Hi! Thank you for your interest in joining our Glistening Divas Team and Pure Romance! Great, extraordinary things are going to happen!

I want to tell you a little about myself and how I got started.

I have been in business for 9 years and counting!

I have 2 very active boys in sports and a husband of 14 years, also a kid :) I am able to do the things I want to do with my boys and their activities while going on at 2 vacations every year! I quit my full time Accounting career to start my own Flexible Career here and make more money in 2 parties than a full 40 hour week at my Accounting job!

I’ve been able to explore the world through free trips from Pure Romance and from the income Pure Romance provides. When I first started I joined to just get out of the house as I started my family at age 18 and my social life was obsolete. So this was a way for me to interact with my old friends and make new ones!

I started with my friends and family. I CALLED everyone in my phone, I private messaged my friends that I haven’t talked to in ages and started a conversation with them on how their life is and asked what they were doing now a days and when they asked back what I was doing, I tell them, I started my own business: Pure Romance! I contacted everyone! And that is what you will need to do too!

My first goal was to go on vacation. As a kid our family didn’t have enough money to go places or a vacation. I wanted to know what vacation was! My first goal was met 8 months later and my husband and I went on our very first vacation to the Bahamas that we took for our 6th year anniversary that we called our honeymoon, as we never got to go on one!

As months went by, my kids were getting big and I started missing them and hated that I had to work when they were on Christmas vacation, school breaks, etc. I hated that I had to take them to the sitters, I wanted to be home with them. So I now do Pure Romance to be with my kids when school is out, on breaks and work my business around them and to let them see the world too!

Pure Romance gives excellent training and tools you need to be successful in what you want to achieve in your life. What do you want to do? Catch up on bills? Pay off credit card debt? Buy a new car? Go to the Caribbean? Pay for your wedding? Be at stay at home mom? Have money for retirement? Whatever you want, Pure Romance can be your ticket to Living Your Fantasy!

I will be your mentor and guide, so you are NOT alone! You are in business for yourself but not by yourself!

So lets chat and see how Pure Romance will not only put romance in your love life but also romance into your everyday life!

Love and Success,

Connie Moritz
