June 15th 2014

The Most Holy Trinity

St. Joseph Church

06/14 Sat 4:00 pm +Fr. Eric Freed 06/15 Sun 8:00 am Mass for the People 06/16 Mon 7:30 am Eucharistic Service 06/17 Tue 7:30 am Eucharistic Service 06/18 Wed 7:30 am +Evelyn Clark 06/19 Thu 7:30 am Eucharistic Service 06/20 Fri 7:30 am +Morrison Gardner 06/21 Sat 4:00 pm +Harold Plourde

St. Joseph Hospital

06/17 Tue 11:30 am +Lois Gardner 06/19 Thu 11:30 am Int. Rosemary Simera

St. Bernard Church

06/15 Sun 10:00 am +Geneva Fleming

06/16 Mon 12:15 pm Eucharistic Service

06/17 Tue 12:15 pm Int. Rosemary Simera

06/18 Wed 12:15 pm +Oriel Ayers 06/19 Thu 12:15 pm Eucharistic Service 06/20 Fri 12:15 pm +McKenna Family

This Week’s Meeting Events 06/17 Tue 6:30 pm Latin American Club 06/19 Thu 7:00 pm No RCIA 06/21 Sat 11:00 am Choir Practice

ALL Are Welcome ─ Join the choir. Rehearsals are at 11 am on Saturdays at St. Bernard's Church. Please contact Issa @ 707-840-9514 with any questions.

Eucharistic Adoration is at St. Bernard Church every Wednesday after the 12:15 pm Mass until 9 pm. Come let us adore Him.

Finance Corner Last weekend the plate collection was $3,371 and Priests Benefits & Welfare was $1,380.

Second Collection

This weekend the collection will be for Maintenance & Repair. Next weekend the collection will be for the Mission in Vietnam.

Stewardship Corner

The Gospel today is sometimes called “the Gospel in miniature” because it so concisely sums up the Gospel message. In even more condensed form, “God loved…God gave…” is the paradigm for stewardship—we give because we love.

Leave a Legacy
If you own a home but need more income NOW, you can create a "life income trust" that pays you income for life, defers capital gains tax, and leaves the principal to your parish later. Consult your financial advisor or call Humboldt Area Foundation at 707-442-2993 for more information.

CAPITAL CAMPAIGN ANNUAL MINISTRIES APPEAL Please do not forget the Capital Campaign as we are still $87,0034 short of our goal. Thank you for all who donated to the AMA for 2014. We needed $26,900 and we have $33,534 pledged. Thank you for your consideration of these important campaigns.

A Memorial Mass for Fr. Eric Freed - 6 month Anniversary since his passing, will be celebrated on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 at 7:00 PM, St. Bernard Church. The homilist will be Fr. David Anderson, friend and colleague of Fr. Eric. Fr. Anderson has been highly complimented on the homily he gave at the Memorial Mass in Cotati after Fr. Eric's death. A reception will follow in the parish hall. This will be the last parish gathering with Fr. Loren Allen as our administrator. Please join us to memorialize Fr. Eric and give gratitude to Fr. Loren.

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Josephine Alverez, Evelyn Avila, James Avila, Patricia Ayers, Hannah Bergenske, Chet Branum, Mark Bridenbaugh, Dr. Richard Bridenbaugh, Dennis Cahill, William Camargo, Pat Capik, Sr. Gertrude Connolly, Mary Davey, Helen Dick,Vilma Francesconi, Therese & Paul Grella, Don Hanner, Jackie Hill, Jim Hill, Kelly, Richard Kelly, Dick Lester, Joyce Marty, Cathy McCormack, Donna Nunes, John O’Neill, Mary Pedley, Joanne Hebert Ray, Dr. Charles Rigney, Gina Rumble, Donna Selsor, Billy Simera, Joseph Simera, Rosemary Simera, Ginger Soderfelt, Judi Stopkowicz, George & Jeanette Templin, Greg Weigel, Marian Weigel, Seth Woolf, and all our brothers and sisters in need of prayer and healing.

CAR WASH BBQ On Saturday, June 21, from 9:00am to 2:00pm the Knights of Columbus Squires will be having their annual fundraising car wash and BBQ in the St. Bernard’s Church parking lot. Cars are $5 and trucks are $7. While you are getting that done, sit and enjoy freshly cooked hamburgers and hotdogs, chips, and a variety of soft drinks. It's the best deal in town, and the best place to spend your money!


Thanks to all who participated or contributed at any level, especially the RCIA team: Kevin Emmanuel, Karen Emerson and Chet Williams.Your involvement was valuable, not only for those receivingthe Easter sacraments,but indeed for all of St. Bernard Parish. God has blessed us! Dianne Luzzi,Coordinator

If you know you will be going to the Hospital please let us know so a Priest can come and visit/or anoint you. Or if you are in the Hospital and not being visited by a priest call the office.

Franciscan Mission Appeal This weekend, June 14th and 15th, Fr. Bruce Lamb the Conventual Franciscan Friar is making an appeal fortheir Mission in Vietnam. There will be a second collection the weekend of June 21st and 22nd for the mission in Vietnam which serves lepers and the poor. If you would like to support this good work with a check, please make it out to “St. Bernard Parish.” We ask for your generosity and prayers. Thank you!

PRAYER LINE "In fervent prayer you will receive the light, strength and grace that you need to sustain you, and to share with others." ~ Sister Lucia dos Santos If you have a special need of any sort, your prayer intentions may be called in to Toni. You can reach her 24/7 at 445-3616.

Pregnancy Care Center At the PCC we offer diapers, baby clothes, toys, baby food, formula, and other supplies to the women and children in our community, while showing them God’s love and kindness. Will you partner with us for the month of June by donating the supplies we run out of the most? When you’re at the store pick up a package (or two) of diapers to bless the ministry! Just look for the bassinet in St. Bernard’s Church. Thank you for helping! ITEMS WE NEED MOST: Y Diapers Y Wipes Y Baby Shampoo, Lotion and Powder Y Rash Cream Y Formula

The Holy Rosary is recited every morning at 7:10 am, Monday-Friday at St. Joseph Church prior to Mass or Eucharistic Service at 7:30 am. At St. Bernard Church every Sunday before Mass at 9:00 am. Anyone wishing to participate is welcome.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! Parish Picnic is July 20th at Freshwater Park.

To be happy, be thankful.
To be thankful, have faith.
Faith is understanding that all is God's.