System Doc – Stopping Feed from Client DBs to Leads box


Once a Client starts with BAB, we set up auto-feeding of leads from Client’s various databases to our Leads box. For any reason, when the client decides to pause services with us, we have to stop that auto-feed so leads box is not getting those emails anymore and they are not processed.


1.  Steve notifies the Lost Client to Lavern.

2.  Lavern pulls out sample emails for that client and forwards to DB lead and CC Shaveta.

3.  DB lead reviews the emails from Lavern and review the TO and From field of the email to identify which database the email is coming from. Sometimes they can be simply coming from client’s gmail if it has been set up to forward leads to our leads box.

4.  DB leads goes to logins for the client in QB and open each database (identified in Step 3) and check settings of that databases and remove our leads email from there.

5.  If the logins do not work anymore, email the client using Template below and copy Amber Good , Steve Kantor and Lavern Edwards.

6.  See Appendix for an example on how to remove feed from various databases using steps above.

DB Team – Keep this document updated for any new database as it comes.

Template –

Hi Client Firstname,

In order to capture your leads in real-time and get them entered into your CRM, we had set up the auto-forwarding of the leads from your name of the database database to our leads box.

Unfortunately, you have decided to pause services with us and since we are not entering leads for you anymore, you will want to cut that feed.

You can either choose to do it yourself by going to the settings section of the database or we can help you with the same.

Please provide us the logins for the database so we can remove the feed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reply all to this email and we will contact you.

Thank you,

Your firstand last name



Top Producer

1.  Email Sample –

In example above you can see that – the email is coming from Top Producer database and it is going to .

So we can tell that leads box is getting forward from and not directly from TP.

So we will have to access the client’s email to remove that forwarding.

2.  Now go to QB for logins

Since I know that the forwards are coming from client’s email, I will access the Outlook.

Go to Settings and look for email forwarding section.

Remove Leads box email