English 1310
Grading Criteria for Paper 2
AThe A paper is outstanding work. The writer demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the topic and communicates this understanding by
- Offering a clear, insightful, and interesting description of the situation/place/event
- Suggesting why the stereotype/idea discussed might seem rational to the people who hold it
- Using specific, precise detailed language
- Using a structure that suggests some change (correcting a wrong idea, portraying an internal change or a change from the beginning to the end of the situation) or suggests why not change at all occurs
- Having no more than one comma error in the use of compound and complex sentences
- Demonstrating a fluency of grammar and usage that does not distract the reader
- The style of the writing is consistently polished and distinctive.
BThe B paper is good work. The writer demonstrates a good understanding of the topic and communicates this by
- Offering a mostly clear, insightful, and interesting description of the situation/place/event
- Suggesting why the stereotype/idea discussed might seem rational to the people who hold it
- Using specific, precise detailed language with only a few instances of vague or imprecise language
- Using a structure that mostly suggests some change (correcting a wrong idea, portraying an internal change or a change from the beginning to the end of the situation) or suggests why not change at all occurs
- Having no more than one or two comma errors in the use of compound and complex sentences
- Demonstrating a fluency of grammar and usage that mostly does not distract the reader
- The style of the writing is mostly polished and distinctive.
CThe C paper indicates a satisfactory performance. The writer demonstrates a cursory understanding of the topic and communicates this by
- Offering a description of the situation/place/event that is confusing or unclear or dull
- Not suggesting why the stereotype/idea discussed might seem rational to the people who hold it
- Using vague or imprecise language; a lack of specific details
- Using a structure that does not suggest some change (correcting a wrong idea, portraying an internal change or a change from the beginning to the end of the situation) or does not suggest why not change at all occurs
- Having more than three comma errors in the use of compound and complex sentences
- Demonstrating a lack of fluency of grammar and usage, distracting the reader
- The style of the writing is not polished and not distinctive.
D/FThe D or failing paper fails
- To address the prompt
- To make any attempt to use specific details
- To structure the paper in any way