CCRI Governance Appendix II

DSM 3/2013Page 3

CCRI Governance Appendix II

Governance Council Committee Meetings


Calendar Committee
Date of Agenda Posting:
Meeting Date: / January 14, 2015
Meeting Start Time: / 9:00am
Meeting Actual Start Time: / 9:00am
Meeting Location: / Knight Campus – Room 0028
Meeting Secretary : / J. Galliano – S. Sokoll took notes in absence of Galliano

Member Attendance

Committee Member Name / Title / Present / Notes
Peter Woodberry / Dean Sci., Busn. & Technology / Y
David Snow / Assoc. Dir. Physical Plant / Y
Cathy Tessier / Director of Records / Y
Joanne Galliano / Director of Student Success Ctr. / absent
Edna Mattson / Coordinator Facilities Use / Y
Gail Erinakes / Senior Financial Aid Officer
Rachel Rogers (Psychology) / Assistant Professor / Y
Kerri Friel (Dental Health) / Associate Professor / Y
Bortie Teh / Manager-Systems Development / Y
Ellen Schulte / Public Relations Officer / Y
Stacy Flowers / Recorder/Scheduling Assistant
Sandra Sokoll / Chief Accountant / Y
Guests in Attendance


Agenda Item 1 / Notes on Discussion
Fall 2015 Calendar / Cathy noted that three changes were made to Fall 2015: VOE dates added. Line added to address Monday 10/12/15 schedule being followed on Tuesday October 13,2015. 3 Lines removed that gave Spring registration information (will help with management of the calendar going forward).
Agenda Item 2 / Notes on Discussion
Fall 2015 Calendar Continued / Peter W requested that Cathy verify that Tuesday classes will meet 15 weeks. Verified as the last class meeting time will be Final Exam Week, 12/15/15.
Peter motioned to accept all changes. Edna M seconded the motion, motion carried.
Kerri F motioned to accept the Fall 2015 calendar, Edna seconded, motion carried.
Sandy S will send approved calendar to VP Lamontagne.
Agenda Item 3 / Notes on Discussion
Summer 2015 Calendar / Summer 2015 reviewed Kerri motioned to accept, Rachel 2nd, motion carried.
Peter started discussion regarding overlapping classes for Summer Session 1 and 2. Peter’s concern centered on public disclosure. Cathy pointed out that this happens every session. Some classes are longer (7 weeks vs 6 weeks). Ellen stated that there is a notation in the catalog addressing that some classes may be changed. It was agreed that Cathy, Ellen, and Peter would work on a footnote to add to the calendars. When that verbiage is accomplished it will be added to all calendars. The Fall and Summer 2015 calendars will be re-approved via email. Sandy will then send up to VP Lamontagne. Edna made a motion to approve this action, Kerri seconded, carried.
Agenda Item 5 / Notes on Discussion
Committee Placement and Membership / Sandy addressed group regarding the end of our charge for two years. Discussion whether we are Governance or not. Regardless, everyone who agreed to a two year term on the committee will have completed their obligation at the end of the academic year, May 2015. Sandy will contact VP Lamontagne as to how he would like to proceed. Stacy, Rachel, and Cathy voiced they will stay on. Sandy will stay on if that is what the VP wants.
9:35am Rachel made a motion to adjourn, Edna seconded.
Agenda Item 6 / Notes on Discussion
Establish next meeting date/time / TBD

Meeting Action Items

Action / Assigned To / Deadline

Decisions Made

Decision 1
2015 Fall & Summer Calendars / Approved by committee to send to President’s Council for approval

Meeting End

Meeting Schedule End: / 10:00am
Meeting Actual End: / 10:00am
Next Meeting Date: / TBD
Next Meeting Time: / TBD
Next Meeting Location: / TBD

DSM 3/2013Page 3