
Meeting: Southampton JSNA Analyst Group

Date: Monday 28th 2014

Time: 11:30 – 13:00

Location: Room 121, Civic Offices, Southampton.

Attendees: Paul Fuller (PF)

Dan King (DK)

Sara Crawford (SC)

Rebecca Wilkinson (RW)

Julia Kennedy (JK)

Miranda Laughton (ML)

Ric Meakin (RM)

Apologies: Pat Jones (PJ)

Colin Burton (CB)

Phil Lovegrove (PL)

Lorraine Johnston (LJ)

Lisa Raison-Trehy (LR-T)

David Culliford (DC)

James Marshall (JM)

1. Minutes from last meeting

ML commented that Vanella Mead is now on secondment to website and that her replacement for the year has been appointed and is due to start on 12th May.

2. Update from JSNA Manager

RW reported on updates to the following JSNA themes:-

·  Mental health – now updated on website

·  Taking responsibility for health – smoking, sexual health, obesity all updated on website but alcohol/drugs still awaiting update (Sally Denley from the PH team is leading on this)

·  Economic wellbeing – housing section completed but not yet updated to website. Other sections (fuel poverty, deprivation and economy) nearly completed.

The timetable for updating the themes has been amended and will be circulated with the minutes. The next theme to be updated is Early Years which Debbie Chase/Tim Davis will be leading on.

Website also now includes some inequalities profiles – vulnerable migrants, gypsy/travellers and homeless.

RW is also working on a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment which is also a statutory responsibility for the local authority.

DK explained the work currently on-going to produce new GP practice profiles. These will also be produced for the six ‘clusters’ of practices in the city which are still currently under consultation for the Better Care fund so having to work to draft definitions at the moment.

3. Sara Crawford – impact of welfare reforms

SC explained the work that is being done locally and nationally to estimate the impact of the welfare reforms. SC’s presentation and other documents to be circulated to the group.

ACTIONS: SC to share presentation and other documents with RW for circulation to group

4. Update from group members on latest data, analysis and projects

ML Starting work on the Strategic Assessment – data for 2013/14 to be collected and plan to be in place in September. The focus is being changed to reflect feedback from the LGA Peer Review process.

JK Survey on changes to waiting list conditions – JK to share the analysis of this when available.

Also, customer profiling of older people with aim of developing targeted interventions to prevent falls. Just starting work on housing services and social return on investment. Hoping to use the Housing Cost Calculator tool but this depends on the cost involved in subscribing.

RM Working on a report for MONITOR which involved 5- year projections rather than the usual 3-year.

PF There has been a restructure of Adult Social Care. Team has been working on a score card with 130 indicators which will be updated monthly. Now has results of the Adult Social Care Survey and will be able to share more on this at the next meeting. Will be doing a Carer’s survey in the Autumn. Also involved in a survey with the CCG on personal budgets. Other work includes Better Care fund and Dilnot modelling.

ACTIONS: JK to share analysis of housing allocations survey with RW for circulation to group

5. AOB

RW mentioned City Survey and MOSAIC – will ask James Marshall to update the group on these at the next meeting.

RW mentioned that Claire Hayward (UHS) would be attending the next meeting to talk about Standardised Hospital Mortality Rates.

ACTIONS: RW to ask JM to update group on City Survey and MOSAIC at the next meeting

7. Dates of next meetings

Monday 14th July 10:00-11:30 West Wing Accessible Meeting Room 065, Civic Centre

Monday 13th October 10:00 – 11:30 room TBC

Distribution: Colin Burton

Miranda Laughton

Marcela Janowska

Pat Jones

Lisa Raison-Trehy

Sarah McCann

Rebecca Wilkinson

Holly Matthews

Paul Fuller

Dan King

Phil Lovegrove

Sara Crawford

David Lago

Julia Kennedy

Lorraine Johnston

Debbie Chase

David Culliford

James Marshall