 2014

·  Millenium Maxwell House in Nashville. Room rate: $112 plus tax. Reservations must be made directly with the hotel by January 5, 2014. Call 1-800-457-4460 or reserve online at www.maxwellhouse.com using group code 1402DELTAK.

·  Breakfast buffet on Wednesday morning will be $24 person. Checks must be made out to Xi State and should be mailed to Karen Phillips at 6603 State Line Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37412.

·  Registration forms for the symposium and breakfast reservations are available on the Xi State website.

·  Please fill out a registration form even if you do not stay at the hotel or come to the breakfast.

·  Questions? Contact Karen at or (423) 855-0637.

Are You Applying for Graduate School? Pursuing a Graduate Degree?

·  Your Xi State and International sisters are here to support you! Both Xi State and International offer scholarships for DKG members.

·  Requirements (e.g., minimum of 3 years membership) and application details are available online. Xi State (www.xistate.org/forms.html ---scroll down to the Xi State Scholarships section) and International (www.dkg.org/category/forms/application-form ---select the 2014-2015 Scholarship Application link).

·  ALL scholarships have a February 1 postmark deadline.

Chapter Rules Updates and Review Submissions

·  The Rules Committee thanks Nu, Alpha Rho, Beta Kapa, Beta Rho, and Gamma Omicron for submitting their revised/updated chapter rules before Dec. 1.

·  Committee members are reviewing and returning comments as quickly as possible.

·  Other chapters due for rules review this year are strongly encouraged to get revised/updated rules submitted before Christmas, but absolutely by April 1, 2014.

Beginning Leadership Seminar: “Artful Leadership”

·  Members who have never participated in a leadership seminar are encouraged to apply by the February 4 deadline. *Speaking from personal experience, this is a phenomenal opportunity. I met some of my dearest DKG sisters at Leadership Seminars.

·  Presenter will be Dr. Kay Clawson, current International Leadership Committee chair and nominee for NE Regional Director for the 2014-2015 biennium.

·  Dates are March 7-9, 2014; seminar will conclude Saturday night but participants are encouraged to stay Saturday night to have some quality bonding time with the others. You’ll be glad you did!!

·  Seminar will be held at the Cumberland Mountain State Park in Crossville, TN.

·  Applications are available on the Xi State website. Submit application to

Curriculum of Hope

·  Curriculum of Hope is a Standing Committee of the Connecticut State Organization. I received a newsletter and was asked to forward it to all of you. However, it’s a 12-page document and I opted to provide you with the web address instead: www.deltakappagamma.org/CT/hopenews.php

Several of the items in this issue refer to the state or international websites. These are provided for your convenience.

·  Xi State website www.xistate.org. Many of the cited documents are available under Forms.

·  International website www.dkg.org

Attachments to This Email:

·  State contact info for officer/committee reports

·  International EEC newsletter